1. It is recommended in the fourth paragraph that (   ).

  2. 答案:sons and fathers should understand each other
  3. It is mentioned in the third paragraph that (  ).

  4. 答案:the father and the son should forgive each other
  5. It is mentioned in the second paragraph that (  ).

  6. 答案:the father should be present both in major events and on daily occasions
  7. It is recommended in the first paragraph that a father should (  ).

  8. 答案:give his son proper guidance
  9. In the sentence “they should try to play more of a nurturing role”, “nurturing” means (  ).

  10. 答案:taking care of a child and helping him to develop
  11. Which of the following is NOT true about a start-up company? (  )

  12. 答案:People will not be easily noticed for their laziness.
  13. According to the passage, teamwork is more important for a start- up company because a start-up company (   ).

  14. 答案:has a small staff but big plans, so workers have to cooperate with others
  15. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT one of the differences between big companies and start-up companies? (  )

  16. 答案:Different levels of salary.
  17. According to the passage, which of the following is the advantage of working for big companies?(   )

  18. 答案:It offers a certain future.
  19. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT the reason for the increasing difficulty of college graduates to get a job in a big company? (   )

  20. 答案:Big companies are usually well-established with good reputation.
  21. The five interlocking rings of Olympics represent the five participating continents of the time: Africa, Asia, America, Europe, and Oceania. ( )

