1. Upon agreement from the guest obtain the following information andWe need confirm with the guest: ( )

  2. 答案:Guest name###Number of staying nights###Company name###Contact number
  3. 给客人递送的物品不需要放在托盘上。( )

  4. 答案:错
  5. Set up cutlery according to the food guest ordered.( )

  6. 答案:对
  7. Know where your room key or room card is at all times.( )

  8. 答案:对
  9. All pre-stay enquire/emails responded to within 12 hours.( )

  10. 答案:对
  11. 在客人预定对话结束之前,复述客人的预订信息非常重要!( )

  12. 答案:对
  13. RC is very important for both guests and hotel staff. ( )

  14. 答案:对
  15. 比较平的锅英文是pot,比较深的煮锅英文是pan.( )

  16. 答案:错
  17. Guest can hear your smile on the phone.( )

  18. 答案:对
  19. The guest should pay for taxi fare when we run for errands for guests. ( )

  20. 答案:对
  21. Iff a restaurant recommendation was requested, the colleague should offer an appropriate choice of options along with an overview of the style of restaurant。( )

  22. 答案:对
  23. Video conference 意思是:语音会议。( )
  24. Beverage will be-served within 5 minute after ordering.( )
  25. The western breakfast includes cereal and cooked food, such as eggs with ham, it called Continental breakfast. ( )
  26. When asked for recommendations on dining options,the colleague should promote the hotel's dining first before suggesting outside alternatives。( )
  27. Smart shopping is the first step in making sure your food is fresh and healthy.( )
  28. Desserts cutlery should be set after present the dish. ( )
  29. Wine cooler and stand with napkin is not a must for white wine or Champagne.( )
  30. 根据《酒店英语与国际服务文化下册》(Page128-129)LEAF投诉管理系统中,L means listen, E means Empathize, A represents Action, and F refers to Follow up.( )
  31. 酒店服务中无需为客人提供个性化服务。( )
  32. additional surcharge 意思是:附加费用,额外收费。( )
  33. Separate raw and cooked food is very necessary in kitchen safety and sanitation .( )
  34. A half board service 意思是半食宿,就是预订的价格包括早餐和一顿晚餐或午餐,通常是指晚餐。( )
  35. Chopsticks should not be inserted into the rice and should be placed flat on the bowl.( )
  36. A: Could I get my laundry earlier?B: ____________. ( )
  37. Babysit means( ).
  38. She didn’t have to pay for the meal because it was ( ).
  39. Laundry service 是指( )
  40. 西餐习惯的上菜顺序是头盘、汤、热菜,然后是甜食或水果。( )
  41. 能够表达牛排全熟的英文表达是( )?
  42. 下列菜系里不属于中国“八大菜系”的是( )
  43. GRS 所表达的酒店房间的状态是( )
  44. Greg received his scuba ( )at dive school.
  45. Which is the first step of taking orders? ( )
  46. What services does the Front Desk offer? ( )
  47. If there is a sudden fire in hotel,one should keep head down and go to the nearest exit to stay away from smoke.( )
  48. The location of the business hotels are high traffic areas. ( )
  49. 毛泽东主席亲自审定的“开国第一宴”。( )
  50. 湘菜是中国八大菜系之一。( )
  51. Employment History意思是:工作经历/工作背景。( )
  52. VETS初级考试的选择、判断和填空题是计算机自动评分,主观题(如口头简答,口头表达,书面表达)是人工评分。( )
  53. Drink list should be present to guests without open it.( )
  54. Use a door wedge to further secure the door – especially when you are sleeping or in the shower. ( )
  55. Receptionist: What kind of room would you like?Guest:____________________________. ( )
  56. 在正式的饭店吃饭,提前预定座位不会得到什么?( )
  57. Receptionist: Good morning, sir. May I help you?Guest: I’m leaving today. Can I __________now? ( )
  58. Ms. Clark travels frequently and is a ( ) at the hotel.
  59. 若过道宽度允许,可与客人并肩同行。( )
  60. You don't have to be punctual at interview. ( )
  61. Fax machines are in the ( ).
  62. Appetizer前菜又被叫做starter,finger food。( )
  63. 在酒店服务中,用英语表达“您有要洗的衣物吗?”以下合适的表达是( )。
  64. children’s menu is( ).
  65. 在帮助客人预定座位时,一些重要信息要记录清楚,但不包括( )
  66. When the dishes are served, you need to wait for the elders, leaders, and guests to try the dishes first.( )
  67. I have the opportunity to continuously learn and grow. ( )
