1. Due to intercultural differences, behaviors that are considered proper or effective in one culture can be considered improper or ineffective in another culture

  2. 答案:对
  3. Emojis, icons for people to express emotions in the instant interacting, may be interpreted in () meaning(s) by others.

  4. 答案:more than one
  5. New media allows a large amount of information to be retrieved, manipulated, and stored in a very limited space. This is the characteristics of () in new media.

  6. 答案:digitalization
  7. () is not the typical way of information spreading for “old media”.

  8. 答案:Mobile phone
  9. The reasons for a living language include the following except for ().

  10. 答案:A language is living for cyberspace just because speakers want to make fun.
  11. Which of the following is NOT true if the language is living?

  12. 答案:Some words, or their meanings, may only be found in the old books.
  13. If a language is not used by people, it is called a dead language. A dead language cannot live and grow ().

  14. 答案:because no one speaks it
  15. “Just call me John” indicates that Americans try to make people feel comfortable by playing down status distinctions in negotiation.

  16. 答案:对
  17. In Unit 9-2, ​which country is not used as an illustration for greeting behavior?

  18. 答案:Philippines.
  19. In the Philippines, you can get someone’s attention in the following way:().

  20. 答案:raising your arm toward the person and making a scratching movement far away###lightly touching the person’s elbow
  21. Cultural differences will have a () impact on your profitability.

  22. 答案:direct
  23. Culture is a key component in business and has an impact on ().
  24. American students tend to be field independent as they live in high-context, traditional, collectivistic society.
  25. Which of the following belongs to dimensions of cognitive styles?
  26. What are the perspectives of culturally-bounded learning styles?
  27. Which of the following is /are the component(s) required in multicultural education?
  28. Teachers can use classroom as a forum to encourage free discussion in every way.
  29. You need to compare what is happening with how you normally do things in intercultural communication.
  30. The American proverb “We should not judge one another until we have walked two moons in his moccasins.” means to put ourselves into someone else’s shoes.
  31. Stereotyping may result in the following negative effects except().
  32. Stereotyping results from the following sources except().
  33. Which of the following statements is NOT stereotyping?
  34. Actions refer to the actual performance of those behaviors that are regarded as appropriate and effective.
  35. What are the competences that we have to get to adapt ourselves to the target culture?
  36. What does openness mean?
  37. Which one is NOT preferred when we try to change ourselves to adapt to the target culture?
  38. Among all the followings which is NOT the case of culture shock?
  39. If you are in the first stage of the Culture Shock, what you might feel about the new country you are in?
  40. In countries like ______, elders are traditionally treated with enormous respect and dignity while the young are cherished and nurtured.
  41. In American culture, ()is the hallmark of most families.
  42. Two common forms of families found in most cultures are elementary family and conjugal family.
  43. Friendship patterns in China are characterized by ().
  44. “For without friends no one would choose to live, though he had all other goods” is cited from Aristotle’s famous book()
  45. The cultural differences in values between Chinese and Westerners mainly lies in ()
  46. 1. In the fourth century B.C., () mentioned the character of speaker or ethos as an important value that affect communication.
  47. () actions are relatively free of distortions and deception.
  48. According to a research, a majority of communication is nonverbal and the study’s exact statistics show only () of messages to be relayed through words.
  49. You put your index finger to your lips instead of saying, ”Be quiet, please”, which is called replacing function in nonverbal communication.
  50. () refers to the study of how human beings and animals use space in communication.
  51. Nonverbal communication is conveying of emotions, feelings, and messages through actions rather than () .
  52. Nonverbal communication includes () .
  53. In Britain, people tend to stand close to one another in queues.
  54. In Bulgaria ()means “No” while () of a head means “Yes”.
  55. In India, when saying “yes”, people may shake their heads ().
  56. In addition to facial expressions, eye contact, gestures and touch, kinesics includes many other elements such as clothing, hairstyle, jewelry, glasses and the like.
  57. To achieve effective communication, acceptable and appropriate topics are the keys. These topics usually include ().
  58. Which of the following statements do you think is NOT correct as far as English essay is concerned?
  59. Cultural differences in thinking styles are evident on syntactic level. () with an open beginning and a closed ending.
  60. Which of the following statement is NOT true.
  61. Which of the following statement is NOT true?
  62. The most accurate words to describe the direct style are ().
  63. Which of the following statement is not included in the characteristics of direct communication style?
  64. Every country has its own way of saying things, so there’s no universal expressions among different languages.
  65. Mr. Lu Xun gave up studying medicine and engaged in literature. This is good example for the political function of verbal language.
  66. In the larger U.S. culture, middle-class U.S. values emphasize ().
  67. () refers to our tendency to consider our own cultural practices as superior and consider other cultural practices as inferior.
  68. Which function of culture satisfies our need for membership affiliation and belonging?
  69. Which of the following are the explicit aspects of culture?
  70. Making mistakes at the tip of the iceberg is relatively safe. However, mistakes under the water are much more serious and often lead to communication breakdowns.
  71. ()are the core of the culture, but are difficult to observe and to know, even in one’s own culture.
  72. _____________ is a traditional Maori greeting in New Zealand, which is done by pressing one’s nose to another person at an encounter.
  73. Which of the following are the channels of communication?
  74. As noise increases, the chances for effective communication usually rise, and as noise decreases, the chances for effective communication usually decrease.
  75. When communicating with someone, which one cannot be regarded as a message?
  76. In the propaganda video of Lions Clubs International, this organization uses () to spread its global impacts on kids and adults.
  77. McLuhan predicted the global village, one world interconnected by an electronic nervous system, making it part of our popular culture before it actually happened. The electronic nervous system in this sentence refers to ().
  78. McLuhan had accurately predicted that future electric media would create a "global village" of verbal communication that would be accessed all over the world.
  79. In the developed world, because globalization encourages rapid industrialization, this has quickened environmental degradation and resource extraction.
  80. Globalization, to some extent, () income inequality in developed nations.
  81. Learning about causes, symptoms and effects of culture shock are good enough to get through culture shock stages and adapt to alien cultures earlier.
  82. Intercultural communication has existed since ancient times, thus, as a discipline, its history is pretty long.
  83. In a broad sense, the earliest starting time for globalization was ().
  84. In order to enjoy the macroeconomic benefit of globalization, government of different countries generally issues its warm policies to speed up the rapid pace of globalization. Those warm policies include: ().
  85. As one of the cornerstones of the study of media ecology, Marshall McLuhan’s two world-famous theories are ().
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