第十一章 Q & A session:本章主要介绍了学术报告之后的问答环节如何操作并为同学们总结了若干条超级实用的策略与技巧,帮助大家学会在观众中培育问题、邀请观众提出问题、机智回答观众提出的问题以及轻松搞定问答环节。11.1Encouraging questions from the audience:本节首先分析了学术报告后邀请观众提问的重要作用,然后介绍了鼓励观众提问的8个技巧供同学们参考使用。
11.2Opening up the floor to questions:本节介绍了邀请观众提问的一些实用技巧以及注意事项。
11.3Asking questions appropriately:本节分析了以观众身份向报告人提出问题的重要性并介绍了提问角度及一些具体表达方式。
11.4Responding to questions strategically:本节分析了回答观众提问的几个重要步骤并专门介绍了面对疑难问题和强烈反对者该如何应对。
11.5How to nail the Q & A session:本节内容主要是关于如何机智搞定问答环节并与大家分享了一些颇为实用的技巧。
[单选题]If the presentation is too simple for the audience, they _____________.
wont’ be interested in it
will look quite stupid
will have many questions
won’t have any questions
答案:won’t have any questions
[单选题]If the audience seems a little shy, _______________ before they ask them in front of the whole audience.
discuss with them privately
have them discuss their questions in pairs
encourage them to ask questions
let them write down their questions[单选题]The phrase “to open up the floor to question” means _______________.
concluding the content in the end
inviting the audience to attend the meeting
allowing the audience to ask questions
introducing the presenter first[单选题]When the audience are not familiar with the presentation, _______________.
they will ask the presenter to explain again
they will ask any questions
they will leave in the middle of the presentation
they will not raise their questions[单选题] By asking questions, you can become ___________.
laughed at[单选题]Which of the following does not help if you want to ask questions?
Thinking about the relation between data and the conclusion.
Waiting for other people to ask questions first.
Finding out if the presenter’s results or interpretations contradict what you know to be fact.
Thinking of any other ways to explain the data and experimental results.[单选题]Why do many presenters fear the Q&A session?
Because they will be worried about the audience’s reaction.
Because the questions are too difficult to answer.
Because they think they cannot control their input.
Because they have not enough time to answer all the questions.[单选题]What is the first step when responding to questions?
Communicate and involve.
Understand.[单选题]When the presenter gets a question from the audience, he should _________.
step forward and look at the person who asks the question, and respond

back away from the audience
answer the questions as quickly as possible
stand by the screen[单选题]When the presenter answers a question, he had better not __________.
say that is a great question
take time to think about the answer
look ridiculous
compliment the audience

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