  68. 酒店为客人提供清洗衣物服务时,通常默认以机器洗涤。( )
  69. Martini is a kind of cocktail. ( )
  70. 酒店采购食材的物流配送不会影响酒店的服务质量和服务成本。( )
  71. ( )is the act of going away from somewhere.
  72. IDD是International Direct Dial 的缩写. ( )
  73. Maintenance service是指( )
  74. What sides you want to go with your steak? 的中文意思为( )
  75. Commercial rate是指商务房价,指酒店为争取更多的商务客人而与一些公司签定合同,给予他们优惠的房间价格。( )
  76. Room service 一般不包含给客人提供早餐送餐服务。( )
  77. Room Service belongs to _________ department. ( )
  78. Carefully close the door once the guest is out, and slam the door. ( )
  79. 阅读原文判断句子是否合适。对为合适,错为不合适:You talk about women’s changing roles in the Spanish society with Lola. ( )
  80. What information should you get if you receive a gust’s call to make reservation? ( )
  81. What kind of room would you be prefer?翻译为:您需要什么样的房间?( )
  82. Average room rate是指平均房价,计算方法:客房总收入除以总住房数,是衡量经营效益的唯一标准。( )
  83. Upon receiving a checkout request, the following information is required: ( )
  84. Enroll means注册,to enroll in a service or club is to officially become a part of that group. ( )
  85. Accommodate up to 100 people 意思是:可接待/容纳100人。( )
  86. Foreign currency exchange is restricted to hotel guests only. ( )
  87. “Food service”针对不同国家的菜单提供专业服务。( )
  88. Pick up the bowl of rice and lift the rice into your mouth with the chopsticks. Do not make any noise when chewing the food.( )
  89. charge a battery意思是:充电。( )
  90. I would really appreciate it if you could pick me up and take me to Beijing Hotel. 意思是:如果你能来机场接我,并且带我去北京饭店,我将会非常感激。( )
  91. Beverage must be poured for some guest. ( )
  92. When you arrive the lobby of the hotel safely , then your can walk ahead of your luggage. ( )
  93. Verify the payment with the guest is one of the important standard operation procedures. ( )
  94. 一般来说,酒店的 room service 主要包括 cleaning service 清洁服务、maintenance service 维修服务.( )
  95. All coffee &Tea will be served with small cookies or chocolates.( )
  96. The 1st World Skill Competition took place in 1950. ( )
  97. Washing fruit and vegetables under running water can stop harmful bacteria.( )
  98. When the guest check-out, we need ask the guest weather the guest has any charges in mini bar. ( )
  99. Telephones should be answered in a warm and friendly manner within 3 rings. ( )
  100. We should concentrate on the meal and people in attendance. ( )
  101. 欧洲的大部分锅可的英文可表达为pan。( )
  102. The important rule when greeting a guest is always remember greet your guest warmly, sincerely and with a smile.( )
  103. Hotels can benefit a lot from guest complaints. These benefits include: they highlight guests’ views and needs. ( )
  104. ETA means the estimated time of arrival,意思是:预计到达时间。( )
  105. A: Is there anything else I can do for you?B: No more. Thank you very much.A: _______________________. ( )
  106. Those who want to take part in it please sign up at the Student Union. 句中的sign up是“报名”的意思。( )
  107. 华邑品牌是洲际酒店集团为中国人设计打造的品牌。( )
  108. Never refuse any special order before check with master Chef.( )
  109. I have spoken Chinese since I was a child; it's my ( ) language.
  110. Control the elevator for guest is not bellman’s job duty. ( )
  111. With room deliveries, the colleague should knock on the door/ring the doorbell and if required wait 10 seconds, and then knock on the door/ring the doorbell again and announce their department。( )
  112. A: I’m missing some buttons from my blouse.B: ____________________. ( )
  113. I don’t have a lot of ( ). This is actually my first job.
  114. ( )is a small metal or wooden cabinet with a lock, where you can put your personal possessions, for example in a school, place of work, or sports club.
  115. It is important for people working in the hospitality industry to understand complaints and handle them in a(n) ( ) way.
