1. When we apologize to others, we are performing speech acts. ( )

  2. 答案:对
  3. In China, people’s attitude towards animals is mainly negative, while in the west, it is mainly positive. ( )

  4. 答案:错
  5. Carley Dodd defines culture as the holistic interrelationship of a group's ( ), beliefs, rules, customs, communication patterns, and institutions.

  6. 答案:values###identity###rules###activities
  7. Women are expected to play the nurturing and caring role in femininity cultures. ( )

  8. 答案:对
  9. Human nature is what all human beings have in common. ( )

  10. 答案:对
  11. In high-context cultures, (  ) are appreciated as the way to deliver messages.

  12. 答案:time###Body gestures###silence###space
  13. What does intercultural communication focus on when people from different cultural and linguistic backgrounds that interact with each other ( )?

  14. 答案:nonverbal behaviors###verbal behaviors###perceptions###attitudes
  15. People in low-power-distance cultures all have a rightful place, clearly marked by countless vertical arrangements. ( )

  16. 答案:错
  17. If a visit is a “business” rather than a social one, the visitor is not supposed to arrange a time in advance. ( )

  18. 答案:错
  19. In Politeness theory, negative face is an individual’s desire to be liked and appreciated by others. ( )

  20. 答案:错
  21. In intercultural communication, having more than one view could provide us new angles to overcome culture shock. ( )

