

  1. What does the sentence “You have butterflies in your stomach” mean?

  2. A:You are very anxious. B:You are very excited. C:You are very surprised. D:You are very angry.
    答案:对AI参考:正确选项是B:You are very excited。句子“You have butterflies in your stomach”的意思是“你感到非常兴奋”。这句话通常用来形容一个人因为紧张、兴奋或期待而感到内心的不安,就像肚子里有蝴蝶在飞舞一样。因此,选项B“你非常兴奋”是最符合句意的解释。选项A、C、D都不符合句意。'
  3. When people use __________ such as a signal to the end, it can make the structure much clearer.

  4. A:effective transitional phrases B:obvious ending phrases C:latest academic phrases D:some conjunction phrases
    答案:effective transitional phrases
  5. What is the first step in producing a great poster?

  6. A:Preparing the final poster. B:Using text. C:Choosing content. D:Making a plan.
    答案:Choosing content.
  7. If there are communal meals, you’d better _____________.

  8. A:talk with people you know well B:share food with other people C:sit with people you don’t know D:give your name card to strangers
    答案:sit with people you don’t know
  9. To outline the key points of the topic can ____________.

  10. A:make the content more proper B:help the presenter remember the content C:help to get the audience’s attention D:save the time of presentation
    答案:help to get the audience’s attention
  11. What is the most important element in facial expression?

  12. A:Stance. B:Gesture. C:Eye focus. D:Eyebrow movement.

  13. Which of the following nonverbal behaviors is appropriate when people make a presentation?

  14. A:Standing stiff. B:Wearing much jewelry. C:Rubbing the ear. D:Keeping eye contact.

  15. Generally speaking, what time is appropriate for the presenter to invite questions?

  16. A:Anytime of the presentation. B:The end of the presentation. C:The middle of the presentation. D:The beginning of the presentation.

  17. After conference you can continue with your social connection with some social media, such as _______.

  18. A:Facebook B:QQ C:Research Gate D:LinkedIn

  19. In order to control the anxiety levels, people can ____________.

  20. A:play computer games B:do more exercise C:eat healthy food D:go to the library

  21. When the presenter announces to end the presentation, he had better __________. 

  22. A:talk about funny information B:make a short conclusion C:make some positive comments D:answer some questions

  23. __________ is usually held once a year and will invite leaders in the special fields to make speeches.

  24. A:A seminar B:A symposium C:An academic conference D:A congress
    AI参考:正确选项是【C:An academic conference 】。根据句子中的描述,这个活动通常每年举行一次,并且会邀请特殊领域的领导人发表演讲,因此可以判断这是一个学术会议。选项A是研讨会,选项B是专题讨论会,选项D是代表大会,都不符合句子的描述。因此,C选项是正确答案。'
  25. If visitors ask some unfriendly questions, it is better to _____________.

  26. A:shrug off their comments B:agree to their comments C:correct their comments D:criticize their comments

  27.  ____________ can make you look professional while making an oral presentation. 

  28. A:Looking at the watch B:Making an eye contact with the audience C:Reading the words on the screen D:Staring at the audience

  29. A good poster should include ___________.

  30. A:the excellent self-introduction B:the attractive layout C:the concise title D:the colorful pictures

  31. Which of the following statements is positive thought?

  32. A:“They won’t like me whatever I do.” B:“They will like me whatever I do.” C:“It will be a disaster.” D:“I will aim to do the best I can.”

  33. For a fifteen-minute talk, people should have ____________ pages of material.

  34. A:at least 7 double-spaced B:no more than 7 double-spaced C:no more than 7 single-spaced D:more than 7 single-spaced

  35. If the presenter runs out of questions before he runs out of time, he should __________.

  36. A:wait for being questioned B:wrap up as soon as possible C:make some comments D:repeat the other questions

  37. When people make the presentation, they can use ______________ to reduce the nervousness.

  38. A:some powerful gestures B:some technical strategies C:the positive thinking skills D:the vivid pictures

  39. At the beginning of a presentation, the presenter ___________.

  40. A:should show his or her appreciation to the audience B:should talk about what he or she is going to say C:should review the information about the content D:should focus on the most important point

  41. People attend academic conferences for _________.

  42. A:academic reputation B:networking C:challenge D:learning
    AI参考:正确选项为D:learning。根据问题中的描述,人们参加学术会议是为了学习。选项中只有D选项“learning”符合这个描述,因此D是正确答案。A选项“academic reputation”是指学术声誉,与问题描述不符;B选项“networking”是指建立人际关系或社交网络,也不符合问题描述;C选项“challenge”是指挑战或竞争,同样与问题描述不符。'
  43. What tips can be used in the question-and-answer period?

