

  1. Xiaozhuan ("small seal") style in the development of Chinese calligraphy belongs to which stage?

  2. A:the fourth stage B:the third stage C:the first stage D:the second stage
    AI参考:正确选项:D:the second stage原文中提到的小篆(Xiaozhuan)是中国书法发展中的一个阶段,根据常识和历史知识,小篆通常被认为是书法发展的第二个阶段。因此,选项D是正确答案。选项A、B、C都不符合历史事实和常识。'
  3. The art of fengshui advocates that the essence of feng shui is in line with the basic element of the physical world in ancient Chinese philosophy.Whcih one in the following is it?

  4. A:feng and shui B:feng C:qi D:shui
  5. What are Mogao caves famous for?

  6. A:painted murals B:colored sculptures C:manuscripts D:colored sculptures and painted murals
    答案:colored sculptures and painted murals
  7. ____is portrayed as an ideal ruler who adheres to benevolent policies(仁政).

  8. A:Zhuge Liang B:Guan Yu C:Liu Bei D:Zhang Fei
    答案:Liu Bei
  9. The Shaolin Kungu is greatly different from other types of martial arts in that _______________.

  10. A:it enjoys a longer history B:it incorporates Buddhism belief and Zen wisdom into martial arts C:it will exert stronger force when played D:it usually takes people more time to  practice
    答案:i t incorporates Buddhism belief and Zen wisdom into martial arts
  11. The art of fengshui advocates there is a certain field, sort of like magneticfield, termed as what?

  12. A:qi field B:feng field C:shui field D:magnetic field
    AI参考:正确选项是【A:qi field 】。原文中提到“the art of fengshui advocates there is a certain field, sort of like a magnetic field”,因此可以推断出选项A“qi field”指的是风水所倡导的某种领域,类似于磁场。选项B“feng field”与原文不符,选项C“shui field”则与风水无关,而选项D“magnetic field”指的是物理学中的磁场,与风水无关。因此,A是正确答案。'
  13. A which Dynasty paper flower in the British Museum is one of the oldest paper-cuttings discovered so far?

  14. A:Han B:Tang C:Ming D:Song
  15. Which of the folling religions is indigenous to China?

  16. A:Buddhism B:Taoism C:Christianity D:Islam
  17. What Kung Fu advocates is_________________

  18. A:aggression B:invasion C:violence D:virtue and peace
    AI参考:正确选项是D:virtue and peace原文中提到“Kung Fu advocates”,意为“功夫提倡”,根据常识和语境,功夫提倡的是一种积极向上的精神,强调的是道德和和平,因此选项D“virtue and peace”最符合语境。选项A、B、C都与功夫的精神不符。'
  19. Before the invention of _____, bones, tortoise shells, and bamboo slips were all used as writing surfaces.

  20. A:paper B:compass C:gunpowder D:printing
  21. ______ is the longest canal or artificial river in the world.

  22. A:The Suez Canal B:The Grand Canal C:The Panama Canal D:The Erie Canal
    AI参考:正确选项为【B:The Grand Canal】。在题目中提到了“is the longest canal or artificial river in the world”,可以推断出这道题是在询问世界上最长的人工运河或河流。选项A是苏伊士运河,选项C是巴拿马运河,选项D是伊利运河,而选项B是大运河,是中国古代的一项伟大工程,也是世界上最长的人工运河之一。因此,根据题目要求,正确答案是B。'
  23. Which of the following is a famous complex of the Tibetan fortress type, as well as a distinguished representative of both ancient Tibetan and Chinese architectural art?

  24. A:The YangziPozhang Palace B:The Yumbulhakang Palace C:The Potala Palace D:The BaqinPozhang Palace
    AI参考:正确答案是C:The Potala Palace。Potala Palace是藏式城堡式建筑群中的著名代表,也是藏式和汉式建筑艺术的杰出代表。其他选项如YangziPozhang Palace(扬州平山堂)、Yumbulhakang Palace(雍和宫)、BaqinPozhang Palace(八旗王爷府)虽然也具有很高的建筑艺术价值,但与问题中的描述不符。因此,答案为C。'
  25. Dishes of Sichuan Cuisine are famous for their hot-spicy taste and the what flavor because of the use of Sichuan chili and peppercorn that are rare in other regional cuisines?