  22. 答案:对
  23. Chinese people regard dragons as noble and auspicious omens and called themselves “the descendants of dragons”. ( )
  24. In Chinese and Western cultures, all colors bare the same meaning. ( )
  25. Edward Hal classified all cultures into 2 categories, the high-context cultures and the low-context cultures. ( )
  26. Cultures are all-inclusive and very different among various societies. ( )
  27. As for the person named 李光明, “李” is his given name. ( )
  28. In collectivist cultures, individual initiative and achievement and individual decision making are not stressed or valued at all. ( )
  29. People with Stereotypes assume that all members of a group have exactly the same traits, and fails to specify individual characteristics. ( )
  30. Competency in a foreign language is tantamount to effective and successful intercultural communication in the culture that speaks that language. ( )
  31. High power distance cultures minimize individual differences in age, sex, status, and roles. ( )
  32. “端茶送客” is a very important etiquette for parting in ancient China. ( )
  33. Goffman (1955) defines face as “the positive public image [we] seek to establish in social interactions”. ( )
  34. The Chinese practice is always to use “公” or “母” to show whether a creature is male or female. ( )
  35. Everyone uses nonverbal communication all the time whether they know it or not. ( )
  36. In Western culture, it is common to indulge in a couple of minutes’ small talk, while preparing to leaving. ( )
  37. Which continents did the Silk Road involve? ( )
  38. About Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, which statement is true? ( )
  39. The Face Negotiation Theory is proposed by ( )
  40. Under event time, scheduling is determined by ( ).
  41. ____ are the core of the culture, but are difficult to observe and to know, even in one’s own culture. ( )
  42. The term “Intercultural Communication” was first developed by (  ).
  43. Geert Hofstede famously defined culture as the ( ) of the mind.
  44. Which country belongs to low-power-distance culture? ( )
  45. Which country belongs to individualist culture. ( )
  46. What’s the political phenomenon of globalization? ( )
  47. Find out the families of one of the following countries which are extended families. ( )
  48. Why did Chinese emperors wear dragon robes? ( ).
  49. Which color does Chinese and Westerners have the common symbol? ( )
  50. Which of the following statement is not correct? ( )
  51. Because of Man’s Fall and the Original Sin, humans are more inclined to do evil over good in the West. ( )
  52. The paradox of face is proposed by ( ).
  53. When a man crossed an arm over the other, it demonstrates and ( ).
  54. Implicit expression of culture can include ( )?
  55. What can family give to its members in its general sense? ( )
  56. In Asian countries, personal comfort is more important than group interest. ( )
  57. The Kluckhohn-Strodtbeck Value Orientations theory represents one of the earliest efforts to develop a cross-cultural theory of values. ( )
  58. When people merge into a new culture, they need to understand and respect the habits, customs, foods, and characteristics of the people in the that culture. ( )
  59. The high power-distance cultures show great respect to the fact of unbalanced power distribution. ( )
  60. Changes in certain aspects of a culture, especially in the area of behaviors and customs, tend to be much slower. ( )
  61. When people having culture shock, it becomes difficult for them to live or work. ( )
  62. China, Italy, and Ireland are all femininity cultures. ( )
  63. People in the low-uncertainty-avoidance-cultures tend to be politically disengaged. ( )
  64. Symbols are important because symbols allow culture to be transmitted easily. ( )
  65. The four stages of Oberg always occur in the same order. ( )
  66. Hofstede developed the so-called “Cultural Onion”. ( )
  67. America belongs to masculinity culture. ( )
  68. Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner said, ( ) determine the meaning of "good" and "bad," and are thus related to the ideas shared by a group.
  69. Which country belongs to low-uncertainty-avoidance culture? ( )
  70. The most important function of the family in any culture is ( ).
  71. Which attitude is not American's towards silence ( ).
  72. Cultures with masculine traits are named masculinity cultures, and the traits include ( ).
  73. Discrimination refers to the behavioral manifestations of that prejudice. ( )
  74. In femininity cultures, gender roles are more fluid than in masculine societies. ( )
  75. What are possible reasons for the different usage of animal words between China and the west? ( )
  76. The high power-distance cultures normally include (  ) in their society.
  77. People in high-context cultures say “thank you” more frequently than those in low-context cultures. ( )
  78. Some people may be stuck in culture shock and could not overcome it. ( )
  79. What are the merits of nuclear families? ( )
  80. In China, Japan and Thailand, there is a perception that nature is part of life and not a hostile force waiting to be subdued. ( )
  81. People of low-uncertainty-avoidance cultures tolerate ( ).
  82. In collective societies, people have their respective identities based on the social system. ( )
  83. People in the low-uncertainty-avoidance-cultures have fewer governing structures than those in the high-uncertainty-avoidance-cultures. ( )
  84. Many U.S. Americans, in thought or action, tend to have a short-term, forward-looking perspective because they value present-orientated culture. ( )
  85. Korean tend to use indirect, non-confrontational and vague language when they talk. ( )
  86. Children in high-uncertainty-avoidance-cultures are taught in a less-structured, open-ended way. ( )
  87. When others’ views are different from ours, mostly we are all inclined to our own. ( )
  88. The personality of an individual is inherited within our genes. ( )
  89. Beliefs that distinguish self from in-group are important in individualist cultures. ( )
  90. Face and facework are influenced by cultural values and vary across cultures. ( )
  91. In Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner’s three layers of culture, the core layer consists of the norms and values of an individual group. ( )
  92. A mindful person could actively attend to changed signals. ( )