  44. A:Being confident. B:Anticipating questions. C:Judging the questions. D:Having a back-up plan.
    AI参考:正确选项是【B:Anticipating questions.】。在问答环节中,可以使用的技巧包括:自信(A选项)、预见问题(B选项)、判断问题(C选项)和制定备用计划(D选项)。其中,预见问题是指在回答问题前,提前预测对方可能会提出的问题,以便更好地回答。这是问答环节中非常重要的一个技巧,可以帮助回答者更好地应对各种问题,提高回答的准确性和全面性。因此,B选项“Anticipating questions”是正确答案。'
  45. Why should a signal to the end be included in your conclusion?

  46. A:To reset your own focus. B:To clarify your structure. C:To wake up the audience. D:To be a better public speaker.
    AI参考:正确选项是【C】原文中提到“Why should a signal to the end be included in your conclusion?”,其中的“signal to the end”指的是在结论中给出一个明确的信号或标志,用来提醒读者或听众接下来的内容是结论部分。因此,选项C“唤醒听众”是最符合原文意思的选项。其他选项A、B、D虽然也与结论有关,但与原文中的“signal to the end”不符。因此,正确答案是C。'
  47. There are various types of conferences, such as, ___________ .

  48. A:seminars B:symposiums C:workshops D:round-table conferences

  49. When you speak too fast during your presentation, you might ________ .

  50. A:have a rest B:ask a rhetorical question C:stop and catch your breath D:organize your thoughts
    AI参考:正确选项为C:stop and catch your breath。原文中提到“当你演讲时说得太快”,所以选项C“停下来呼吸一下”是最符合语境的答案。选项A“休息一下”与演讲不相关,选项B“问一个修辞问题”也不符合语境,选项D“组织你的思想”与演讲的节奏和速度没有直接关系。因此,只有选项C是正确的选择。'
  51. Gestures are highly recommended while making a presentation because __________ .

  52. A:gestures can even change words meaning B:gestures can add or amplify the tone of speech C:gestures involve attention and feedback D:all of the above
  53. What are the tips to make the process smoother?

  54. A:Using transitions. B:Rehearsing in front of a friend. C:Starting confidently. D:Adhering to time limits.

  55. What are the factors about the audience that will affect the way your presentation will be received?

  56. A:Is gender an issue here? B:What age group are they? C:Are the audience experts in the field? D:Is level of education an issue?
  57. What can we do during the conference in order to socialize with people at the conference?

  58. A:Keep your cards handy and make sure your name tag is always visible. B:Safely seek out scientists of your own age. C:If there are communal meals, sit with people you don’t know. Next, talk about the food and then move on to science. D:Meet people in sessions by sitting next to someone and introducing yourself.
    AI参考:正确选项为D:Meet people in sessions by sitting next to someone and introducing yourself。在会议期间,为了与会者社交,我们可以采取以下措施:在会议期间,通过坐在某人的旁边并介绍自己来结识新的人。这样可以更自然地与他人交流,同时也有助于建立更深入的合作关系和友谊。其他选项中,保持卡片在手边并确保名牌可见、寻找同龄科学家以及在公共用餐时与陌生人交谈并谈论食物再转向科学话题,虽然也具有一定的社交作用,但不如选项D全面且自然。'
  59. An appropriate posture in a presentation should be ________ .

  60. A:open B:still C:straight D:relaxed
  61. During your presentation, you should _________.

  62. A:smile B:keep an open stance C:stand completely still with your hands rigidly at your side or clasped tightly in front of you D:shift your position slightly from time to time
    AI参考:正确选项是:D:shift your position slightly from time to time在演讲过程中,应该时不时地调整一下自己的位置,选项D符合这个要求。其他选项的意思如下:A. smile:微笑,但在演讲中保持微笑可能会分散听众的注意力,不合适。B. keep an open stance:保持开放的态度,这个选项没有具体行动上的指导。C. stand completely still with your hands rigidly at your side or clasped tightly in front of you:这个选项描述的是一种非常僵硬、不动的站姿,这在演讲中可能会显得过于严肃,不适合。'
  63. In order to keep the conversation going, you can ____________ .

  64. A:share your research interest with people B:think about what types of questions might be relevant for people attending the event C:ask people what their goals were for the event D:who they want to meet at an event

  65. When you make your poster presentation, you should _______.

  66. A:focus on the main findings of your project B:walk around to attract the audience C:not read off your poster D:be prepared for questions

  67. What can we do before the conference in order to socialize smoothly with people at the conference?

  68. A:Make one or two appointments for beer, coffee or meals with colleagues who you know will attend the conference. B:Think about how you want to introduce yourself and what you do. C:Review the conference schedule and attendance list. D:Make a list of experimental problems or questions you are pondering and be ready to talk about them.
    AI参考:正确选项是:B:Think about how you want to introduce yourself and what you do.在会议前,为了与会议上的人顺利社交,可以思考一下如何介绍自己和自己的工作内容。这样做可以更好地与他人建立联系,同时也能更好地了解会议的主题和内容。其他选项如安排与同事的啤酒、咖啡或餐会,回顾会议日程和出席名单,列出正在思考的实验问题等,虽然也是有用的准备工作,但并不是社交前最关键的步骤。'
  69. What should the speaker do in the introduction of an oral presentation?

