

  1. Speaking of sino-foreign exchanges in ancient times, what would be the first thing that people most probably think of?

  2. A:The Silk Road. B:Journey to the West. C:The Uncharted Waters. D:The Travels of Marco Polo.
    答案:The Silk Road.
  3. What fruit species were transported from foreign territories to China on the ancient Silk Road?

  4. A:Watermelon and Cucumber. B:Cucumber and Potato. C:Spinach and Watermelon. D:Tomato and Potato.
    AI参考:正确答案是D:Tomato and Potato。题目中提到“在古代丝绸之路上从外国领土运输到中国的水果种类”,而选项中只有D选项中的“土豆”和“西红柿”是水果,因此D选项是正确答案。其他选项中的“黄瓜”、“芹菜”、“西瓜”等都不是水果,因此不符合题意。'
  5. What is the second solar term in summer?

  6. A:the Beginning of Summer. B:Grain Rain. C:White Dew. D:Grain Buds.
    答案:正确AI参考:正确答案是D:Grain Buds。夏至是夏季的第二个节气,表示夏季的结束,进入秋天。根据问题中提到的“second solar term in summer”,答案为D:Grain Buds(谷物芽)。所以,答案是D。'
  7. Among the following descriptions, which is NOT correct about the winnowing machine?

  8. A:Its main function is to remove the inedible chaff from the edible grains. B:It was first invented in Europe, and then introduced into China. C:It does not rely on natural wind. D:Wang Anshi once wrote a poem in praise of it.
    答案:Switches in Layer 2 is the core equipment of broadband metropolitan area network
  9. Why do people in rural China hang a red banner onto their barn with four characters “五谷丰登” written on it?

  10. A:Because people believe it makes good decoration for their houses. B:Because people believe it will definitely bring them good luck. C:Because it symbolizes their praying for a bumper grain harvest in the coming year. D:Because people think it may attract the evil spirits.
    AI参考:C. It symbolizes their praying for a bumper grain harvest in the coming year.在中国农村,人们会在谷仓上挂一个带有“五谷丰登”四个字的红色横幅。这是因为人们相信这代表着他们正在祈祷来年的丰收。其他选项中,A选项与装饰有关,B选项与迷信有关,D选项与迷信有关,但并没有给出合理的解释。因此,正确答案是C选项。'
  11. Chu Shui Mu allowed the farmers to pay their taxes to the landowners with their __________.

  12. A:land B:products C:money D:labor
  13. Wang Anshi (王安石) offered loans to the farmers at a _____ interest.

  14. A:higher B:zero C:flexible D:lower
  15. Dayu didn’t enter his home for three times because ______.

  16. A:He was not allowed to go home B:He was asked not to do so. C:He didn’t like to go home D:He was busy and had no time to go home.

  17. 12. Yongjiqu (永济渠) ran from Luo Yang of Henan Province to _____.

  18. A:Hangzhou B:Zhuozhou C:Yangzhou D:Suzhou

  19. ________ is NOT a harvesting tool.

  20. A:Sickle. B:Scythe. C:Flail. D:Harvesting knife.
    AI参考:正确答案是C:Flail。根据题目中的描述,需要选择一个不是收割工具的选项。选项A是镰刀(sickle),选项B是镰刀状的收割工具(scythe),选项D是收割刀(harvesting knife),它们都是常见的收割工具。而选项C是打桩机(flail)的一种,打桩机是一种重型机械设备,不是收割工具。因此,答案是C。'
  21. The animal-powered seed drill,the earliest ancestor of various modernized seeding machines, was invented by ___________ in Western Han dynasty.

  22. A:Su Shi B:Emperor Wu of Han dynasty C:Zhao Guo D:Wang Zhen

  23. Which of the following is NOT correct about the aged sandy fields?

  24. A:They will result in less than average output. B:They take the form of the mixture of sand and dirt. C:They will result in higher than average output. D:Their aging could be slowed down if they are properly protected.
    AI参考:【单选题】正确答案是A:They will result in less than average output.在问题中提到了“不正确的”,因此可以排除所有表示产量高于平均水平的选项B和C,同时根据“保护措施”的选项D,也可以排除。而关于沙质土地老化的选项B描述也存在问题,因此只能选择表示产量低于平均水平的选项A。所以,正确的答案是选项A。'
  25. Waterwheels were invented in ________.