  93. We have our sense of cultural identity, so at the beginning of intercultural communication it is difficult to go with the flow and fit into a new environment. ( )
  94. People who grow in extended families stand in a better position in terms of socializing with others. ( )
  95. Edward Hall believes meaning and context are inextricably bound up with each other. ( )
  96. When people communicate, sometimes they may encounter with a culturally different person endowed with different perceptions, values, beliefs. ( )
  97. Edward Hall’s definition of culture tells the interaction between culture and communication. ( )
  98. Individualism vs. collectivism dimension was proposed by Geert Hofstede as one of the four cultural dimensions. ( )
  99. The formation of our cultural identity could not be the cause of bias directed against people of other cultures. ( )
  100. Linguist and anthropologist Edward Sapir and his student Benjamin Whorf told us how our society’s language influences its culture. ( )
  101. Culture is constantly changing and evolving from the impact of events and as a result of contact with other cultures. ( )
  102. Which layer are values and norms in Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner’s cultural model? ( )
  103. The young individual who has lived isolated from human contact from a very young age is called ( ).
  104. Which country belongs to femininity culture? ( )
  105. An idiom contains at least ( ) words.
  106. Which of the following animals is the symbol of Jesus in The Bible?( )
  107. Who came up with the onion culture model? ( )
  108. Which of the following options means “鹦鹉学舌”? ( )
  109. In China, which of the following situation is common? ( )
  110. —— ( ), Rome was not built in a day. —— So you mean that it was not built at night?
  111. In American culture, ____ is the hallmark of most families. ( )
  112. Strictly speaking, idioms are expressions that are ______ to understand from their literal meaning of individual elements. ( )
  113. Which country belongs to low-context culture? ( )
  114. Who developed the iceberg analogy of culture. ( )
  115. When overcoming culture shock, people should not (  ).
  116. Who wrote “No man is an island entire of itself; / every man is a piece of the continent, / a part of the main”? ( )
  117. In Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner's opinion, (  ) are described as the mutual sense a group has of what is "right" and "wrong".
  118. The idiom “consider the possible consequences carefully before taking action” can prove that ( ).
  119. The sentence "Culture is our software" was said by ( )
  120. Which of the following notion is concerned with the correct way to treat one's parents and grandparents? ( )
  121. When overcoming culture shock, people should (    ).
  122. Examples of stereotypes include ( ).
  123. The instruction of cultural identity in intercultural communication become a necessity in our era. ( )
  124. In instruction of Cultural identity, it is important to ( ).
  125. Due to cultural identity, people consciously identify themselves within a group that has a shared system of ( ).
  126. Any sort of mental or physical distress experienced in a foreign location could be a symptom of culture shock. ( )
  127. People suffering culture shock may experience ( ).
  128. Masculinity is the extent to which the dominant values in society are _______ oriented. ( )
  129. Prejudice refers to negative attitudes towards other people that are derived from the faulty and inflexible stereotypes. ( )
  130. Oberg K distinguishes four stages of culture shock: honeymoon, crisis, recovery, adjustment. ( )
  131. Self-validation theory is when a participant’s posture has a significant effect on his or her self-evaluation of their emotions. ( )
  132. Which one belongs to typical M-time cultures ( )?
  133. In a low-context culture, the mode of communication is often ( ).
  134. Personal distance would take place when we are having conversations with ( ).
  135. What are three time orientations ( )?
  136. About addressing,  which of the following statements is correct? (  )
  137. People from different cultures have the same visiting customs. ( )
  138. Westerners are reluctant to make appointments in advance. ( )
  139. Which of the following statement is not true? ( )
  140. When Chinese visit foreigners, they probably refuse the host’s tea many times out of politeness. ( )
  141. Which of the following is more appropriate for Westerners to use as a parting word? ( )
  142. In Chinese, there are two kinds of relatives that affect kinship terms.  They are( ).
  143. Taboo and euphemism are cultural phenomena formed under specific society customs and cultural values. ( )
  144. The purpose of learning animal metaphors is only to study language. ( )
  145. People in the West usually associate fat with ( ).
  146. According to Brown and Levinson, cooperation is needed between speakers during social interaction. ( )
  147. When we admit and apologize for our shortcomings, we commit ( ).
  148. ( ) is not the characteristics of idiom.
  149. To avoid self-esteem hurt, when depicting a man, in Chinese, we say “其貌不扬, 长相一般", and in English which following words can be received? ( )
  150. Among the following methods, which cannot be applied to when specific taboos and euphemisms are not clear? ( )
  151. An idiom is a phrase that seems to make sense when you first read it, but which has a totally different meaning that you cannot guess just from looking at the words. ( )
  152. A proverb is an old saying which usually gives advice--- you can understand the meaning of thephrase and decide what advice it gives. ( )
  153. Which color represents “permission” in both Chinese and western countries? ( )
  154. In western countries, the followings that can be expressed by the colour white are ( ).
  155. The differences between two cultures are reflected perfectly in their languages. ( )
  156. In which dynasties was the owls regarded as sacred birds? ( )
  157. About the relationship between culture and language, which of the statement is not true? ( )
  158. Which of the following expressions are some derogatory phrases related to "bat" ( ).
  159. Which of the following expressions can well reflect the purpose of language? ( )
  160. When it comes to the colour yellow, which one is correct in the following statements? (  )
  161. The Chinese believe that blue has erotic connotations. ( )
  162. Every word in all languages has an exact one-to-one translation in a foreign language. ( )