  26. A:salty B:sweet C:stinky D:mouth-numbing

  27. Journey to the West by Wu Cheng’en is an outstanding romantic work full of ____ tales.

  28. A:feasible B:romantic C:fantastic D:realistic
    AI参考:正确答案是B: romantic。《西游记》是一部充满浪漫色彩的小说,所以答案为B。该小说讲述了唐僧师徒四人西天取经的故事,充满了奇幻、冒险和幽默的元素,因此可以说是一部浪漫小说。选项A“可行的”、C“奇幻的”和D“现实的”都不符合小说的特点。'
  29. Which porcelain had sublimed to be at the most elegant in Qing Dynasty?

  30. A:famille-rose porcelain B:black porcelain C:blue and white porcelain D:Celadon

  31. The Chime can be played from C2 to D7 with 12 semitones, spanning ______________octaves.

  32. A:seven and a half B:six and a half C:five and a half D:eight and a half
    AI参考:正确选项是【B:six and a half】。根据题干中的描述,Chime的音域范围是从C2到D7,包含12个半音,跨度为六个半八度。因此,正确答案为B,即six and a half。其他选项中,seven and a half(七个半小时)和eight and a half(八个半小时)都与音域范围无关,而five and a half(五个半小时)则不符合实际。'
  33. What is the traditional Chinese festival related to dragon?

  34. A:Spring Festival B:Tomb-Sweeping Day C:Mid-Autumn Festival D:Dragon Boat Festival

  35. There is a traditional Chinese festival which is related to dragon. Do you know what is it?

  36. A:Mid-Autumn Festival B:Spring Festival C:Tomb-Sweeping Day D:Dragon Boat Festival

  37. In             , paper-cutting craftsman Li Tianhua cut a silhouette for former U.S. President Nixon, who called him “The World’s Number One Cutter”.

  38. A:1972 B:1983 C:1973 D:1982
    AI参考:正确选项是A:1972。 根据题目中的描述,纸雕工艺师李天华为一个前美国总统尼克松制作了一个剪影,而尼克松称他为“世界第一剪影大师”。因此,可以推断出这个事件发生的时间应该是1972年,因为这时的尼克松还是美国总统。所以,正确答案是A:1972。"
  39. Which hot pot is heavy on fresh seafood, including live shrimp, oysters, and squid

  40. A:Sanya B:Northern China C:Chongqing D:Cantonese
  41. ______ was the most important ancient Eurasian trade route.

  42. A:The Inca Trail B:The Ancient Tea Horse Road C:Tangbo Passageway D:The Silk Road
    AI参考:正确选项是【D:The Silk Road】。丝绸之路是中国古代连接东西方的重要贸易和文化交流通道,是古代最重要的Eurasian贸易路线之一。选项A中的Inca Trail是印加古道,是南美洲的重要历史遗迹;选项B中的Ancient Tea Horse Road是中国古代的茶马古道,也是重要的贸易路线,但不是最重要的;选项C中的Tangbo Passageway是唐蕃古道,是古代中原和西藏之间的主要贸易和文化交流通道,但不是最重要的。因此,根据题干中的描述和选项,正确答案为D。'
  43. The National flag of the People' s Republic of China is a ______ Five-star red flag with a length and width proportion of 3:2.

  44. A:pentagonal B:rectangular C:hexagonal D:triangular

  45. Which of the following is the largest existing imperial palace-garden and temple complex in China?

  46. A:The Summer Palace B:The Old Summer Palace C:Beihai Imperial Garden D:The Chengde Mountain Resort
    AI参考:正确答案是D:The Chengde Mountain Resort。选项D中的承德避暑山庄是中国现存最大的皇家园林和寺庙群,也是中国四大名园之一。其他选项中的颐和园、圆明园、北海公园都是著名的皇家园林,但规模和历史地位不及承德避暑山庄。因此,答案为D。'
  47. The Mogao Grottoes is considered as ___________ which preeminent religious grotto site in China?

  48. A:Buddhist B:Bon C:Shamanist D:Taoist
    AI参考:正确选项为A:Buddhist。根据问题中的描述,The Mogao Grottoes被视为中国最著名的宗教石窟遗址之一,因此可以推断出答案应该是佛教(Buddhist)。其他选项B、C、D与问题中的描述不符。'
  49. The cheongsam enjoyed initial popularity in the 1920s, which was first designed by people of              .