  26. A:the Song dynasty B:the Three Kingdoms Period C:the Sui and Tang dynasties D:the Han dynasty

  27. Which is the third solar term in spring?

  28. A:Awakening of Insects. B:Grain Rain. C:Start of Spring. D:Pure Brightness.
    AI参考:正确答案是B:Grain Rain。春季的第三个节气是小满,别称“满熟”、“夏满”、“湿温”,意思是说小麦已经熟了一半,在天气比较暖和时雨水也开始增多。选项B符合小满的意思,所以是正确答案。'
  29. Which type of tools does sieve belong to?

  30. A:Planting. B:Irrigating C:Harvesting D:Winnowing

  31. Which of the following solar terms does the verse “微雨众卉新,一雷惊蛰始” from a poem by Wei Yingwu (韦应物) in the Tang dynasty depict?

  32. A:Awakening of Insects. B:Pure Brightness. C:Beginning of Spring. D:Rain Water.

  33. Along the ancient Silk Road, which group of the following people was most likely found active?

  34. A:Monks from China or other countries. B:Merchants from China and foreign countries. C:Scholars from the Western countries. D:Missionaries from the Western countries.

  35. Sansui in the name of “Sansui” (三穗)County means ________.

  36. A:three ears of rice B:three ears of millet C:three ears of wheat D:three ears of corn

  37. Dayu was the ______ of Gun.

  38. A:son B:father C:daughter D:mother

  39. When was the method of alternating fields first promoted?

  40. A:In the Shang dynasty. B:In the Han dynasty. C:In the Tang dynasty. D:In the primitive age.

  41. Feishayan was built to_______.

  42. A:drain out silt and sediment in flooding seasons. B:clean the water. C:ensure enough water to irrigate the Chengdu Plains. D:divert the Min River into inner river and outer river.
  43. Which of the following statements is true about the sacrifices and rituals in ancient China?

  44. A:Some sacrifices and rituals were even performed by the emperors. B:Some sacrifices and rituals have been elevated and recorded even in the Book of Rites. C:On the Beginning of Summer the emperor would worship Emperor Yan and Zhu Rong who were supposed to be the gods of summer. D:On Autumn Equinox, the emperor would sacrifice a cow, a goat, and a pig to show great reverence for the gods of land (社) and of grain (稷).

  45. The Grand Canal runs across provinces including ______.

  46. A:Zhejiang B:Hebei C:Jiangsu D:Shandong

  47. What gives us scientific evidence about when and how agriculture began in China?

  48. A:Legends. B:Anthropological evidences. C:Archaeological discoveries. D:Riddles.

  49. Which of the following tools are used for threshing?

  50. A:Flail. B:Windlass. C:Threshing bucket. D:Stone roller.
    AI参考:正确选项为A:Flail。Flail是一种用于脱粒的工具,它由两个以上的短棒组成,通常在农场中使用,通过手动的或者机械化的方式,利用杠杆原理进行连续击打农作物,使农作物籽粒从秸秆上脱离下来。因此,选项A Flail是用于脱粒的工具,是符合题意的正确选项。选项B Windlass通常用于提升或拉动物体,选项C Threshing bucket用于收割和搬运谷物,选项D Stone roller用于碾磨谷物,都不是用于脱粒的工具。'
  51. The Grand Canal was helpful in________.

  52. A:protecting the environment B:boosting the local agriculture C:national unity D:economic development

  53. The major technical features of the pit fields method are _________.

  54. A:It’s mainly applied in large scale on big plains. B:Dividing fields into smaller pits helps centralize the management of the field. C:Instead of plowing every inch of land, only the pits are dug deeply and then plowed. D:The seeds are sowed with equal distance in the field and there are different rules for distance among seeds for different crops

  55. Which of the following statement is NOT true about Wugu?

  56. A:Corn is one of the five grains. B:It signifies the abundance of food. C:It means five species of grains. D:It has been domesticated in China for a long history.

  57. Which of the following had been adopted to promote agriculture?

  58. A:Emperor Kang Xi (康熙) abolished the “Land-enclosure Order”. B:The promotion of Zu Yong Diao in the early years of Tang dynasty. C:Guan Zhong, the prime minister in Qi in the Spring and Autumn Period, abolished the labor rent. D:Tai Tsung of the Liao Dynasty (辽太宗) encouraged farmers to cultivate deserted land.
    AI参考:正确选项为D:Tai Tsung of the Liao Dynasty (辽太宗) encouraged farmers to cultivate deserted land.。根据题目中的描述,选项D是关于辽朝太宗皇帝鼓励农民开垦荒地的措施,这有助于促进农业发展。而其他选项中,A选项康熙皇帝废除了“圈地令”,B选项唐朝初年的租庸调制促进了农业发展,C选项春秋时期的齐国丞相管仲废除了劳役地租,这三项措施并没有直接促进农业发展的措施。因此,正确答案是D。'
  59. Which of the following musical instruments were introduced to mainland China from the Western regions?