  70. AI参考:选项中的信息不太完整,可能是在询问一个演讲者在演讲介绍阶段应该做些什么。在这种情况下,通常需要考虑以下几个方面:1. 自我介绍:简单介绍自己的姓名、职务或身份。2. 演讲目的:清晰阐述演讲的目的和主题,让听众能够更好地理解后续内容。3. 内容概述:简要介绍演讲的主要内容,突出重点和关键点。4. 时间安排:明确说明演讲的时间安排,例如预计的时长、中间可能进行的休息或提问时间等。5. 强调演讲的重要性:在适当的情况下,可以向听众强调这次演讲的重要性或价值,以激发他们的兴趣和关注。因此,选项可能包括以上提到的各个方面中的一些或全部。如果需要更具体的选项,请提供更多的上下文信息。'
  71. What are the main reasons why we need to socialize at academic conferences?

  72. A:You never know when you will meet a potential collaborator. B:Job hunting outside of academia is all driven by personal connections. C:Scientists in your field will know about grants and projects that might help your research work. D:Tenure can depend on your national recognition.

  73. What had you better consider to make the most out of the opportunity?

  74. AI参考:正确选项为:B、Endeavoring hard C、Practicing frequently D、Attending to more lectures题目是问要怎么做才能最大化机会,A、B两个选项属于积极的尝试态度,C、D属于努力获取知识和经验的行为。结合实际情况来看,只要学习有动力有决心有态度就更容易做好计划和方法从而把握住机会。因此,正确答案是B、Endeavoring hard 和C、Practicing frequently。'
  75. What factors can cause performance anxiety?

  76. A:You worry too much about past performance. B:You might worry about any negative consequences. C:You often compare with your friends. D:You think too much about the reaction of others to your work.

  77. Body language consists of __________.

  78. A:stance B:gesture C:voice D:facial expression

  79. What are main effects that nonverbal communication can have?

  80. A:Substitution. B:Accenting. C:Repetition. D:Complementing.

  81. If the audience want all the details, you should present information as much as possible.

  82. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:B. 对。根据句意,如果观众想要所有的细节,那么你应该尽可能多地提供信息。因此,答案是B,表示正确。'
  83. Rehearsing a few times in front of a friend will boost your confidence.

  84. A:错 B:对

  85. You can put your presentation on the slides and read from the slides.

  86. A:错 B:对

  87. You’d better have a cold drink before you start your presentation.

  88. A:对 B:错

  89. Attending important international conferences can help people achieve academic reputation in academic circles.

  90. A:对 B:错

  91. If you worry about the reaction of the audience to your presentation, performance anxiety will appear.

  92. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:A. 对。当你过于担心观众对你的演讲的反应时,会引发表演焦虑(performance anxiety),这是一种常见的心理现象,会导致你在演讲时表现不佳。因此,正确答案是A。'
  93. Spoken language tends to be more complex than written one with longer sentences.

  94. A:错 B:对

  95. The presenter can invite people to interrupt him as soon as they have questions.

  96. A:错 B:对

  97. As audience people had better ask at least one question for each presentation.

  98. A:错 B:对

  99. You’d better not use silence because it seems you are not familiar with your presentation.

  100. A:对 B:错

  101. People tend to remember what they hear at the beginning of a presentation more than at the end.

  102. A:对 B:错

  103. The presenter doesn’t need to summarize the main points again at the end of the presentation.

  104. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:B. 对。这个陈述句的意思是“在演讲结束时,主持人不需要再次总结主要观点。”这是一个正确的陈述,不需要进一步的分析或解释。因此,正确答案是B。'
  105. The presentation usually begins from the self-introduction.

  106. A:错 B:对

  107. Like a performance, a presentation should be given a more dynamic appeal.

  108. A:错 B:对
  109. If there are communal meals, sit with people you are familiar with. 

  110. A:错 B:对

  111. Hiding your hands displays that you’re not confident at the presentation.

  112. A:错 B:对

  113. You’d better take much money with you, because the hotel might be far away from the conference center.

  114. A:错 B:对
  115. Steve Jobs often wears jeans and a white top which is his signature look.

  116. A:错 B:对

  117. The presenter can get the audience involved by asking questions.

  118. A:错 B:对

  119. The most effective gestures arise from the wrist or elbow not the shoulder.

  120. A:对 B:错

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