第五章 Preparing for academic presentation:本章主要介绍如何准备一场精彩的学术演讲。首先,通过分析演讲者准备演讲时的复杂心理帮助大家舒缓压力,放松心态。其次,重点阐述了演讲前的精心准备是何等重要以及演讲者应该从哪几方面着手准备。5.1Preparing your presentation:本节主要介绍了准备学术报告时的几点注意事项,以帮助大家做好演讲前的充分准备。
5.2Personal factors to consider:本节关注的是活动当天演讲者需要考虑的诸如着装、眼神、站姿、语速以及回答问题时的注意事项等要素。
[单选题]If possible, you’d better get familiar with the following elements about the actual room, except ___________.
the temperature
the acoustics
the lighting
the equipment available
答案:the temperature
[单选题]What should I do to attract the audience’s attention?
You should have your head down buried in your notes.
You should fix your attention on a particular individual.
You should look around the room at the audience.
You should talk to your PowerPoint.[单选题] How should I stand when I make a presentation?
You should move around a bit.
You should do some acrobatics.
You should keep your hands by your side.
You should make as many gestures as possible.[单选题] How should I speak when I make a presentation?
You should speak as fast as possible.
You should speak with some jokes.
You should speak more slowly than usual.
You should speak in a formal way.[单选题] How do I respond to questions when you make a presentation?
You can show your acknowledgement instead of answering the questions.
You can answer the questions as honestly as possible.
 You can fake the questions if you don’t know the answers.
You can argue with the audience if they show different opinions.[单选题]We should keep our presentation brief because _______.
audiences have short attention spans and this is increasingly so in the digital age
we can’t rely on PPT
it’s easier for the audience to follow
it’s easier for us to memorize[单选题]________ is vital to keep the audience engaged.
Speaking fluently
Wearing formal clothes
Standing still
Maintaining eye contact[单选题] In order to keep focused, you should not make your presentation _____________.
tackling a few themes
covering too much information
to the point[单选题]Because audiences have short attention spans, you’d better _________
keep your presentation brief
ask them some questions
use some vivid slides
tell some humorous stories
[单选题] You can keep your presentation visually engaging because the audiences ___________
do not have enough patience to listen to it
like to see a digital play
hate to read a lot of words on a slide
are not good at reading for a long time

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