第二章 Lexicology:本章示例阐释词素手段和词汇手段及其文体效果。2.1Introduction:本节介绍了本章的主要内容,词汇学概念和语篇语言各层次取得文体效果的两种主要方法:失协和失衡。
2.2Morphemic Devices: Neologism:本节介绍了词素及词素分类;以造新词为例阐释了词素失协方法所产生的文体效果,以及新词生成的具体方法。
2.3Morphemic Devices: Overregularity and High Frequency of Occurrence:本节以叠叙法和叠脚韵词素手段为例阐释了词素失衡的文体效果。
2.4Lexical Devices:Selection of Words:本节概述了词汇手段的主要内容;并从情景语境三要素(语域)——语场、语旨和语式角度举例阐释了词汇选择的文体效果。
2.5Lexical Devices:Classification of Words:本节从语域和方言的角度阐述了词汇的分类及其文体效果。
2.6Lexical Devices:Rhetorical Series:本节以两词项、三词项和四词及以上词项为例阐释了修辞列的文体效果。
2.7Lexical Devices:Word Implication:本节讨论了词汇隐义的分类、来源及其文体效果。
2.8Lexical Devices:Rhetorical Devices:本节阐释了词汇修辞格及其文体效果,包括:明喻、隐喻、拟人、提喻、换喻、夸张、曲言法、矛盾修饰、反论、反讽、双关等。
[单选题]The following two examples present the different stylistic effects produced by different selection of words.(1) Hiroshima: a city (pop. 542 000) of Honshu, Japan. It was largely destroyed by an American atomic bomb (6 Aug. 1945), the first used in warfare. After reconstruction the city became an active port, with paper and canning industries.(2)  HiroshimaMy spoon was lifted when the bomb came downThat left no face, no hand, no spoon to hold.Two hundred thousand died in my hometown,This came to pass before my soup was cold.In terms of   (             ) example (1) objectively presents information about a place, and example (2) affectively exposes certain evil action with subdued anger towards the action.

选项:[tenor , field , mode, genre]
[单选题]In the example “I am a draper mad with love. I love you more than all the flannelette and calico, candlewick, dimity, crash and merino, tussore, cretonne, crepon, muslin, ticking and twill in the whole Cloth Hall of the world. [Dylan Thomas, Under Milk Wood]”, the rhetorical series of the         names of cloth are employed to stress his tremendous amount of abstract love for his lover.

选项:[abstract, concrete, difficult, strange]
[单选题]The rhetorical figure used in the sentence “He is as poor as a church mouse, and a church mouse like him eats like a horse.” is          , which produces a humorous effect.

选项:[simile, synecdoche, metaphor, metonymy]
[单选题]The coinage of a new word such as unchilding, unfathering内容已经隐藏,点击付费后查看

[单选题]The sentence by Lord Acton "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. " takes the rhetorical figure of            .

选项:[homeoteleuton , parallelism, polyptoton , alliteration]

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