1.Which one of the following is not the feature of narration?
A:mental activities B:temporal sequence C:descriptions of settings D:logical relations
答案:logical relations
2.In subjective omniscient narration, the writer can select any _____ for narration: for example that of the actions of a character, or that of the mental activity of a character; that of this character or that of that character.
A:viewpoint B:average point C:standing point D:percentage point
3.Which one of the following is not the kind of synonymy?
A:whole-part B:job---work C:kind---type D:ascent---climb
4.Please read the following four sentences and point out the wrong analysis of stylistic effect. (1) My beloved parent has joined the heavenly choir. (2) My dear father has passed away. (3) My father has died. (4) My old man has kicked the bucket.
A:Sentence (1) is formal with respect, addressing an audience of high social status. B:Sentence (2) is emotional and a bit formal, addressing an audience of low class status. C:Sentence (3) shows no emotion and is informal, addressing the speaker’s friend. D:Sentence (4) is very informal/slangy, and shows disrespect, addressing someone in a very informal occasion.
答案:Sentence (2) is emotional and a bit formal, addressing an audience of low class status
5.In a passage from The Public Philosophy by Walter Lippmann, “Experience since 1917 indicates that in matters of war and peace the popular answer in the democracies is likely to be No. …Prepare for war in time of peace? No. It is bad to raise taxes, to unbalance the budget, to take men away from their schools or their jobs, to provoke the enemy. Intervene in a developing conflict? No. Avoid the risk of war. Withdraw from the area of the conflict? No. The adversary must not be appease. Reduce your claims on the area? No. Righteousness cannot be compromised. Negotiate a compromise peace as soon as the opportunity presents itself? No. The aggressor must be punished. Remain armed to enforce the dictated settlement? No. The war is over.”, rhetorical questions are used to introduce the ( ) of the following text.
A:content B:argument C:answer D:topic
6.() runs from fully modulated color to flat color.
A:The scale of purity B:the scale of value C:The scale of saturation D:The scale of modulation
答案:The scale of modulation
7.() is from the pure manifestations of a color to its softest, most pale or dull and dark manifestations and ultimately to black and white.
A:The scale of saturation B:The scale of modulation C:The scale of differentiation D:The scale of purity
答案:The scale of saturation
8.The rhetorical figure used in the sentence “He defied the crown.” is ( ) , in which crown symbolizes the throne.
A:metonymy B:simile C:metaphor D:synecdoche
9.Neologism can be coined by the methods of affixation, compounding, derivation, ( ) .
A:bbreviation and blending B:conversion and blending C:conversion and mixing D:abbreviation and mixing
答案:conversion and blending
10.The common function of _____ texts is to give enjoyment and pleasure by linguistic means.
A:illusionary B:literary C:history D:visionary
11.The third level situation is formed by the _____ and the event presented as the content of the fictitious text.
A:collectors B:spectator C:characters D:converters

12.Which one of the following is not the feature of paragraphs?
A:a space at the end B:marked by listing C:independent idea or subtopic D:indention at the beginning 13.The _____ speech is an important element in a fictional text. It is subordinate to the narrative, and is an important part of it. It functions to express faithfully the interaction between characters in the story and their mental activities.
A:referred B:said C:cited D:quoted 14.In the following example, instead of making these statements directly, George Orwell asks a string of ( ) to add force to his denunciation of imperialists’ not treating the people in the colonies as human beings. “Are they really the same flesh as yourself? Do they even have names? Or are they merely a kind of undifferentiated brown stuff, about as individual as bees or coral insects?”
A:rhetorical questions B:parallel sentences C:interrogative sentences D:wh-questions 15.Legal texts are mainly used to ensure the security of a certain region or country, the harmony between people, and the normal working of the government. It is _____ and regulatory.
A:descriptive B:inscriptive C:prescriptive D:subscriptive 16.In ( ) medium, as ( ) is limited, the speaker has to select the most important information, and drop the details and unimportant parts.
A:oral, space B:oral, time C:written, time D:written, space 17.Elliptical sentences in the following examples serve to ( ) and help to create a sense of danger and urgency. “Everybody out the back door to the cars!” John yelled. John yelled, “ Up the stairs—into our bedroom! Count the kids.” John ordered, “Everybody on the stairs!”
A:save space B:heighten excitement C:heighten fatigue D:heighten tension 18.There is a curious historical tendency in legal English to string together two or three words to convey what is usually a single legal concept, for instance: _____ and void.
A:dull(无趣的) B:lull C:null(无效的) D:hull 19.Which one of the following is not the kind of hyponymy?
A:tree---palm B:sheep---dog C:animal---tiger D:flower---rose 20.In the example “Our good child ransacked all her drawers, cupboards, reticules and gimcrack boxes— passed in review all her gowns, fichus, tags, bobbins, laces, silk stockings, and fallals—selecting this thing and that and the other, to make a little heap for Rebecca. [Thackeray, Vanity Fair]”, two ( ) rhetorical series create a feeling that a heap of things are lying in front of readers, making the warm receptive feelings of a child to her friend more salient.
A:five-item B:two-item C:three-item D:four-or-more-item 21.Legal terms of art should be differentiated from _____, which comprises words used by lawyers and are difficult for non-lawyers to understand.
A:legal jargon B:legal decision C:legal opinion D:legal citation 22.In the poem The Wreck of the Deutschland by G. M. Hopkins, the author coined many new words such as white-fiery, whirlwind-swiveled, widow-making, unchilding, unfathering to create new and fresh feelings and make the meanings more contracted, rhythm faster to conform to the rhythm of the ( ) phenomenon of the whirling wind and snow.
