Based on the data of 2019, the biggest geographic trading center for foreign exchange is primarily _______.( )
答案:New York
_______ is the date on which the money must be paid to the parties involved in spot transaction.( )
答案:The working day
Suppose a small Chinese firm sold some goods to a Japanese firm, and it will receive payment of 1 million yen in 60 days. Which of the following statement is right?( )
答案:The Chinese firm can enter into a forward contract to sell 1 million yen in 60 days.
Swap transactions involve two _______ inseparable contract deals, usually the first for spot delivery, and the second for future delivery. ( )
The _______ gives buyer the right, but not the obligation, to buy (or sell) a specified amount of one currency for another at a specified price on a specified date.( )
答案:forward transaction
Foreign bank notes are not foreign exchange in the narrower sense.( )
Quotes using a country’s home currency as the unit currency are known as direct quotation.( )
Futures contracts can be customized to meet particular customer needs.( )
It is estimated that speculation accounts for only 10% of the daily trading activity in foreign exchange market.( )
Opportunities for actual arbitrage in foreign exchange market are rare.( )

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