1. In order to delivery an accurate delivery, the interpreter should try to note down every word from the speaker. ( )

  2. 答案:错
  3. If you have to leave the table at any point during your meal, place your napkin unfolded on your empty chair instead of on the table in front of you. ( )

  4. 答案:对
  5. Before the dinner starts, the interpreter should choose a seat immediately before other guests in order to save time. ( )

  6. 答案:错
  7. It violates the ethics if the interpreter discloses the content of business negotiation to friends.( )

  8. 答案:对
  9. In business negotiation, if the interpreter knows a lot about the Chinese company, s/he can answer the question from the foreign client without consulting the Chinese side.( )

  10. 答案:错
  11. When the foreign guest praises on other’s possession, it means s/he wants to take it a gift. ( )

  12. 答案:错
  13. A remote conference causes minimum disruption to a working day or week.( )

  14. 答案:对
  15. On bargaining over the price, when one negotiator says :Let’s meet each other half way. It means 我们各让一步吧/折中一下。( )

  16. 答案:对
  17. Active listening skill is only useful for interpreting.( )

  18. 答案:错
  19. An interpreter should arrive at the scene precisely at the agreed time.( )

  20. 答案:错
  21. How to interpret 您去哪儿啊 into English, when the Chinese host greets the foreign guest ? ( )