  22. 答案:对
  23. There exit some grammar and spelling mistakes in the sentence of “in the 21st century, Confucian thought not only retains the attention of the Chinese, but it also wins an increasing attention from the international community.” ( )
  24. The Father’s Day is on the third Sunday in June. ( )
  25. “它(武术)是中国传统体育运动的一种,年轻人和老年人都练。”可译为:Martial arts is one of China’s traditional sports, all people, old and young, would participate in.( )
  26. The word, “polish” has different meanings in different contexts. ( )
  27. “有时候,生活又必须逆风而行。”可译为:Sometimes, life must be flying against the wind.( )
  28. The language of Chinese bears the features of relevance of meaning, implied logic, short sentences and flexible sentence structure. ( )
  29. The suffix “–able” can combine with verbs to form adjectives. Adjectives formed in this way, such as “affordable”, describe someone or something that is affected by the action or process described by the verb.( )
  30. “留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。”可译为:As long as the green hills are there, one need not worry about firewood.( )
  31. In Text A of Unit 2, A Child’s Clutter Awaits an Adult’s Return, the mother packed up and threw away much of her daughter’s belongings. ( )
  32. The version of “The best beef noodles should acquire the following five features: clear soup, clean white turnips, brilliant red chili oil, green parsley and yellow noodles.”is literal translation.( )
  33. “诚信”is translated as integrity in core socialist values. ( )
  34. “Just nine miles down the highway, another university had been feeling a bit of technology inferiority complex.” This sentence in Text A of Unit 3 means that setting up the Wi-Fi equipment is a complex job. ( )
  35. What are the causes of the success of Khan Academy? ( )
  36. What are the reasons why people get fired from their jobs? ( )
  37. What are the features of Network and New Media Age? ( )
  38. Which of the following aspects are we expected to notice considering word features in Chinese-English translation? ( )
  39. Which of the following Universities belong to The Ivy League (常春藤盟校) ? ( )
  40. We ( ) first responders to rush toward danger, so when one of them dies doing that, we should recognize the heroic action.
  41. What is the theme song of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games? ( )
  42. What is the correct and official translation of “中国白酒”? ( )
  43. “Hand In Hand” is the song of ( )
  44. Which of the following can narrow the topic of “literature” down? ( )
  45. The university has already cut its budget as much as possible without ______ its quality and reputation. ( )
  46. Rats are highly sensitive. Inside a rat’s nose are up to 1,000 different types of olfactory receptors (嗅觉感受器), whereas humans only have 100 to 200 types. This gives rats the ability to detect _______ smells. ( )
  47. “Moon casts a glamour over the river. Lights from campfires shimmer the young lovers.” are the translation of lyrics of ( )
  48. Which English word equals to the eight Chinese words:堂兄,堂弟,堂姐,堂妹,表哥,表弟,表姐,表妹? ( )
  49. The young professor ______ himself as an international leader in the field of mathematics. ( )
  50. What question should be raised if we write on the topic of “Heroes among us”? ( )
  51. Which of the following words is NOT a noun? ( )
  52. When you translate “知己知彼,百战不殆” into English, you may use connective word: ( )
  53. Someday my daughter, the independent woman, will return home. ( ) of her childhood will await her.
  54. When should you do routine work? (  )
  55. You are advised to rise with a yawn and stretch because it will (  ).
  56. If one wants to work more efficiently at his / her low point in the morning, he / she should (  ).
  57. Which of the following may lead to family quarrels according to the passage? (  )
  58. If a person finds getting up early a problem, most probably (   ).
  59. The writer usually raises a question to illustrate his point of view.( )
  60. The traditional classroom-based teaching method has not been influenced at all with the emerging online learning. ( )
  61. One of the advantages of online education is that it allows students to attend classes from any location of their choice. ( )
  62. “太湖有大约九十个岛屿。” Translation 1: Taihu Lake has about 90 islands. Translation 2: There are about 90 lakes located in Taihu Lake. Translation 2 is better than Translation 1. ( )
  63. If you want to become an efficient reader, you would rather read in thought groups than individual words. ( )
  64. In Text A of Unit 4, Heroes among us, the author intends to prove that heroes of our time are not civilians or people around us. ( )
  65. The topic sentence could be “When choosing a university, you must consider some key factors.” when we are required to write on the topic of “How to choose a university”.( )
  66. When talking about someone who is very brave or who is full of courage, people tend to think of a strong figure, and this could not be interpreted as a kind of gender discrimination. ( )
  67. We don’t have to conclude a paragraph with an evaluation when we write in problem-solution pattern.( )
