第六章 Attending academic conferences:本章主要是关于学术会议的概况介绍。首先介绍了学术会议的定义以及不同类型、不同规模的多种学术会议。其次,在学术会议上除了发表和聆听学术演讲还可以做很多其他事情。再者,介绍了如何支付参加学术会议所产生的多项费用,以帮助同学们消除顾虑。最后,课程专门总结了参加学术会议的必要性。6.1Academic conferences:本节介绍了学术会议的定义、类型、常用参会策略以及如何申请经费支付学术会议各项开支。
6.2Various types of conferences:本节主要介绍不同类型学术会议及其各自特点。
6.3Reasons for attending conferences:本节主要是关于参加学术会议的重要性与必要性。对于硕博研究生来说,积极参加学术会议更是意义重大。
[单选题] Who will provide some funding for students to attend a conference?
Their friends
Their universities.
Their relatives.
Their parents.
答案:Their universities.
[单选题] Almost every student considers attending conferences as ____________.
a positive experience
a negative experience
an anxious experience
an interesting experience[单选题]If you are not interested in some titles or abstracts in the plenary sessions, ______________.
you can skip out on conference events
you should ask the organization for a leave
you should still go to these sessions
you can turn the trip into a vacation[单选题]Attending an academic conference, researchers can _____________
get some financial support
stay connected to others in their field
get their paper published
search for a new job[单选题]Who will attend an academic conference in general?
Students or teachers.
Bosses or employers.
Businessmen or customers.
Scientists or scholars.[单选题] What is a formal meeting where participants are experts in their fields?
A seminar.
A workshop
An academic conference.
A symposium.[单选题]__________ has the function of bringing together small groups for recurring meetings where everyone needs to participate actively.
A workshop
A conference
A seminar
A symposium[单选题]We call this type of meeting __________ during which participants have limited amount of time to address the group and have more hands-on experience with demonstrations and activities.
a round-table conference
a square-table conference
a seminar
a workshop[单选题]Which of the following is not among the reasons why people attend academic conferences?
To visit a new place and learn about its people and culture
To converse with other researchers from different universities and even countries
To show off one’s presentation skills
To learn new ideas and trends in a certain field[单选题]Below are some reasons why academic conferences matter a lot more to doctoral students except ___________ .
They can meet more advanced researchers as well as established senior professionals and scholars.
They get to meet like-minded people who share your passion and interest.
They get to hear groundbreaking ideas, discoveries and theories on a subject.
Conferences are the ideal environment to make new friends.

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