

  1. According to episode 3.3.3, the appropriate personal distance is _____ in the U. S. A. ( )

  2. A:between 4ft (1.2m) and 12ft (3.6m) B:between 18ft (0.45m) and 4 ft (1.2m) C:larger than 12ft (3.6m) D:less than 18 ft (0.45m)
    AI参考:根据第3.3.3集的内容,美国的适当个人距离应该是A:在4英尺(大约1.2米)和12英尺(大约3.6米)之间。这个答案可以通过剧情中的描述和实际情况来验证。因此,正确选项为A:between 4ft (1.2m) and 12ft (3.6m)。'
  3. According to episode 4.2.1, Wang Qi, master of National Medicines, claims that there are ____ types of body constitution. ( )

  4. A:Four B:Nine C:Seven D:Five
    答案:balance of yin and yang in your body
  5. According to episode 3.2.2, the largest translation project of TCM classics in the West is organized and done by_______. ( )

  6. A:Nigel Wiseman B:Li Zhaoguo C:Paul Unschuld D:Tu Youyou
    答案:Chinese Materia Medica
  7. According to Episode 1.1.1, what does CAM stand for in medical circle in the United States of America?( )

  8. A:Computer aided manufacturing B:Complementary and alternative manufacturing C:Computer aided medicine D:Complementary and alternative medicine
    答案:Chinese Materia Medica (中草药);Theories of Chinese medicine;Stories and anecdotes (轶事) of great TCM physicians
  9. According to episode 5.2.5, which of the following countries is not included in “BRICS”? ( )

  10. A:Russia B:South Africa C:India D:Cyprus
    答案:Chinese Materia Medica (中草药);Theories of Chinese medicine;Stories and anecdotes (轶事) of great TCM physicians
  11. According to episode 3.3.2, who is supposed to be the creator of four diagnostic methods of TCM? ( )

  12. A:Li Shizhen (李时珍) B:Bian Que (扁鹊) C:Sun Simiao (孙思邈) D:Hua Tuo (华佗)
    答案:Chinese Materia Medica (中草药);Theories of Chinese medicine;Stories and anecdotes (轶事) of great TCM physicians
  13. The first three lines from a love song go like this: “You said that you love me.//You said that you want me.//Your eyes touch my heart.” According to episode 3.3.1, what function does the nonverbal message from “your eyes” have? ( )

  14. A:Replacing B:Modifying C:Regulating D:Complementing
  15. According to episode 6.2.3, what is a bigger ambition for TCM interculturalization?( )

  16. A:TCM goes hand in hand with the local healthcare system. B:TCM has become the dominant way of healthcare system in the world. C:TCM has replaced Western Medicine in every country. D:TCM has become a major principle of diseases classification in the world.

  17. According to episode 2.3.2, TCM’s guide to treating colds reflects its ______.( )

  18. A:Harmony with nature B:Mastery (征服) over nature C:Emphasizing the past where nature was full of primeval (远古的) beauty D:Subjugation (屈服于) to nature

  19. According to episode 3.1.4, ______ and his colleagues discovered that African American teens and demonstrated that AAVE was neither logically nor structurally inferior to any other sort of speech. ( )