  68. In this sentence, “The scientist was accused of doctoring some research figures”, the word doctoring refers to a person whose job is to treat people who are ill or sick. ( )
  69. Zheng He and Marco Polo are both maritime explorers. ( )
  70. What are the solutions to exhaust fumes? ( )
  71. Who are the leading singers of You and Me in the opening ceremony of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games? ( )
  72. What are the factors to explain the changes in people’s diet? ( )
  73. Which of the following belong to the five basic English sentence structures?
  74. All of the above-mentioned advantages, combined with California’s reputation as the home of technological _______, makes the place ideal for developing and testing systems designed to monitor pollution in detail. ( )
  75. What is the distinct language feature of Chinese? ( )
  76. The college campus, long a place of scholarship and frontiers of new technology, is being ( ) into a new age of electronics.
  77. As to the phenomenon of “students sleep in class”, which of the following could be the objective cause to explain the problem? ( )
  78. Don’t ( ) that you know in advance what fields will interest you the most. Take some courses in fields you’ve never tried before.
  79. “Make money” should be translated into: ( )
  80. Which of the following words does NOT indicate a person? ( )
  81. The ( ) stories of heroes help remind us that ordinary people can do extraordinary things.
  82. The age ________ of the study population will greatly influence the final result. ( )
  83. What could be a solution to taking care of the aging parents? ( )
  84. While she waited, she tried to _______ her mind with pleasant thoughts of vocation. ( )
  85. Which of the following is NOT a challenge to the Twietmeyers?(   )
  86. What is the main function of Project Hopeful? (  )
  87. How many biological children do Carolyn and Kiel have? (  )
  88. Which of the following contributed the most to turn Selah into an energetic girl from dying AIDS patient? (  )
  89. Where do the Twietmeyers live? (  )
  90. Cause-focused means first describing a cause and then explaining the effects.( )
  91. “Despite having a brain no bigger than the tip of your index finger, pigeons have a very __________ memory.” Here we need an adjective to fill in the blank (空白处) and show pigeons have a bad memory. ( )
  92. “车辆的设施不断更新,车速也有了显著提高。” While translating this sentence into English, we do not need to change the subject (主语) if we want to put everything in a single sentence. ( )
  93. Which of the following are the factors to explain the main idea of the the topic of “The First Day as a Freshman”? ( )
  94. What are the highlights of William Shakespeare once we write his life story? ( )
  95. Which of the following are the factors to explain how do I fall in love with my campus? ( )
  96. What is the English version of “红茶”? ( )
  97. Which of the following words can not be followed by a suffix “-ment” to form a new word? ( )
  98. You will learn to get by on very little sleep, meet fascinating people, and ( ) new passions.
  99. Which of the following could be the best topic sentence on the topic of “How to succeed in college? ( )
  100. These were the people who ________ using force to stop violence. ( )
  101. The following Chinese-to-English translation is correct. 许多城市为了鼓励更多人乘坐公交车出行,一直在努力改善公交车的服务质量。 Translation: Many cities in order to encourage more people to take buses while they go out are trying very hard to improve the service quality of buses. ( )
  102. Research on genes will open the door to exciting new medical treatments, in this sentence, the phrase “open the door to” means providing a chance or opportunity, instead of opening a real door. ( )
  103. The sentence of “Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get.” comes from the movie of The Pursuit of Happyness.( )
  104. “Do fun things together” could be one of the solutions to the problem of keeping a good relationship with children.( )
  105. What are the requirements of improving your ability of translation? ( )
  106. What are the features of hypotaxis (形合)of English language? ( )
  107. Which of the following are the factors to define a hero? ( )
  108. What are the causes of peer pressure in college? ( )
  109. The book offers some advice about how to make a good ________ at job interviews. ( )
  110. ________ to what they had expected, the film ended up a total failure. ( )
  111. Which of the following cause teenager smoking? ( )
  112. Which of the following bears the sentence feature of passive and impersonal ? ( )
  113. Students must remember to ( ) and balance their time. Too much time online can mean too little time in real life.
  114. Which of the following is the motto of Harvard University? ( )
  115. What are the solutions to cheating in schools? ( )
  116. What are the solutions to income gap? ( )
  117. Which of the following can not support and explain the main idea on the topic of “The First Day as a Freshman”? ( )
  118. I thought heroes should be people who make a lifetime _______ to helping others. ( )
  119. Which of the following is not the solution to the problem of parents’ disappointment with you. ( )
