第八章 Shining on the stage:本章针对如何发表精彩的学术演讲为同学们总结了几项基本要求、六个有效策略以及若干条秘籍,希望可以帮助大家顺利精彩地完成自己精心准备的学术演讲,不虚参会之行。8.1Giving a fabulous academic presentation:本节介绍了出色的学术演讲应该达到的几点基本要求,即恰当运用PowerPoint, 遵循学术报告基本规范,重点向观众介绍自己的研究成果,注重演练环节以及遵守时间规则。
8.2More tips for delivering a presentation:本节为帮助同学们的演讲达到最佳效果,特别强调发表学术演讲要遵守观众友好原则等八条秘籍,请大家谨记。
8.3Attending a conference strategically:本节推荐了一些颇为实用的策略以帮助大家不虚参会之行。此外,教师结合自己的参会经验“现身说法”,分享了自己近几年总结出来的几点体会,如怎样“中途退场”、如何选择报告以及机智应对Q&A环节。
[单选题] People should use ___________ on power point slides instead of full sentences.
bullet points
a passage
a picture
答案:bullet points
[单选题] If you participate an academic conference for the first time, you can ____________  to academic presentations.
follow the formula
read presentation from the slides

deviate from the formula
use more texts on the slides[单选题] People should spend about 10 minutes ____________ with a 15-minute presentation.
discussing their data or case study
discussing the information with which other experts are engaging
going over the existing literature
giving background information on the particular case[单选题]People should __________ to ensure that their presentation is good.
practice much in front of their friends
practice silly to their cats
practice as much as possible
practice within the time limit[单选题]People should keep their presentation simple and straightforward because ___________.
audiences have lower attention spans than readers
audiences have quicker recap of the main points than readers
audiences have less education than readers
audiences have more interests in words than readers[单选题]Why shouldn’t people practice their presentation too much before the actual session?
Because they might not pay any attention to the audience.
Because their voice might sound dull and tired.
Because they might lose their interest in their actual presentation
Because they might not remember all the details.[单选题] When moving from one idea to another, people should remember to __________.
use vivid images
use transitional words
use body language
use voice changes[单选题] Although the presentation is indeed terrible, the audience should not ___________.
leave in the middle of that presentation
talk to others during that presentation
sleep during that presentation
interrupt the presenter[单选题] If people want to leave or exit if necessary during a presentation, they should _____________.
grab the first row
sit in the middle

stand in the back
grab an aisle seat[单选题] Sometimes what really annoys the presenters?
The question-and-answer period of a conference session.
The introduction part at the beginning of a conference session.
The rude interruption made by audiences.
The questions that the presenter cannot answer.

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