A:natural B:imaginary C:splendid D:artificial 23.In this headline “China gets the 2022 winter Olympics”, it uses ( ) tense to express something happened in the past or something to happen in the ( ). .
A:future, past B:past, present C:present, future D:past, future 24.Many sound features are inherently stylistically significant. In the following choices, which one does not belong to sound features?
A:metaphor B:pun C:elision D:rhyme 25.Which one of the following is the kind of collocation in meaning?
A:horse---cow B:job---part-time job C:finger---hand D:kettle---tea 26.In multimodal discourse analysis framework by the functional semiotic approach, Which of the following is not the phase?
A:culture B:expression C:meaning D:content 27.Headlines usually use past tense.
A:错 B:对 28.The situation presented by the third person narrator is very limited.
A:错 B:对 29.Symploce refers to the combination of anaphora and epiphora, that is, the repetition of words or phrases at the beginning.
A:错 B:对 30.One of the features of legal English is its extensive use of words and phrase derived from Persian and Spanish.
A:对 B:错 31.A context-bound text requires shared knowledge of the present situation, and of the subject matter of the text.
A:错 B:对 32.Business English is clear and concise, which requires that sentence structure not be too complex.
A:错 B:对 33.Public speech is a general genre, which includes varieties of genres according to the field of discourse, the content, and the tenor of discourse, the audience and the listeners, and the purposes.
A:错 B:对 34.Polyptoton is a rhetorical repetition of the same root word but with different suffixes. It is an example of deflection method.
A:对 B:错 35.Written English words tend to be formal, learned, long, nominalized and sometimes colloquial.
A:错 B:对 36.In today’s business world, when we use vocabulary, we should choose common words and avoid obscure words, and when we write sentences, we should pay attention to proper proportions of short and long sentences. Excessive use of short or long sentences will leave a bad impression on readers.
A:错 B:对 37.A loose sentence puts the major idea first and then the illustration. So it is inductive. It can produce direct and clear stylistic effects.
A:对 B:错 38.Spontaneous commentary is mainly used to describe and comment on the ongoing activities.
A:错 B:对 39.In terms of realization, the third level meaning is dominant, governing the selection of meaning of the other two levels.
A:对 B:错 40.As the major aim of scientific language is to convey information and tell the truth to the other experts or the masses, it will not focus on the actions and events concerned with the scientific investigation, but the relations between these actions and events.
A:错误 B:正确 41.Periodic sentences are typically used in certain genres: telegraph, slogans, sayings, headlines, and advertisements, settings in a play or drama and also in oral language.
A:正确 B:错误 42.In daily conversation, most of the sentences are declarative and interrogative as they are mostly made up of questions and answers, that is, adjacency pairs.
A:对 B:错 43.Grammatical features of news report include the following four aspects: Meaning contraction, objectivity, concreteness and detailedness, and vividness.
A:对 B:错 44.The high frequency of plural /s/ in the following stanza from the poem To a Skylark by Shelley further reinforces the richness of happiness in the singing of the skylark. What objects are the fountains Of thy happy strain? What fields, or waves, or mountains? What shapes of sky or plain?
A:错 B:对 45.In terms of intonation in spontaneous comment, there are no dramatic changes. It may be suddenly raised and changed for special effect or to capture new happenings.
A:对 B:错 46.The wide use of simple sentences is an important grammatical feature of business English, especially in modern business English.
A:对 B:错 47.The truth of flat color is naturalistic and perceptual, while that of modulated color is abstract.
A:错 B:对 48.Legal terms of art are technical words and phrases that have precise and fixed legal meanings and which cannot usually be replaced by other words.
A:对 B:错 49.“Urge” in “UN urged to improve settlement” belongs to nonce words.
A:错 B:对 50.Morphemes fall into three types: prefix, suffix, affixation.
A:对 B:错 51.The relationship among the three parts is form general to particular. The headline is more general than the guide, which is more general than the main body.
A:错 B:对 52.The word “issue” can mean the process by which a police officer will approve a judge’s request for a search warrant.
A:正确 B:错误 53.In formal business letters and contracts, we sometimes use inverted sentences to achieve emphatic effect.
A:错 B:对 54.Apart from written news report, there are no other news reports.
A:错 B:对 55.Technical terms and abbreviations can be used to avoid long and tedious explanations, which is one lexical feature of business English.
A:错 B:对 56.For the style of science and technology, in terms of mode, it may be a speech, conversation, seminar, or a paper, monograph, or in terms of genre, it may be a research paper, experimental report, technical instruction, etc.
A:对 B:错 57.Collocation provides semantic thread linking the meanings of different sentences and words together.
A:错 B:对 58.Oral conversation is representative of spoken language. When we talk about spoken language, the first we think is daily conversation.
A:错 B:对 59.Common words usually do not apply to business contracts or agreements.
A:正确 B:错误 60.Literary language is essentially characterized by such features as slips of the tongue, repetitions, false starts, pauses, etc.
A:对 B:错 61.Relationalization is a prominent feature of the English of science and technology.
A:对 B:错 62.Grammar is certainly the main means of achieving a particular style.
A:错 B:对 63.Clichés are words or expressions which have lost their originality or effectiveness because they have been used too often.
A:对 B:错 64.One type of syntactic deflection is the unexpected high frequency of occurrence of a certain type such as imperative mood or of a certain length of sentence such as long sentence.
A:对 B:错 65.Often the speaker cannot find the proper words to express himself, he is striving for words, so he uses many inexact expressions and even wrong expressions or wrong pronunciations to express himself. This is called quality-non-fluency.
A:错 B:对 66.Nominalization refers to a grammatical phenomenon in which the meaning which is normally expressed by a clause is here expressed by a phrase, so clause nominalization is normal.
A:对 B:错

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