  120. What kind of role does translation play in the process of interlingual communication? ( )
  121. ______ your age or knowledge of the language, you'll be 100% involved in your studies from the first lesson to the last.( )
  122. Which of the following is not the contrast structure words and phrases? ( )
  123. His policies, especially in the first two years of his presidency, have often been ______ and contradictory. ( )
  124. The slogan of 2020 Tokyo Olympic is “United by Emotion”. ( )
  125. “Nobody grows old merely by a number of years. We grow old by deserting our ideals.” Is this sentence extracted from Samuel Ullman’s Youth? ( )
  126. We could use such subordinators as “because, since and as” to introduce an effect or result.( )
  127. These two words “stationary “and “stationery” not only look similar to each other but also have the similar meaning. ( )
  128. The world “yield” can be both a noun and a verb. ( )
  129. What is the good translation of “一言既出,驷马难追”? ( )
  130. Which of the following words is an adjective? ( )
  131. Going out in a hurry, _________. ( )
  132. The committee’s decision will be _________ to all employees next week. ( )
  133. What are the features of English sentence structure? ( )
  134. Who is the founder of the modern Olympic Games ( )
  135. His opinions would often ______ from one extreme to the other. ( )
  136. Some previous study of music or performance experience is desirable though not a formal ________ for students wishing to take the course. ( )
  137. As a result, we do not see ourselves as capable of giving any useful opinion on the possible ______ that a trial might have on his health. ( )
  138. This is a question concerning Text B of Unit 4, A Hero’s Aspiration. Why does the police officer Jonda feel that she has much to be grateful for too? ( )
  139. The best title for this passage may be (  ).
  140. Mountaineers sometimes have to fight against (  ).
  141. Which of the following statements is NOT true? (   )
  142. Mountaineering is not a game, but a sport because there are no (     ) for it.
  143. Mountaineering involves (  ).
  144. From the passage, we can conclude that (   ).
  145. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage? (  )
  146. The author thinks that television is (   ).
  147. Now with TV people can (  ).
  148. In the past, young men (  ).
  149. In 1896, the first modern Olympic games kicked off in Germany. ( )
  150. “活到老,学到老。”可译为:It’s never too old to learn. ( )
  151. The sentence of “A mother’s love never changes.”belongs to the structure of 主+谓+宾(S+V+O). ( )
  152. Matriarchy refers to a society, system, or country that is ruled or controlled by men. ( )
  153. Many parents are not concerned about the health hazards of having their children spend so many hours staring at a screen. ( )
  154. It was Chen Xiangrong’s mother who said “I don’t have any requests. I just want to know if my son is brave in the battle”. ( )
  155. There is no grammar or vocabulary errors in the sentence of “It showed Zheng He’s outstanding navigation and organization talent; meanwhile, it exhibited the national strength and prestige of the Ming Dynasty, and strengthened the relationships between the Ming Dynasty and the oversea countries.” ( )
  156. Brainstorming is a prewriting technique that is very helpful in generating ideas on a specific topic.( )
  157. The title of Text A of Unit 2 is “A Child’s Clutter Awaits an Adult’s Return”. The word “clutter” means the letter written by the daughter. ( )
  158. According to Text A of Unit 1, Toward a Brighter Future to All, Vera Wang studied fashion design in college and later became a wedding gown designer. ( )
  159. “On one campus, students use “Wi-Fi” to fire off instant messages, review their hometown assignments, and check their bank balances.” Here the word “balance” means the amount that is left after taking numbers or money away from a total. ( )
  160. In the sentence: The increased yield and price of land justified reclaiming and draining even more land, the word “yield” means production of a certain amount. ( )
  161. It is impolite to ask a lady's age in western countries. ( )
  162. “If you think education is expensive, try ignorance.” This statement wants to persuade us that ignorance is cheap.( )
  163. The suffix “-ify” combines with nouns or adjectives to form verbs which describe the process by which a state, quality, or condition is brought about. The words formed in this way include glorify, purify, etc. ( )
  164. “不见不散”可译为:No see no go. ( )
  165. There is no grammar or vocabulary errors in the sentence of “On that night, people gather together to celebrate the festival, looking up at the bright moon and eating moon cakes.” ( )
  166. We generally choose a combination of cause-focused and effect-focused in paragraph writing. ( )
  167. Limiting the topic means to explain the main idea by specific details.( )
  168. In the sentence, “the duties to provide services for children in need are not confined to the local social services department”, the word “confined” could be replaced by the word “limited”. ( )
  169. What procedure we should follow when we write a paragraph in time order? ( )
