第三章 商务名片:商务名片3.1商务名片知识简介:商务名片知识简介
[判断题]辽宁省大连市西安路235号 is translated as Liaoning, Dalian, Xi'an Rd., 235.选项:[对, 错]
[判断题]有限公司is written as Co., Ltd. for short.选项:[对, 错]
[多选题]Which of the following translation for names are correct?选项:[John Anderson -- 约翰·安德森, 欧阳毅 -- Ou Yang Yi, Mencius -- 孟修斯, 翁镇宇 -- WENG Zhenyu]
[判断题]首席执行官 is translated as CEO.选项:[对, 错]
[判断题]Bureau, division and section are the same in translation.选项:[错, 对]
[单选题]Which of the following is the correct translation of 董事长?选项:[secretary, general manager, chairman of board, vice president]
[多选题]Business card can also be referred as:选项:[complimentary card, name card, visiting card, calling card]
[单选题]Which of the following is the correct translation of acting factory director?选项:[代理厂总监, 副厂长, 代理厂长, 副厂总监]
[单选题]Which of the following is not essential in a name card?选项:[a brief introduction of the company, company name of the holder, contact number of the holder, title of the holder]
[多选题]Which of the following word can be used in the translation of 工厂?选项:[factory, mill, works, plant]

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