  22. 答案:How are you?###Nice to meet you.
  23. Sufficient input of prefabricated chunks helps to_______( )
  24. When you meet the foreign guest for the first time, what are the taboo topics?( )
  25. How to interpret 下降 into English? ( )
  26. When receiving a gift from the foreign guest, the Chinese host says “劳您费心了,实在不好意思”.How to interpret it? ( )
  27. What may be included in a product promotion? ( )
  28. Select the incorrect uses of chopsticks. ( )
  29. Which of the following statements about note taking are correct? ( )
  30. To present a good image, a male interpreter can ________( )
  31. The Human Relations are responsible for ________( )
  32. Which of the following may express the central idea of a sentence ?( )
  33. What are the aims of marketing departments? ( )
  34. What is the proper translation of “您想买点什么”?( )
  35. Which statements about noting down logical links are correct? ( )
  36. Before interpreting for product promotion, what preparations can interpreters make( )
  37. Which of the following interpretation is wrong? ( )
  38. Active listening requires interpreters to_________ ( )
  39. When interpreting numbers, the interpreter must know ________( )
  40. In order to make sound preparations, to the organizers, interpreters can ask questions like______( )
  41. Which of the following statements are correct about Chinese and western culture? ( )
  42. Which of the following is not recommended for doing remote interpreting ? ( )
  43. What does mean in the sentence of The plane to a limousine? ( )
  44. What does commencement speech mean?
  45. How to interpret 到岸价?( )
  46. How to interpret 26.7 million?( )
  47. Social media marketing refers to the process of gaining website through social networking sites. Here, what does mean? ( )
  48. Which one is correct for 三千四百五十万零五十八?( )
  49. Which one is correct for 一亿六千万零六?( )
  50. Which of the following statements about memory is correct? ( )
  51. Which one of the following statements does NOT mean 我反对?( )
  52. ________ is a speech of greeting, celebration, or thanks, usually in conjunction with a meal or reception.( )
  53. Which of the following words is NOT a way of cooking? ( )
  54. If anything that discredit the company happens, which department must manage the crisis and protect the reputation? ( )
  55. How to translate 新兴市场 ( )?
  56. What is the meaning of seasoning in the sentence, The chef pick various seasonings and ingredients?
  57. What main figures of speech is used in the following paragraph ?I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal.I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood.I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, a state sweltering with the heat of injustice, sweltering with the heat of oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice.
  58. What is a digital divide?
  59. How to interpret 柜员 into English?( )
  60. How to interpret 免税店 into English? ( )
  61. When someone asks about the price, what does the word mean in a sentence : “What is your offer”( )?
  62. In business negotiation, , a skillful interpreter can give full play to his or her autonomy yet still under the constraints of professional ethics. ( )
  63. The roles of an interpreter include____ ( )
  64. Which of the following are correct ? ( )
  65. Which one of the following is NOT correct?( )
  66. Bulk cargo means 散装货物. ( )
  67. What are the possible content for business negotiation? ( )
  68. Which statements are correct about business negotiation? ( )
  69. Which of the following translation is NOT correct? ( )
  70. Interpreters must maintain confidentiality so as not to leak valuable trade secrets or insider information to any external party. ( )
  71. Interpreters are not suggested to accept any assignment which they are not qualified for.( )
  72. One can use Wi-fi or hotspots for remote interpreting. ( )
  73. Meeting agenda means 会议纪要。( )
  74. What does the sentence, mean? ( )
  75. During remote interpreting, the interpreters must make sure the Internet connection is stable and video ,cameras and microphones are working. ( )
  76. What are the duties for a moderator in a meeting? ( )
  77. What is the meaning of  listed company ? ( )
  78. What it the meaning of market access ? ( )
  79. On site promotion is the practice of leveraging web-based channels to spread a message about a company’s brand. ( )
  80. Social media marketing is easily aimed at a targeted audience.( )
  81. What is the meaning of marketing mix? ( )
  82. What is the function of a HR department? ( )
  83. What is COO? ( )
  84. What is the meaning of when we talk about the annual turnover in a company? ( )
  85. 首次公开募股 is interpreted into IFO in English. ( )
  86. The administration department is responsible for ( )
  87. 市政府can be interpreted as city government.( )
  88. How to interpret 商务部?( )
  89. How to interpret 商会?( )
  90. In the sentence, , what does mean? ( )
  91. Prefabricated chunks can be stored in memory and retrieved when necessary( )
  92. When interpreting sentence like 值此樱花暗香、皓月当空、繁星满天、春风和煦的夜晚, one must convey every image without missing anything. ( )
  93. Increasing the input of prefabricated chunks will add up to the memory burden for interpreters. ( )
  94. Toast speeches often take a good-natured, sometimes humorous tone.( )
  95. Which of the following is NOT a figures of speech? ( )
  96. Eulogies and National Day speeches are examples of commencement speech. ( )
  97. In the sentence, “During the cooking process, chefs pick choice and various ingredients” , what doeschoice mean? ( )
  98. When not in use, chopsticks can be left sticking upright out of food.( )
  99. Which of the following dish translation does not make sense? ( )
  100. Since business dinner is not as serious as a conference, interpreters can wear casual clothes, such as T-shirt and jeans. ( )
  101. Which of the following statements are correct about table manners? ( )
  102. In the sentence, taxi means 乘坐出租车。( )
  103. Before the interpreting, the interpreter need to know more about the schedule and details of the event. ( )
  104. Which statements are correct about where to stand for interpreters?( )
  105. Which one is incorrect for interpreters? ( )
  106. Which one is the correct translation for 总工程师?( )
  107. What are the benefits of having cross-cultural awareness for interpreters? ( )
  108. Language competence is not enough for a qualified interpreter. A qualified interpreter should have cross-cultural awareness. ( )
  109. Which statement is correct?( )
  110. Topics like age, family, income, marriage are taboos in western conversation( )
  111. It is inevitable for interpreters to come across all sorts of people possessing diverse cultural backgrounds. ( )
  112. In the sentence, “The UN latest report expects the world population to grow to 10 billion in 2050, ”,which of the following is correct about the underlined sentence? ( )
  113. How to interpret 125 billion?( )
  114. When listening to sentences with figures, we should pay attention to ______( )
  115. Which one is correct for interpreting 6.7million? ( )
  116. 30万 can be interpreted into 30 thousand in English. ( )
  117. Applying indentation and shift means each component of the notes should form a diagonal axis, working from left to right. ( )
  118. In note taking, one should note down as much information as possible. ( )
  119. Why do interpreters take notes? ( )
  120. What are the principles in note taking? ( )
  121. What are the messages worth noting down? ( )
  122. In short term memory, the message often last for______ ( )
  123. One chunk means one word or one sentence.( )
  124. Our common knowledge and experience is often stored in______ ( )
  125. Visualization is helpful when you listen to argumentative materials.( )
  126. Usually, a person can memorize 5 to 9 memory chunks without any note taking. ( )
  127. The logical links or relations of Chinese are usually less “explicit” than in English. ( )
  128. When memorizing key words, interpreters should focus on their meanings, not the form of words. ( )
  129. Logical analysis and key words can alleviate the burden of memory and note-taking. ( )
  130. In active listening, the listeners should listen to( )
  131. Active listening can only be used in interpreting ( )。
  132. Interpreters don’t need to be listener-oriented. As long as they can deliver the message, it’s OK. There is no need to think about the listeners. ( )
  133. What will you find in this course?( )
  134. Select the tips for learning in this course.( )
  135. The etiquette, code of conduct and manners for interpreters, belong to ______( )
  136. Interpreting skills are only be used in interpreting tasks.( )
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