  170. What factors to explain why college students take part-time job? ( )
  171. What procedure we should follow when we start a paragraph? ( )
  172. What procedure we should follow when we write a cause and effect paragraph? ( )
  173. Which of the following are the factors to deal with stress in college? ( )
  174. Which of the following are the works of Hemingway? ( )
  175. What's the procedure of writing a paragraph of “Question-Example-Conclusion Pattern”? ( )
  176. Which of the following are the highlights of Kobe’s achievements? ( )
  177. What's the procedure of writing a paragraph with “Problem-solution Pattern”. ( )
  178. Which of the following Asian countries have held the summer Olympic Games? ( )
  179. The Broadcasting Museum also offers Saturday workshops to ________ children with the world of radio. ( )
  180. “在未来50年甚至更长的时间里,中国的发展将在很大程度上依赖于今天基础研究和高技术研究的创新成就,依赖于这些研究中所必然孕育的优秀人才。”Suppose you are going to translate this sentence into English. Which of the following can serve as the basic structure of this long sentence? ( )
  181. He was a good worker who was ________ to his family as well as to his work. ( )
  182. What is the good translation of “英雄联盟”? ( )
  183. Which of the following phrases or sentences is INCORRECT grammatically? ( )
  184. What does the term of “implied meaning” mean? ( )
  185. What is the nationality of Romain Rolland ? ( )
  186. An ________ is a very small piece of matter with a negative electrical charge, found in all atoms. ( )
  187. He apologizes for his comments and says he had no intention of ________ the community. ( )
  188. She is a ______ woman who is certain of her ideas and actions. ( )
  189. Who sang the song of “The Power of Dream” in 1996 Atlanta Olympic Games? ( )
  190. Considered one of the toughest marathon events in the world, the 875-kilometer annual Australian race is a ( ) test of endurance for the world’s top athletes.
  191. _______, it cannot be windy. ( )
  192. With the abundant opportunities for self-enrichment provided by the university, there also come ( ).
  193. The products have been __________ to strict tests before leaving the factory. ( )
  194. “We have been practicing for so long and so hard that our team should stand a better chance of winning the game.” Which of the following words has the closest meaning to the word “chance” appeared in this sentence? ( )
  195. “He is a person that you can always ________ when you need help.”In the sentence above, which of the following words can NOT be filled in the blank? ( )
  196. Robin thought that the best _______ to learning a foreign language is the study of the spoken language. ( )
  197. Changes have been made to the construction requirements in this city in order to make the buildings and highways more _________ to earthquakes. ( )
  198. In fact, a recent study in the US found that information technology accounted _______ 5% to 8% of college budgets. ( )
  199. When we are required to write on a “daily routine”, what examples we should select?( )
  200. What is the theme of 2012 London Olympics ? ( )
  201. What made Cliff Young succeed in the Ultramarathon event? ( )
  202. Chronic diseases means illnesses that last for a long time, like heart disease or diabetes. ( )
  203. The Olympic Motto is “Faster,Higher,Stronger”. ( )
  204. Which of the following words can be used to describe a hero? ( )
  205. After reading this text, who do you think are the heroes among us? ( )
  206. Who is the leading actor of The Pursuit of Happyness?( )
  207. In ancient Greek, the word “hero” means the demi-god, the son of a god and a mortal. ( )
  208. When we are required to write a description of our campus, what question should we raise to start a paragraph?( )
  209. Which is a key point when we write in cause and effect pattern?( )。
  210. The theory of “medium is the message” comes from McLuhan’s book: ( )
  211. Which of the following is not the disadvantages of online learning? ( )
  212. Which of the following symbols were once used for human communication? ( )
  213. What is the author’s attitude toward the wide use of information technologies? ( )
  214. The sentence of “She gives me a hug, a big hug! ” belongs to the sentence structure of (   )
  215. As to the problem of “How to keep a good relationship with children?”, which is not included in the solutions?( )。
  216. The mother didn’t hesitate before she rushed to save her kids. I believe that is a ________ instinct. ( )
  217. What does the mother want to express when she says “I am earning myself sweat and sore shoulders” and “she’ll appreciate the years of clean clothes I’ve provided for free”? ( )
  218. How does the mother feel when she describes herself as “a plague of locusts” and asks “How can one girl collect so much in only 18 years?” ( )
  219. The Father’s Day is on the second Sunday of May. ( )
  220. Which following is the best translation for “好好学习,天天向上”?( )
  221. What does the president advise freshmen to do in the end? ( )
  222. Who were mentioned in the video class 1.1? ( )
  223. What’s the topic of the video clip of Yale University?
  224. In university, which of the majors are not included in “STEM”? ( )
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