Which one is not the party for a sight draft? ( )
If the drawing amount of the cheque exceeds the amount deposited in the account, this kind of check is called ( )
答案:bounced check
Under the O/A,which one is not correct?( )
答案:The seller gets the payment first and delivers the goods later.
Which one is a financial document except ( )
Issue of a draft comprises two acts ( )
答案:write and sign ;deliver
Based on means of transferring funds, a remittance usually falls into: ( )
答案:Mail Transfer (M/T);Demand Draft (D/;Telegraphic Transfer (T/T)
Under collection, which of the following are correct? ( )
答案:D/P is more favorable than D/A to the seller.;If the instructions are D/P at sight, the importer’s bank will release the documents to the importer only against payment.
The maker of a promissory note can be more than one person.( )
The obligor of a cheque is the drawee rather than other parties.( )
If the draft indicates “pay…Co. or order”, it can be negotiable. ( )

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