  60. A:Bamboo flute (竹笛). B:Pipa or lute (琵琶). C:Hujia or nomad flute (胡笳). D:Konghou or harp (箜篌).
    AI参考:正确选项是【C:Hujia or nomad flute (胡笳)】。选项C是来自西部地区的乐器,即游牧民族乐器,而在中国大陆地区,这种乐器并不常见,因此选项C是正确答案。其他选项如竹笛、琵琶和箜篌都是中国传统乐器,其中竹笛和箜篌在大陆地区非常常见,而琵琶虽然也是中国乐器,但在大陆地区并不像其他乐器那样流行。'
  61. Which of the following are TRUE about the Farm-loan System?

  62. A:The government offered loans to the farmers during the planting and growing seasons. B:Thanks to the system, the fiscal revenue increased. C:The loan was also known as “Green Sprout Money” D:It was promoted by Wang Anshi(王安石).
  63. Which of the following are the contributions of polders?

  64. A:Polders help farmers make full use of underwater and water resources. B:Farmers working in polders almost no longer have to worry about droughts or floods. C:Polders put great pressure on farmers building them. D:The economy in those polder regions prospers.
    AI参考:正确选项为B:Farmers working in polders almost no longer have to worry about droughts or floods.。根据问题中的描述,选项B符合题意,因为polders能够使农民几乎不再担心干旱或洪水的问题。选项A和D虽然提到了polders对农业和经济的贡献,但并没有直接回答问题中的“polders的贡献是什么”。选项C则与问题描述相反,polders通常需要大量的投资和建设,因此不会给农民带来很大的压力。因此,选项B是唯一符合问题描述的正确选项。'
  65. Among the following species, which one was introduced to Japan by their envoys in the Tang dynasty?

  66. A:Tangerine. B:Watermelon. C:Tomato. D:Tea plant.

  67. On his seven treasure voyages, Zheng He took his men to over 30 countries or states including__________.

  68. A:South Asia. B:East Africa. C:North Europe. D:America.

  69. Which of the following lines of poems depict the Awakening of Insects?

  70. A:田家几日闲,耕种从此始。 B:一声霹雳醒蛇虫,几阵潇潇染绿红。 C:雷动风行惊蛰户,开天辟地转鸿钧。 D:忽闻天公霹雳生,禽兽虫豸倒乾坤。
  71. Even today a water engineering project is still hard to build because _______.

  72. A:It will damage the natural environment B:it needs to be tackled with skill C:it takes time D:a lot of efforts are needed.
    AI参考:正确选项为B:it needs to be tackled with skill。根据上下文,该空需要填入一个原因,解释为什么一个水工程项目仍然难以建设。选项A和C都与建设水工程无关,选项D虽然提到了努力,但不足以解释为什么难以建设。只有选项B提到需要技能来解决问题,符合上下文的语境。因此,正确答案是B:it needs to be tackled with skill。'
  73. According to the Ballad of Counting Nine (数九歌), which of the following statements is true?

  74. A:Cattle begin to work in the ninth jiu. B:We can’t take our bare hands outside in the cold in the first and second jiu. C:We walk on the ice in the second jiu. D:We see the light green willows in the fifth and sixth jiu.

  75. Which of the following descriptions about terraces are TRUE?

  76. A:Narrow terraces are more likely to be built on steep mountains. B:Terraces are natural lands rather than artificial lands. C:Terraces could be narrow or broad. D:Broad terraces could be made on gentle hills.

  77. Which of the following are the two common ways of applying the pit fields method?

  78. A:Alternating pit field. B:Net-shaped pit field. C:Ditch-shaped pit field. D:Ridge-shaped pit field.
    AI参考:正确选项是【B】Net-shaped pit field. 给出的题目要求选择两种常见的井场方法,根据选项分析,只有B选项“Net-shaped pit field”符合要求,这是一种常见的井场布置方式。其他选项A、C、D分别代表了交替式井场、沟状井场和脊状井场,这些都不是常见的井场布置方式。因此,正确答案是B选项。'
  79. What enabled giant ships in the Tang and Song dynasties to reach as far as Africa?

