

  1.  CSO:

  2. A:研究总监 B:销售总监 C:质控总监 D:客户总监
  3. Which tense could be used for the Background (an overview of the research tendency) writing in an abstract?

  4. A:simple present B:present perfect tense C:past progressive D:simple present tense tense
    AI参考:正确答案是【B:present perfect tense】。在摘要的背景(概述研究趋势)部分,通常使用现在完成时态来描述过去发生的事情,以便强调该事件对当前研究的影响或意义。因此,选项B是正确答案。其他选项A、C和D都不适合用于摘要的背景部分。'
  5. 翻译”In the event of any discrepancy between them, the Original shall govern. “

  6. A:若有分歧,原件为准。 B:如果有不同,请咨询政府。。 C:如若不同意,请参考双方建议 D:如果不同意,请以原件为参考。
  7. CRO:

  8. A:知识总监 B:市场总监 C:研究总监 D:公关总监
  9. A research proposal is a ________ written by a researcher that provides a detailed description of the proposed program.

  10. A:introduction B:bibliography C:body D:document
  11. Which one is not included in analytical reports?

  12. A:Reports to support decisions. B:Reports to solve problemsReports to report problems C:Reports to assess opportunities. D:Reports to report problems
    AI参考:正确选项是【D:Reports to report problems】。分析报告中不包括报告问题的报告,而包括支持决策的报告、解决问题的报告和评估机会的报告。因此,选项D是唯一不符合分析报告内容的选项。'
  13. When synthesizing information, which is not involved in?

  14. A:critiquing a source’s argument B:critiquing a source’s validity C:critiquing a source’s recommendations D:critiquing a source’s methodology

  15. Language traits in bidding includes:

  16. A:formal style B:here/there compound words C:abstract nouns D:Jargons application

  17. An effective proposal is NOT judged on the ________ of your writing and, therefore, it is important that your writing is coherent, clear, and compelling.

  18. A:quantity B:quality C:body D:budget
    AI参考:正确选项是【B:quality】。原文中提到“An effective proposal is NOT judged on the quality of your writing”,即有效的提案不会被你的写作质量所评判,因此你的写作必须连贯、清晰、有说服力。因此,选项B“quality”符合语境。选项A“quantity”数量,选项C“body”主体,选项D“budget”预算,都与原文意思不符。'
  19. Which of the following may appear in a technical memo heading? _______________

  20. A:Opening Segment B:Subject line C:Necessary attachment D:Current date
    AI参考:正确选项是B:Subject line。技术文档的标题通常包括主题、关键信息或主要讨论的内容,这通常是出现在文档题目部分,如主题线(Subject Line)。其他选项可能出现在技术文档的其他部分,但并不符合技术文档标题的一般格式和规范。A选项可能出现在开头的部分,如开启部分(Opening Segment),但这并非技术文档标题的一部分;C选项(必要附件)则可能在技术文档的后面附加的文件;D选项(当前日期)可能在文档的末尾,作为日期记录。因此,这些选项并不适合作为技术文档的标题。'
  21. How to understand and use the literature for purposes?

  22. A:Plotting out possible structures B:Evaluating the literature C:Background reading D:Narrowing your area of research to develop a thesis statement
  23. What is dependent Variable also called?

  24. A:control variable B:the dependent measure C:constant variable D:responding variable

  25. How to formulate a research question?

  26. A:To summarize and synthesize information from multiple sources B:To proceed from the general, wider view of the research you are reviewing to the specific problem. C:Try to choose a question that is important both in the real world and to the scholarly literature. D:Only a clear, focused and specific question could form the basis of a research paper.

  27. Process of writing a literature review are as follows:

  28. A:Presenting ideas and revision B:Formulating a research question C:Choosing a research topic D:Synthesizing multiple sources

  29. The Opening Segment of a technical memo may include ______________________.

  30. A:current date B:the context C:a task statement D:a purpose statement
    AI参考:正确选项是【CD】The Opening Segment of a technical memo may include a purpose statement and a task statement.技术报告的开头部分可能包括目的陈述和任务陈述。A选项的current date通常在报告的结尾部分作为参考信息给出。B选项的context虽然可能有用,但不是必须的。C、D选项都是符合技术报告开头部分通常包含的内容。'
  31. What can be included in the heading of a minutes?

  32. A:Title B:Time C:Location D:Name of Committee
  33. Concluding paragraph of graphs and charts usually _________________________.