  20. A:William Gudykunst B:William Labov C:Stella Ting-Toomey D:Edward T Hall

  21. According to episode 3.1.1, what are the four core branches of linguistics?( )

  22. A:Semantics (语义学) B:Phonology (音系学). C:Syntax (句法学). D:Pragmatics (语用学)

  23. According to episode 1.2.2, what are the two basic ethical values held by Su Simiao? ( )

  24. A:Thorough education (精勤不倦) B:Compassion (恻隐) C:Humaneness (仁) D:Self-discipline (自律)

  25. According to episode 3.3.2, what are the two causes of illness from the perspective of TCM? ( )

  26. A:Unhealthy Lifestyle B:From outside C:From inside D:Physical disorder

  27. According to episode 1.1.1, how can we stay a step ahead in combating COVID-19?( )

  28. A:Vax and boost B:Stay informed and Social distance C:Mask up indoors and in public D:Stay home; Test if sick

  29. According to episode 6.2.1, moral dimension in X. D. Dai & G. M. Chen’s ICC model involves _____. ( )

  30. A:Tolerance B:Sincerity C:Responsibility D:Mutual respect

  31. According to episode 4.2.3, being empathetic involves three aspects, namely, _____ ( )

  32. A:self-disclosure B:awareness C:acknowledgement D:action

  33. According to episode 1.2.1, what are the four ethical rules of IC? ( )

  34. A:Seeking Commonalities B:Avoidance of Personal Biases C:Right to Freedom from Harm D:Mutuality & Honesty

  35. According to episode 4.1.1, what are the factors influencing successful health communication?( )

  36. A:Health care professionals and patients may not realize the importance of communication B:Some issues are not easily broached (难以启齿) C:Language barriers such as medical jargon (医学术语) D:Patients are too painful to talk.

  37. According to episode 5.1.3, which of the following might contribute to the surge of international students applying for TCM study in China? ( )

  38. A:Inspired by Nobel Laureate Tu Youyou B:Study in China Initiative C:Increasing demands for TCM overseas D:Seeking authentic education of TCM in China

  39. According to episode 5.2.4, who are some possible practitioners of TCM in Switzerland? ( )

  40. A:Western medicine doctors B:Swiss Chinese practitioners of TCM C:TCM practitioners trained in Chinese Mainland D:Therapists engaged in acupuncture treatment

  41. According to episode 2.1.2, President Xi Jinping states that the Chinese dream is the dream of people. ( )

  42. A:对 B:错
  43. According to episode 5.2.1, conventional medicine in South Korea and Japan usually refers to western medicine. ( )

  44. A:对 B:错

  45. According to episode 2.1.1, culture changes overnight because it is dynamic.( )

  46. A:对 B:错
  47. According to episode 5.2.5, Chinese patent medicines are allowed on the Brazilian market. ( )

  48. A:错 B:对
  49. According to episode 6.1.1, stereotypical ideas usually lead to prejudice. ( )

  50. A:错 B:对

  51. According to episode 2.3.6, people from a low-context culture may strive to adopt face-save strategy. ( )

  52. A:错 B:对

  53. According to episode 6.1.2, ethnocentrism usually is intentional and therefore quite detrimental (不利的) to intercultural communication. ( )

  54. A:错 B:对

  55. According to episode 2.3.5, it is usually acknowledged that Edward T. Hall put forward high-context and low-context cultural orientations in his book entitled “Beyond Culture”. ( )

  56. A:错 B:对
  57. According to episode 2.2.1, many different translations of the English term “communication” reflects the complexity of human communication. ( )

  58. A:错 B:对

  59. According to episode 2.3.7, in applying cultural value patterns to analyze cultural influence on communication, it is advisable to be aware that not everyone in a given society holds the dominant value. ( )

  60. A:错 B:对
  61. According to episode 5.2.3, while working in China as a French consul back to the 19th century, Philbert Dabri translated 10 important Chinese medical books into French. ( )

  62. A:错 B:对

  63. According to episode 6.2.1, moral dimension is added to address the gap in western models of IIC and helps to correct the s bias.( )

  64. A:对 B:错

  65. According to episode 3.1.2, as one of the three steps of perception, categorization usually does vary across cultures. ( )

  66. A:错 B:对
  67. According to episode 5.1.3, among over 700,000 international students of TCM in China, most international students enroll at the bachelor’s level. ( )

  68. A:对 B:错
  69. According to episode 4.2.3, two suggestions on how to overcome intercultural barriers to health communication are mutually exclusive (相互排斥的) and exhaustive (全面的). ( )

  70. A:对 B:错

  71. According to episode 6.1.3, people in a hostility stage constantly use ethnocentric (本族文化为中心的) standards to compare and evaluate the local practices and customs.( )

  72. A:对 B:错

  73. According to episode 3.2.3, cultural loss in TCM translation is not necessarily a bad thing. ( )

  74. A:错 B:对
  75. According to episode 5.2.1, almost every type of herbal extract is covered by the medical insurance policy in Japan. ( )

  76. A:对 B:错

  77. According to episode 3.3.2, the movement of blood in artery is taken by TCM physicians to detect any possible reasons for one’s illness. ( )

  78. A:错 B:对
  79. According to episode 5.2.4, Switzerland witnessed the establishment of the first TCM university in Europe to offer undergraduate and postgraduate programs related to TCM. ( )

  80. A:错 B:对

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