  80. A:Technological advances in shipbuilding. B:Technological advances in agriculture. C:Inventions of navigation compass. D:Inventions of waterproof cabin.
    AI参考:正确选项是【A:Technological advances in shipbuilding】。根据题目中的描述,在唐朝和宋朝时期,巨型船只能够远航至非洲,这是因为当时在造船技术方面的进步。因此,选项A中的“Technological advances in shipbuilding”是最符合题目要求的答案。选项B、C、D虽然在某些方面有所贡献,但并不是使巨型船只能够远航至非洲的主要原因。'
  81. The Origin of Agriculture

    How did it come about that farming developed independently in a number of world centers (the southeast Asian mainland, Southwest Asia, Central America, lowland and highland South America, and equatorial Africa) at more or less the same time? Agriculture developed slowly among populations that had an extensive knowledge of plants and animals. Changing from hunting and gathering to agriculture had no immediate advantages. To start with, it forced the population to abandon the nomad’s life and become sedentary, to develop methods of storage and, often, systems of irrigation. While hunter-gatherers always had the option of moving elsewhere when the resources were exhausted, this became more difficult with farming. Furthermore, as the archaeological record shows, the state of health of agriculturalists was worse than that of their contemporary hunter-gatherers.

    Traditionally, it was believed that the transition to agriculture was the result of a worldwide population crisis. It was argued that once hunter-gathers had occupied the whole world, the population started to grow everywhere and food became scarce; agriculture would have been a solution to this problem. We know, however, that contemporary hunter-gatherer societies control their population in a variety of ways. The idea of a world population crisis is therefore unlikely, although population pressure might have arisen in some areas.

    Climatic changes at the end of the glacial period 13, 000 years ago have been proposed to account for the emergence of farming. The temperature increased dramatically in a short period of time (years rather than centuries), allowing for a growth of the hunting-gathering population due to the abundance of resources. There were, however, fluctuations in the climatic conditions, with the consequences that wet conditions were followed by dry ones, so that the availability of plants and animals oscillated brusquely.

    It would appear that the instability of the climatic conditions led populations that had originally been nomadic to settle down and develop a sedentary style of life, which led in turn to population growth and to the need to increase the amount of food available. Farming originated in these conditions. Later on, it became very difficult to change because of the significant expansion of these populations. It could be argued, however, that these conditions are not sufficient to explain the origins of agriculture. Earth had experienced previous periods of climatic change, and yet agriculture had not been developed.

  82. AI参考:总体来看,这篇文章主要讨论了农业起源的问题。以下是我对各个选项的判断:正确选项是:C解释:文章中提到了多种不同的理论来解释农业的起源,包括全球人口危机、气候变化的影响等。但是,作者认为这些理论都不足以解释农业的起源,因为之前经历过气候变化的时代并没有发展出农业。因此,文章最后的结论是农业的起源可能是由于一些不稳定的气候条件导致一些原本游牧的人群定居下来,进而发展出农业。所以,选项C“气候变化可能是农业起源的原因之一”最符合文章的主旨。'
  83. Digitalization, Key to Sustainable Agriculture

         Digitalization has immersed nearly every segment of the modern agriculture sector and is playing a vital role ensuring production capacity, protecting the environment and expanding sales channels, according to Chinese and German government officials and agribusiness executives at a conference on Friday.

         Digital agriculture has become a major focus of Sino-German cooperation since 2016, Vice-Minister of Agriculture and Rural Affairs Qu Dongyu said at the fifth Sino-German Agribusiness Conference in Beijing on June 14.

         As China’s largest EU trading partner for decades, Germany now has more than 5,000 enterprises in China, the minister said, adding bilateral trade volume reached nearly $200 billion last year.

    China's e-commerce giant Alibaba has made great strides in digitizing sales channels of agricultural products in China, as its long-term strategic goal is to serve 2 billion consumers around the world and help tens of millions of businesses to operate profitably, said Zhang Ziyou, senior expert of the Rural Affairs Department at Alibaba Group.

        Alibaba plans to promote e-commerce in rural areas, removing information and logistics bottlenecks, Zhang said, adding the difficulty of buying and selling products in rural regions will be resolved.

        Now, more than 60 million people are being served by Rural Taobao, a platform linking the rural sellers and urban buyers directly with the assistance of local governments. It covers 29 provinces and more than 1,095 counties around the country, with millions of online shops at county and village level, Zhang said. Of 7.8 million returning entrepreneurs in China, 54 percent use e-commerce to start businesses.

       Zhang also noted livestreaming, an emerging activity in the era of digitalization, has helped tens of thousands of rural farmers and entrepreneurs sell products via Alibaba’s online platform.

    Besides product-selling channels, digitalization has been applied in various aspects of the agricultural sector in China and Germany, said Alexandra Brand, chief sustainability officer of agriculture company Syngenta.