  50. A:Guangzhou B:Shanghai C:Beijing D:Hongkong
    AI参考:正确选项是【B:Shanghai】。原文中提到“The cheongsam enjoyed initial popularity in the 1920s,which was first designed by people of”,意思是旗袍在20世纪20年代初期很受欢迎,这是由上海的人们设计的。因此,选项B Shanghai符合题意。其他选项A Guangzhou、C Beijing、D Hongkong都不符合原文描述。'
  51. The cheongsam enjoyed initial popularityin the 1920s, was first designed by people of which place?

  52. A:Shanghai B:Guangzhou C:Hongkong D:Beijing
  53. The Great Wall is used for ___________ purpose in ancient China.

  54. A:enclosure B:tourism C:windbreak D:defense
    AI参考:正确答案是D: defense。长城在古代中国是用于防御目的的。A选项enclosure意为“封入物件”,B选项tourism意为“旅游业”,C选项windbreak意为“防风物”,都不符合语境。因此,正确答案为D。'
  55. In Chinese, _____ is called huo yao, meaning flaming medicine.

  56. A:papermaking B:gunpowder C:compass D:printing
    AI参考:正确答案是B:gunpowder,意思是“火药”,燃烧着的药物,用于火炮的制造,一般与烟花,火把有染,即huo yao一词翻译成汉语是火药的意思。其他选项和原题意思不符。'
  57. The canal we see today was built section by section in different areas and dynasties before it was linked together by the ______.

  58. A:Yuan Dynasty B:Song Dynasty C:Sui Dynasty D:Tang Dynasty
    AI参考:正确选项是【D:Tang Dynasty】。根据题目中的描述,这条运河是在不同的地区和朝代分阶段修建的,最后由唐朝连接在一起。因此,选项中只有唐朝(Tang Dynasty)符合题意,所以正确答案为D。'
  59. Chinese ______ is a collection of cultural history, folktales, and religious tradition that has been passed down for centuries in oral or written form.

  60. A:poetry B:mythology C:caligraphy D:opera
    AI参考:正确选项是B:mythology。句子中提到的是“Chinese culture is a collection of cultural history, folktales, and religious tradition”,而mythology是指神话学,通常指有关古代神话和传说,与句子中的“文化历史、民间故事和宗教传统”相符合。poetry是指诗歌,caligraphy是指书法,opera是指歌剧,这些选项与句子的意思和结构都不符合。因此,B选项mythology是正确答案。'
  61. In the high Tang period, there appeared a whole generation of ______ giants including Li Bai and Du Fu.

  62. A:mathematical B:political C:literary D:military
  63. According to Chinese folktales,______ is the creator of the universe or the earliest ancestor of Chinese people.

  64. A:Huangdi B:Nv wa C:Pangu D:Houyi
  65. What are China's four major cuisines?

  66. A:Zhejiang Cuisine B:Guangdong Cuisine C:Hunan Cuisine D:Shandong Cuisine E:Sichuan Cuisine F:Jiangsu Cuisine
    AI参考:正确选项是【B:Guangdong Cuisine】、【C:Hunan Cuisine】、【D:Shandong Cuisine】。中国四大菜系是川菜、鲁菜、粤菜和淮扬菜的总称。其中粤菜包括广东、广西、海南、香港等地的菜系,口味比较清淡,注重食材的原味;鲁菜是山东地区的菜系,口味比较咸鲜,注重食材的烹饪技巧;湖南菜和四川菜都是辣味菜系,口味比较重;而江苏菜口味比较清淡,注重食材的搭配和烹饪技巧。因此,选项B、C、D都是正确的选项。选项A和E不属于四大菜系之列。'
  67. Which of the following is among the world's five major palaces?

  68. A:Buckingham Palace in UK B:the Kremlin Palace in Russia C:the White House in America D:the Forbidden City
    AI参考:【答案】D:the Forbidden City根据问题中的“世界五大宫殿”,可以确定答案为选项D,即中国的故宫(紫禁城)。其他选项中,英国的白金汉宫、俄罗斯的克里姆林宫、美国的白宫都不是世界五大宫殿之一。因此,正确答案是D。'
  69. The ____ and ____ dynasties saw the publication of the Four Great Classical Novels and they have been celebrated for centuries for their rich historical and cultural significance.