  116. Receptionist: Have you got any identification?Guest:____________________________. ( )
  117. James uses ( ) instead of driving around for a parking space.
  118. Receptionist: Front Desk. May I help you?Guest: It’s room 523. There is no hot water. And the television doesn’t work.Receptionist: _________________. ( )
  119. Which sentence sounds more polite? ( )
  120. What did Ms. Smith like best during her breakfast? ( )
  121. Who would ask: “Is there anything you need for the room?” ( )
  122. Hotel guests can enjoy complimentary access to the gym.可译为:( )。
  123. Guest: Can you put me through to the sports club?Guest Service Center:____________________________. ( )
  124. A restaurant guest says: “It’s our anniversary today.” What do you say or do? ( )
  125. Not just on time: come early. It will show your future boss how punctual and organized you are.( )
  126. If possible, bring along your name card or business card.( )
  127. Never store bags above head height that exceed 10 kg( )。
  128. Make sure to visit their website and collect information about their history and values. ( )
  129. You don’t have to visit their website and collect information about their history and values. ( )
  130. When a guest wishes to reclaim baggage they must produce the other portion of the baggage tag( )。
  131. When we prepare for an interview, we should find out as much as we can about the company we are applying to and the position we are applying for.( )
  132. people make sure they know where the interview is being held and how long it will take to get there on time.( )
  133. Do your research before a Job Interview. ( )
  134. What’s the basic rules of Baggage Handling & Storage( )。
  135. Chair should be pulled for ladies first then gentlemen.( )
  136. 中餐服务分为主题宴会设计、宴会服务两个模块。( )
  137. 西餐服务分为鸡尾酒调制与服务、休闲餐厅服务两个模块。( )
  138. Tasting of the wine must done by the host, then pour the wine to ladies first.( )
  139. Logo of bottles must set on the guest table and face to guests.( )
  140. For many guests the front office employees represent the hotel because they are the only members of the staff with whom the guests have contact with. ( )
  141. The front desk is usually located near the main entrance to the hotel. ( )
  142. During the procedure of checking out, in order to save time, if the guest says he doesn’t take anything from the mini-bar, the cashiers should believe him, and let him check out quickly. ( )
  143. Most hotels are authorized to exchange RMB to US dollars. ( )
  144. Receptionist should carry the baggage and show the guests to their rooms. ( )
  145. There is a 10 per cent discount. 应翻译为:有90%的折扣。( )
  146. I’d like to confirm your reservation.应翻译为:我要确认一下您的预订。( )
  147. 餐厅服务又可分为中餐服务与西餐服务,评价标准要求“合理可行,无唯一性”。( )
  148. Would you please give me your passport or ID card and credit card ?I’ll help you to fill in the form. 应翻译为:请把您的护照和信用卡交给我,我帮您办理入住手续。( )
  149. Please keep the magnetic slip of the key card inside, then insert the card vertically and softly, while the light turns red, and the door opens.( )
  150. 在烹调中讲究鲜嫩和原汁原味的西餐种类为( )。
  151. medium rare 常用来形容哪一种西餐食物?( )
  152. Western breakfast in hotel can generally be divided into continental breakfast and ( ).
  153. 以下不属于room service 的一项是( )
  154. Beverages can be divided into ( ) classifications.( )
  155. What do you say if a guest thanks you? ( )
  156. A doorman is a person who greets guests at a hotel and carries their bags inside. ( )
  157. The restaurant has many choices available on its ( ).
  158. ( )is a person who parks cars for guests.
  159. A heated pool is a large hole filled with warm water that you can swim in. ( )
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