第五章 Business Reception:Business Reception5.1Protocol Routine:Protocol Routine
5.2Ceremonial address:Ceremonial address
5.3Business Travel:Business Travel
5.1Protocol Routine:Protocol Routine
5.2Ceremonial address:Ceremonial address
5.3Business Travel:Business Travel
[单选题]Which of the following is the most appropriate interpretation of the sentence “Now let me give the floor to the speaker, Mr. Hammer, CFO of TMNS.” ( )。 选项:[下面有请汉莫先生,TMNS 公司的财务总监发言
, 接下来我们把地板给发言人,TMNS公司的财务总监汉莫先生。
, 接下来我们把地板给说话人,汉莫先生,TMNS公司的财务总监。
, 下面有请 TMNS 公司的财务总监汉莫先生发言。
[单选题]Which of the following is the most appropriate interpretation of the sentence“初访广州的游客第一个印象必然是那些象征着这座大城市财富和魅力的高楼大厦。”( )。 选项:[The first impression on the visitor to Guangzhou must be the tall buildings that symbolize the wealth and charm of the city.
, The first impression on the visitor to Guangzhou must be the tall buildings that symbolize the wealth of the big city.
, First-time visitors to Guangzhou will invariably first be captivated by the soaring skyscrapers that symbolize the metropolis’ wealth and glamour.
, The first impression of first-time visitors to Guangzhou must be the buildings that symbolize the charm of this big city.
[单选题]Which of the following is the most appropriate interpretation of the sentence “Since we arrived, the gracious hospitality with which we have been received has been truly heartwarming. A Chinese proverb best describes my feeling: ‘When the visitor arrives, it is as if returning home’”( )。 选项:[我们在这里一直受到你们的热情款待,让我们倍感温暖。中国有句老话最能表达我的感受,那就是“宾至如归”。
, 自从我们到达后,我们受到了亲切的款待,这真是令人感动。有一句中国谚语最能描述我的感受:“来客如归”。
K. 我们到达后,我们所接受的热情款待真的温暖人心。有一句中国谚语最能描述我的感受,那就是“宾至如归”。
L. 由于我们抵达的盛情款待,我们已收到了真正温暖人心。中国有句老话最能表达我的感受,那就是“当客人来时,就像回到家一样”。
[单选题]Which of the following is the most appropriate interpretation of the sentence“我为此次能访问这座美丽的城市,再次表达我的愉悦之情。”( )。 选项:[Being able to visit this beautiful city, I once again express my pleasure.
, I want to express my pleasure at visiting this city.
, I wish to say again that I am so delighted to visit this lovely city.
, In order to visit this beautiful city, I want to express my joy again.
[多选题]Which of the followings are the main purpose of business travel( )。 选项:[To go sightseeing
, To seek opportunities of cooperation
, To observe and learn
, To collect information
[多选题]How should we strengthen the comparative study of Chinese and western cultures( )。 选项:[learn more about Chinese traditional customs and culture, the latest national economic policies
, read English magazines to continuously update our knowledge
, be familiar with The Four Books and The Five Classics as well as excellent Chinese literary works
, be familiar with literary works like the Bible, ancient Greek and Roman mythology, Shakespearian Plays
[判断题]We should prepare the relevant information well before the interpretation. ( ) 选项:[对, 错]
[判断题]Interpreters should focus on their interpretation, so they do not need to pay much attention to their dressing. ( ) 选项:[对, 错]
[判断题]One of the most efficient ways to check the quality of our interpreting is to record the interpretation and listen to it. ( ) 选项:[对, 错]
[判断题]We can only interpret “尊敬的” to “respected”. ( ) 选项:[错, 对]

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