1.The principle of hydrofoil works similarly to the principle of Knooli. When the ship is sailing at high speed in water, there is a pressure difference between the upper surface of the hydrofoil      , the water velocity         between the hydrofoil and the hull, and the pressure          between the upper and lower surfaces of the hydrofoil, which produces a combined pressure and makes it produce an upward force to raise the hull. ( )(水翼艇原理的工作原理和努利原理相似,当船在水中高速航行时,水翼船的水翼上表面       ,他与船体间的水流速度      ,压强     ,在水翼的上、下表 面存在压强差,产生一个合压强,使其产生一个向上的合力将船体抬高。)
A:Sunken, large, small (凹陷,大,小) B:Sunken, small, large (凹陷,小,大) C:Raised, large, small (凸起,大,小) D:Raised, small, large (凸起,小,大)
2.Hydrofoil boats are divided into        and        according to the position of hydrofoil relative to free water. ( )(水翼艇按水翼与自由水面的相对位置,分为       、      。)
A:Integral and split (整体式和分离式) B:Deep and shallow dips (深浸式和浅浸式) C:Full immersion water and half immersion (全浸式水和半浸式) D:Non-cavitating vs. full cavitating (非空泡与全空泡) 3.Hydrofoils generally sail in      mode when they are disturbed by long wave waves while sailing at sea.( )(水翼艇在海上航行时,当受到长波海浪扰动时,一般采取      模式航行。)
A:Intermediate mode (中间模式) B:Automatic Mode (自动模式) C:Follow up mode (随波模式) D:Platform mode (平台模式) 4.Hydrofoils can be divided into duck type, aircraft type and tandem type according to load distribution.(水翼艇按载荷分布,分为鸭式、飞机式、串联式 。)( )
A:对 B:错 5.Because the hydrofoil body is symmetrical about the longitudinal profile, if the coupling motion of each degree of freedom of hydrofoil is ignored, the six-degree of freedom motion of hydrofoil can be divided into longitudinal motion and transverse motion.(由于水翼艇的的艇体关于纵剖面对称,如果忽略水翼艇的各自由度的耦合运动,可将水翼艇的六自由度运动分为纵向运动运动和横向运动运动。)( )
A:错 B:对

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