       Digital farming and e-commerce have delivered value and innovation to growers beyond “traditional” products, said Brand, adding farms in Germany have realized biodiversity through pest management and achieved sustainability as a result. These are all cornerstones of digital agriculture.

    China has more than 30,000 drones in the agriculture sector, and Brand believes they represent a future trend as labor costs in rural areas increase. Digital tools such as drones are efficient in increasing farm productivity, Brand said.

         Julia Harnal, vice president of Global Sustainability and Government Affairs Agricultural Solutions at chemical producer BASF SE, noted the company is using digitalization to reduce carbon dioxide and protect the environment, as agriculture is a major source of carbon emissions.

  84. AI参考:Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?The digitalization has immersed nearly every segment of the modern agriculture sector and is playing a vital role in ensuring production capacity, protecting the environment and expanding sales channels.A. 正确B. 错误分析:根据文章内容,数字化已经渗透到现代农业部门的几乎每个部分,并在确保生产能力、保护环境和扩大销售渠道方面发挥着至关重要的作用。因此,选项A“正确”是正确的陈述。'
  85. The Start of Spring, the Start of Summer, the Start of Autumn, and the Start of Winter reflect the change of seasons.

  86. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:【判断题】The Start of Spring, the Start of Summer, the Start of Autumn, and the Start of Winter reflect the change of seasons. 答案:A这个问题的答案是A,表示上述说法是正确的。四季的开始(春天、夏天、秋天和冬天)反映了季节的变化。这是自然科学中的一个基本概念,四季的开始通常与地球公转和自转的周期性变化有关。因此,该说法是正确的。'
  87. Liang Shui Fa means that the agricultural tax was paid twice a year.

  88. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:答案:B推理过程:题目中明确指出“Liang Shui Fa”是农业税的缴纳方式,即一年两次。因此,答案为B,表示这个说法是正确的。A选项错误,因为题目中并没有提到“农业税缴纳两次”是指两次交税的意思。'
  89. With the pit fields method, instead of plowing every inch of land, only the pits are dug deeply and then plowed so as to tap their fullest potential.

  90. A:错 B:对
  91. The Book of Rites is a collection of texts describing social forms, administration and ceremonial rites.

  92. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:B. 对。《礼记》是一部记录社会礼仪、行政管理和祭祀仪式的文集。因此,该题目的正确答案是B,表示该说法是正确的。'
  93. Zheng He’s first voyage departed from Liujiagang, Suzhou in 1405.

  94. A:错 B:对
  95. Liang Shui Fa was advocated to replace Zu Yong Diao by Yang Yan who was the prime minister in the mid Tang dynasty.

  96. A:错 B:对
  97. Animal-driven chain pump, water-driven chain pump and wind-driven chain pump are different in structure.

  98. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:【判断题】Animal-driven chain pump, water-driven chain pump and wind-driven chain pump are different in structure.答案:B根据问题中的描述,Animal-driven chain pump,water-driven chain pump和wind-driven chain pump都是链条泵,但它们在结构上是有区别的。因此,答案是B:对。'
  99. It’s found that Zheng He’s flag “treasure ship” was much larger than Columbus’.

  100. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:【判断题】It’s found that Zheng He’s flag “treasure ship” was much larger than Columbus’.正确答案是B:对。根据题干中的描述,郑和的船队比哥伦布的船队规模更大,因此选项B“对”是正确的。'
  101. Sandy fields were mainly employed in today’s Longzhong region.

  102. A:错 B:对
  103. The Grand Canal is still used nowadays.

  104. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:正确答案是B:对。句子中提到“The Grand Canal is still used nowadays”(大运河如今仍在使用),所以答案是肯定的,即该选项为“对”。'
  105. The early Ming dynasty witnessed the golden age of the Silk Road’s development.

  106. A:错 B:对

  107. Mount Yulei diverts the Min River into inner and outer rivers.

  108. A:错 B:对

  109. Grain Buds is the first solar term in summer.

  110. A:错 B:对

  111. The 24 Solar terms has acted as a basic guidance system for agricultural production for thousands of years.

  112. A:对 B:错
  113. Zheng He’s sea voyages created a new navigation era in the world.

  114. A:错 B:对

  115. Tangerin and tea plants were introduced into Japan by their envoys in the Tang dynasty.

  116. A:错 B:对

  117. In ancient China, officials and emperors spared no efforts in promoting agriculture production.

  118. A:错 B:对

  119. Polders working together with embankment, sluice and ditch can block the flood.

  120. A:错 B:对

  121. It was tea that killed Shennong when he tasted the herbs.

  122. A:对 B:错

  123. The ancient Silk Road was composed of overland and maritime routes.

  124. A:对 B:错

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