  70. A:Han B:Ming C:Tang D:Qing

  71. There are many regional versions of hot pot throughout China.What ingredients used make one different from another

  72. A:condiments B:sauces C:soup base D:meat

  73. The cheongsam was first designed combining the style of              .

  74. AI参考:正确选项为:

    The cheongsam was first designed combining the style of traditional Chinese clothing.


  75. Which of the following belongs to Chinese national quintessence?

  76. A:calligraphy B:Peking Opera C:the folk art of paper cutting D:the traditional paintings

  77. Shaolin Temple is the cradle of ___________ and ____________ .

  78. A:Chinese tea culture B:the Chinese Zen Buddhism C:the Shaolin Martial Arts D:Chinese caligraphy

  79. The design of the national emblem of the People's Republic of China invovles the following elements like .

  80. The traditional Chinese marriage usually involves some necessary procedures, namely: match-making, engagement, and what?

  81. A:three bows B:meeting the bride C:drinking wedlock wine D:betrothal presents

  82. What are things that foreigners are suggested to do in order to have a complete tour when they travel to Beijing?

  83. A:climbing the Great Wall B:eating roast duck C:visiting the Forbidden City D:strolling through hutongs

  84. The Four Inventions of ancient China are celebrated in Chinese culture for their historical significance and serve as symbols of Chinese advanced science and technology.

  85. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:B. 对。中国古代四大发明在中国文化中因其历史意义而备受推崇,并被视为中国先进科学技术的象征。'
  86. Journey to the West by Wu Cheng’en is generally recognized as a masterpiece about deities and spirits.

  87. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:对。Journey to the West是由吴承恩所著的一部广受认可的神话和灵异题材的杰作。因此,答案是A。'
  88. Bianyifang is known for using the method of roasting ducks over the fire(Gualu), while Quanjude uses the oldest technique of closed oven roasting(Menlu).

  89. A:对 B:错
  90. Traditional Chinese religions represented by Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism endow Chinese “Kung Fu” with profound cultural deposits reflecting Chinese wisdom and philosophy.

  91. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:正确答案是B:对。该句表达了传统中国宗教(如佛教、道教和儒家)赋予中国“功夫”(Kung Fu)深刻的文化积淀,反映了中国智慧和哲学的中国智慧和哲学。因此,该句表达的意思是正确的,所以答案为B。'
  92. The earliest one was found made of Kaolin in the Zhou Dynasty.

  93. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:【判断题】The earliest one was found made of Kaolin in the Han Dynasty.答案:B:错。根据题干,最早的陶瓷制品是由高岭土制成的,而高岭土的使用可以追溯到商周时期,因此最早的陶瓷制品应该是在商周时期发现的。所以题目中的答案应该是错误的。'
  94. Tang Dynasty is the golden age in China's feudal period both in economy and in arts.

  95. A:错 B:对
  96. Cheongsam is one of the most typical, traditional female dresses with distinctive Chinese features.

  97. A:对 B:错
  98. The emperors and other princes were all entitled to gold-thread jade suits.

  99. A:错 B:对
  100. The Grand Canal was built to enable successive Chinese regimes to transport surplus grain from the agriculturally rich Yangtze (Chang) and Huai river valleys to feed the capital cities and large standing armies in southern China.

  101. A:对 B:错
  102. The terracotta warriors stand according to height and feature different weapons and uniforms, distinct hair styles and expressions, and even unique ears.

  103. A:错 B:对
  104. Simuwu Rectangle Tripod was so big and heavy that it could not be moved after being unearthed.

  105. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:【判断题】Simuwu Rectangle Tripod was so big and heavy that it could not be moved after being unearthed.B:错。根据题干描述,Simuwu Rectangle Tripod被挖掘出土后非常大和非常重,无法被移动。所以该题应选择B:错。'
  106. Most ancient cities in China were built under guidance of fengshui. Fengshui helps to plan placement of structures of significance and confirm the location of city central axis.

  107. A:错 B:对
  108. The Tea Classics, wrote by the Tea Sage of China Lu Yu, is a tea encyclopedia.

  109. A:对 B:错

  110. Citizens were not allowed to enter the palace without permission, hence the name “Forbidden City”.

  111. A:错 B:对

  112. The four methods of diagnosis consist of observation, auscultation and olfaction, interrogation, pulse taking and palpation.

  113. A:错 B:对
  114. The people’s Republic of China is located in the Northern Hemisphere, in East Asia on the east coast of the Pacific Ocean.

  115. A:对 B:错

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