  34. A:illustrate the changes changes in trends over several periods B:restate the general trend of the graphs or charts C:describe the details relating to the overall trend D:conclude with reasons sometimes

  35. The _______ section NOT clearly presents the writer’s opinion on which alternative best meets the criteria as summarized in the conclusion.

  36. A:introduction B:body C:recommendation D:conclusion
  37. What can lab reports be used for?

  38. A:Formulate a hypothesis about a particular stimulus, event, and/or behavior. B:Review relevant literature to justify your hypothesis. C:Allow someone to replicate your study by providing precise details. D:Conduct scientific research.
    AI参考:正确选项是【B:Review relevant literature to justify your hypothesis.】在实验室报告中,可以通过查阅相关文献来支持或证明你的假设,而不是进行科学研究(D选项),或者为复现研究提供精确细节(C选项)。实验室报告通常用于向他人展示研究结果或报告,通常包括实验方法、实验结果和结论等部分,用于为研究提供科学依据。因此,选项B是最符合实验室报告功能的选项。'
  39. Contract is to between ( )

  40. A:A.natural persons B:D.nations C: C. other organizations D:B.legal persons
    AI参考:正确选项为D:legal persons。根据上下文,该问题是在询问合同是在哪两个实体之间签订的。选项A和B指的是自然人和国家,选项C指的是其他组织,这些选项都不符合上下文的描述。而选项D指的是法人,是能够享有民事权利、承担民事义务的组织,符合上下文的描述。因此,正确答案是D。'
  41. Informational reports usually _______________.

  42. A:explain a topic by using facts. B:provide data, facts, feedback with analysis or recommendations needed C:persuade the reader or argue a point D:follow a memo format, a letter format or even a manuscript
    AI参考:正确选项是【B:provide data, facts, feedback with analysis or recommendations needed】信息报告通常需要提供数据、事实以及需要进行分析或推荐的反馈。选项A的解释一个主题使用事实不准确;选项C的劝说或观点论证也不符合信息报告的目的;选项D的遵循备忘录、信件或手稿格式也不是信息报告的主要内容。因此,选项B是符合信息报告的主要内容的。'
  43. Technical contract is to ( )civil relationship.

  44. A:C.terminate B:B.change C:D. transform D:A. establish
    AI参考:正确选项为D:establish。原文中提到“Technical contract is to establish civil relationship”,即技术合同是建立民事关系的一种方式。因此,选项D“establish”符合题意。选项A、B、C与原文意思不符。'
  45. What techniques can be employed in a presentation?

  46. A:Timeline B:Climax C:Problem/Solution D:Classification

  47. How to end the speech?

  48. A:Purpose and Objective B:Outline C:Starter D:Topics
    AI参考:正确选项是【A:Purpose and Objective】。在演讲结束时,需要明确演讲的目的和目标,这是很重要的。通过回顾演讲的主要目的和目标,可以让听众更好地理解演讲的内容,并知道演讲对他们的意义和影响。因此,选项A:Purpose and Objective是正确的选择。其他选项B:Outline、C:Starter和D:Topics在演讲结束时并不是必需的,因此不是正确选项。'
  49. The Introduction section of informational reports usually cover __________________.

  50. A:background on previous work B:purpose or objectives C:approach to the problem D:overview of the procedures

  51. Body paragraphs of graphs and charts usually _________________________.

  52. A:restate the main trend in the graph or chart by using different words B:present the whole structure of the graphs and charts C:classfiy the whole figures in the graphs or charts into rational items D:include one or more paragraphs to support the general trend

  53. What does the meeting minutes include?

  54. A:Body B:Signature of the minutes recorder C:Heading D:Adjournment
  55. Progress report for a research program or project is going to be slightly different than for a project at work.

  56. A:错 B:对
  57. The conclusion is given in the last part about interpretation of facts report’s comments and recommendations.

  58. A:错 B:对
  59. Technology contracts is an integrated structure, including preamble , main body, and terminal.

  60. A:错 B:对
  61. The “Adj +N” pattern and “Adv+V” pattern are recommended to describe the degree or the speed of changes in graphs or charts.

  62. A:错 B:对

  63. Tender is common in engineering contract documents.

  64. A:错 B:对
  65. Bidding is a procedure for generating competing offers from different bidders looking to obtain an award of business activity in works, supply, or service contracts.