  163. The high-power-distance cultures are normally affiliated with high-context cultures and collectivist cultures. ( )
  164. In low-power-distance cultures, the people in power often try to look less powerful than they really are. ( )
  165. In masculinity cultures, people believe family comes before work. ( )
  166. People are more informal and more direct in the high-power-distance cultures than those in the low-power-distance cultures. ( )
  167. Greet surveyed the workers in ______, got extensive statistics, made carefully analysis on cultural values, and formed the scale of four value dimensions. ( )
  168. China belongs to collectivist culture. ( )
  169. People of low-context cultures are very homogeneous concerning experiences, information networks. ( )
  170. Individualism is originated from the nuclear family structure, including parents and their immediate members, with the order of ______ among the members. ( )
  171. Cultures with feminine traits are named femininity cultures, and the traits include ( ).
  172. In “I” culture, ______ are important. ( )
  173. The low-power-distance cultures are characterized by ______. ( )
  174. The high-uncertainty-avoidance-cultures hold “what is different, is curious”. ( )
  175. Power distance means “to what extent a culture group adapts to _______ of power distribution in relationship and organization within a country.” ( )
  176. People of high uncertainty avoidance cultures prefer______.( )
  177. One theory of basic human values which has been very influential is that of Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck (1961). ( )
  178. Any communication is a risk to face. ( )
  179. Individuals with a “past-present” focus have a short-term view of time, whereas individuals with a “future” focus have a long- to medium-term view of time. ( )
  180. Facework is defined as "a set of coordinated practices in which communicators build, maintain, protect, or threaten personal dignity, honor, and respect". ( )
  181. In low-context cultures, ______ and ______ are needed in communication. ( )
  182. In China, "Unity of heaven and man" is a Chinese philosophical thought, which is expounded by Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism. ( )
  183. A high-context communication is one in which most of the information is either in the physical context or internalized in the person, while _______ is in the coded explicit part of the message. ( )
  184. Involvement is shown by such discourse strategies as ( ).
  185. Contemporary Chinese scholar Pei-Jung Fu echoes this belief that human nature is originally good when he writes, “there is solid foundation for claiming that Confucius regarded human nature as tending toward goodness.” ( )
  186. People in the doing-oriented culture stress release, indulgence of existing desires, and working for the moment. ( )
  187. Which of the following statements shows how Westerners view old people? ( )
  188. For a number of reasons, most Americans have a rather positive perception of the elderly. ( )
  189. How do many eastern cultures view older people? ( )
  190. Which one is the first institution to introduce the child to the notion of age grouping? ( )
  191. In countries like ______, elders are traditionally treated with enormous respect and dignity while the young are cherished and nurtured. ( )
  192. According to Hofstede’s cultural onion, the innermost layer refers to ( )?
  193. "It's time to find ways to bring back the big tables" is cited from David Brooks's famous article( ).
  194. The family is one of the “instructors” who transmit the important elements of culture from generation to generation. ( )
  195. American culture is a very masculine culture. ( )
  196. Nuclear family is the most typical pattern in most Eastern cultures. ( )
  197. Why the U.S., people are reluctant to wear a mask? ( )
  198. Which of the following corresponding relationship is correct? ( )
  199. What are the demerits of extended families? ( )
  200. Find out the families of the following countries which are nuclear families? ( )
  201. What the iceberg model of culture teaches us is that we cannot judge a new culture based only on what we see when we first enter it. ( )
  202. The sources of one’s mental programs lie within the social environments in which one grew up and collected one's life experiences. ( )
  203. There are major differences between conscious and unconscious cultures. ( )
  204. The three levels of uniqueness in mental programming includes ( )
  205. Which of the following are the types of things we find above the surface ( ).
  206. Myths provide us with a link to the deepest depths of the iceberg because ( ).
  207. In the onion model of culture, symbols are ( ).
  208. Carley. H. Dodd's Model has ( ) layers.
  209. A person’s behavior is only pre-determined by his or her mental programs. ( )
  210. The Bates and Plog definition indicates that culture has distinct boundaries and it includes most of the major territory of culture. ( )
  211. Which of the following is not the characteristic of communication? ( )
  212. At times, it is easy to distinguish between informal and formal learning. ( )
  213. Intercultural communication is primarily a nonverbal act between people. ( )
  214. The expression of intimacy, power, and status among communicators is typically accomplished nonverbally through some non-verbal means, which do not include( ).
  215. Which of the following are intangible elements of culture ( ).
  216. During intercultural communication, the message sent is not the message received. ( )
  217. Verbal communication can be defined as communicating your thoughts through words orally, not in written form. ( )
  218. When you visit another country for the first time, you'll notice a lot of differences in (  ).
  219. In the following statements about "The Onion Model of Culture", which one is correct? ( )
  220. The symbols we use in communication are ( ).
  221. Trade along the Silk Road reached its zenith during the period of ___________. ( )
  222. Intercultural communication as a discipline has a long history. ( )
  223. Which of the following events can be considered important and notable ones in the history of intercultural communications? ( )
  224. What phenomena does globalization involve? ( )
  225. The Silk Road is perhaps the most well-known early example of globalization. ( )
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