1. The normal percussion note over adult lung is_________. ( )

  2. 答案:resonance
  3. Diaphragmatic excursion refers to_________. ( )

  4. 答案:movement of diaphragm from expiration to inspiration
  5. Which of the following statement is true according to the passage? ( )

  6. 答案:Nurses should monitor the electrolyte levels during gastric suction.
  7. Which statement of the auscultation is wrong? ( )

  8. 答案:Airflow through the upper airways and lungs could be assessed by auscultation.
  9. For the patients with GI tubes, the appropriate nursing intervention should be_________. ( )

  10. 答案:removing debris and brushing the patient's teeth frequently
  11. The nurse would use physical assessment findings to__________. ( )

  12. 答案:develop and evaluate a nursing care plan for the patient
  13. A water-soluble lubricant is preferred in gastrointestinal intubation in order to avoid_________. ( )

  14. 答案:risks of lipid pneumonia
  15. Why normal saline is preferable to irrigate the gastrointestinal tube? ( )

  16. 答案:Because it will decrease osmotic action.
  17. The health assessment done by nurses and physicians is_________. ( )

  18. 答案:quite different in scope and focus
  19. Which statement is not true about cognitive behavior therapy? ( )

  20. 答案:It establishes a set of collaborative behaviors.
  21. Which of the following statement is true about OCD patients? ( )

  22. 答案:They perform rituals and get momentary relief from the anxiety.
  23. Which symptom of OCD is NOT mentioned in Paragraph 4? ( )
  24. Psychosurgery is recommended to patients who_________. ( )
  25. At one time, when people knew little about OCD, patients with severe OCD were_________. ( )
  26. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE about the Traditional Chinese Nursing? ( )
  27. The knowledge of TCN includes the following things EXCEPT_________. ( )
  28. Which of the following is true about the theory of Yin-Yang? ( )
  29. According to the passage, what functions does the blood possess? ( )
  30. According to the theories of TCM and TCN, Interventions of TCN, such as dietary nursing, care for the human body by balancing the following things EXCEPT_________. ( )
  31. Psychologist Tom Hess's study showed that___________. ( )
  32. Which of the following statements would Mahzarin Banaji NOT agree to? ( )
  33. All of the following statements are true of Sarah Bottrell EXCEPT that___________. ( )
  34. According to psychologist Becca Levy, age-related stereotypes differ from gender stereotypes in that___________. ( )
  35. Which of the following would express the main idea of the passage? ( )
  36. What is the best approach to determine whether a child has developmental delays? ( )
  37. Which of the following statement is NOT true according to the text? ( )
  38. Immunization for measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) usually begins_________. ( )
  39. It has proven that the best way to promote the growth and development of a healthy child is by_________. ( )
  40. Which of the following information is NOT included during well-child visits? ( )
  41. Having children means the following EXCEPT_________. ( )
  42. When infertility happens, some people seek help from the following resources EXCEPT_________. ( )
  43. According to the text, polygamy appeared in ancient societies as a way to_________. ( )
  44. In ancient times, people adopted a high-born kid to_________. ( )
  45. According to the text, Pharaohs in ancient Egypt _________. ( )
  46. During preoperative assessments, the following needs are determined EXPECT __________.( )。
  47. Clients must sign a consent form in order to__________.( )。
  48. What does the word “fast” mean in Line 4, Para.7?( )。
  49. What are clients asked to do in the evening or morning of surgery?( )。
  50. Preoperative teaching is a vital part of nursing care. Good preoperative teaching__________.( )。
  51. Which of the following statements is not true about nursing education?( )。
  52. Which of the following is not community health nurses' duty?( )。
  53. Why are the components identified and critically analyzed?( )。
  54. How is the population involved classified?( )。
  55. Which of the following aspects may not be included when designing community health nursing courses?( )。
  56. _________is always the cause of acute pain in a GI obstruction patient.( )。
  57. The most characteristic clinical manifestation of GI tract dysfunction is_________.( )。
  58. Which statement of nausea is not true according to the passage?( )。
  59. Most upper GI tract hemorrhage is caused by_________.( )。
  60. Which following statement of chest inspection is true?( )。
  61. Which process lasts uninterruptedly during the entire data collection?( )。
  62. Chest palpation should be completed with_________.( )。
  63. Which procedure is true of trachea position palpation?( )。
  64. The beginning step of chest assessment is_________.( )。
  65. Which of the following practice could not reflect the patient-centered care?( )。
  66. _________ lead(s) to an increased number of deaths and raise the cost of health care.( )。
  67. It is difficult for__________ to differentiate personal beliefs, values, and preferences from professional practice responsibilities.( )。
  68. In health care, the controversial ethical issues don't include___________.( )。
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