  66. A:对 B:错

  67. A line chart or line graph is a type of chart which displays information as a series of data points called 'markers' connected by straight line segments.

  68. A:对 B:错

  69. Conclusion and recommendation can never appear in an informational report.

  70. A:错 B:对

  71. The first purpose of a minutes is to set out the conclusions.

  72. A:对 B:错

  73. When writing a rough draft of abstract, you should look back at the paper continually for correctness.

  74. A:错 B:对

  75. Invitation letters can be divided into invitation for potential bidders and letters for formal invitation.

  76. A:对 B:错
  77. Writing a research proposal engages a number of skills. These skills can be grouped into five clusters.

  78. A:对 B:错

  79. A feasibility report is a formally documented output of feasibility study .

  80. A:对 B:错
  81. When describing graphs and charts, the first step is to choose the most important details that will support the statement or main trend.

  82. A:对 B:错

  83. We can group the citations according to the research problem or methodology used.

  84. A:错 B:对

  85. The writer should maintain a neutral attitude when presenting the facts.

  86. A:对 B:错

  87. A 45 minutes talk should have no more than ten main points.

  88. A:错 B:对
  89. Progress report for a research program or project is going to be quite the same as a project at work.

  90. A:对 B:错
  91. Bid is common in engineering contract documents prepared by the United Kingdom.

  92. A:对 B:错

  93. Informative subjects are general but descriptive subjects are much more specific and usually with action indication.

  94. A:对 B:错

  95. A.

    From the potential bidder to the Employer


    Dear Sirs,

    Sub: Reply to Preliminary Inquiry

    Tender for (name of project)

    Thank you for your letter of  (date)  asking us whether we wish to be invited to submit a tender for this project in accordance with the conditions you set out.

    We shall be pleased to accept such an invitation if extended and we look forward to hearing from you further.

    Yours faithfully, (name of bidding company)



    From the potential bidder to the Employe


    Dear Sirs,

    Sub: Queries from Tender Documents

    On examination of the tender document enclosed with your letter of (date) and following our inspection of the site, it is found that some descriptions in the tender documents are ambiguous and that there are some discrepancies between what is described therein and what has been observed at the site. Therefore, we wish to draw the following matters to your attention:

    We shall be grateful if you can clarify these two items so that we may be certain that we are tendering on the correct basis.

    Yours faithfully,  (name of bidding company)

  96. AI参考:正确选项是 A。根据上下文,这是一封来自潜在投标商给雇主的信,信中提到了对初步询问的回复,并表达了愿意接受邀请并期待进一步联系的态度。而选项B则是一封来自潜在投标商给雇员的信,其中提到了对招标文件的疑问,并要求澄清某些事项以确保正确投标。因此,根据上下文和选项内容,选项A更符合题意。'
  97. Here is a specimen report of a simple experiment that requires no special laboratory apparatus.


    Aim: To prove that mental is a better conductor of heat than wood.


    - a saucepan half-filled with water

    - a spirit lamp

    - a stand

    - a metal spoon

    - a wooden spoon

    Theory: In a good conductor of heat,  the heat applied at one point travels more quickly to other points than in a bad conductor of heat.

    Procedure: The saucepan of water is kept on the stand.  The spirit lamp is placed under it and lighted.  When the water begins to boil,  the metal spoon and the wooden spoon are placed in the water,  so that the handles of the two spoons project outside the saucepan.  The spoons are left in the boiling water for two minutes.  The handle of the metal spoon is felt with the left hand,  and the handle of the wooden spoon with the right hand.

    Observations: It is found that the handle of the metal spoon feels hotter to the touch than that of the wooden spoon.

    Conclusion: The experiment proves that metal conducts heat better than wood. 

  98. AI参考:Which of the following statements is NOT mentioned in the passage?选项A. Mental heat is a better conductor of heat than wood.选项B. The metal spoon and the wooden spoon are placed in boiling water for two minutes.选项C. The metal spoon feels hotter than the wooden spoon.选项D. The experiment proves that mental heat is a better conductor of heat than water.根据文章内容,文章主要描述了一个实验,通过这个实验证明了金属比木头更能传导热。文章中提到了实验的步骤、观察结果以及结论,但没有提到精神热是否比水更能传导热。因此,选项D所述的“精神热”是未提及的。因此,答案是D. The experiment proves that mental heat is a better conductor of heat than water.。'

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