1. What are the following tools of communication in the age of electronic media communication?( )

  2. 答案:Radio###Movie###Internet###Television
  3. What are the specific features of letter symbols?( )

  4. 答案:Font###Pronunciation###Literal meaning
  5. Which of the following regions are considered as high-context cultures?( )

  6. 答案:African###Asian###Middle Eastern cultures###Arabian
  7. 关于非语言符号的作用,下列说法正确的是?( )

  8. 答案:具有否定作用###具有补充作用###具有调节、示意作用###具有重复作用###具有替代作用###具有强调作用
  9. 下列关于性别文化的说法,正确的是( )

  10. 答案:性别文化是人与生俱来的男女两性生理性别及其生物性的性别差异###性别文化是人有史以来,对性别本体的自我认识,对男女两性之间相互关系的看法和思想观念,以及这种关系的存在现状###性别文化是男人和女人由社会文化所规范的社会性别存在###性别文化囊括了男女两性的关系及其社会生存模式
  11. 对于学习传播学的意义,以下说法正确的是:( )

  12. 答案:使我们在预测和把握复杂多变的国际国内传播方面能处于一个更加有利的地位。###实现传播学研究的本土化与中国化。###提高我们对传播规律的理解。
  13. 下面关于倾听的说法,不正确的是( )

  14. 答案:倾听只是人的本能反应###倾听就是听见
  15. Regarding different cultures, we should hold the following attitude( )

  16. 答案:Equality###Harmony###Respect
  17. Which of the following are body symbols?( )

  18. 答案:Action###Gesture###Line of sight###Facial expression###Posture
  19. Which of the following belong to Chinese TV programs?( )

  20. 答案:Empresses in the Palace###Nirvana in Fire
  21. What are the forms of cross-cultural communication?( )

  22. 答案:Interethnic communication###Communication of Community culture###Interracial communication
  23. 下列影响个人社会性别社会化的有( )
  24. 下列属于有效倾听的组成的有( )
  25. 关于象征符的性质,下列描述正确的是:( )
  26. “Social communication” includes the following types( )
  27. When Americans ask”How are you?”, they don’t want to know more from you, it’s just a way to greet each other. ( )
  28. Nonverbal communication refers only to face-to-face communication. ( )
  29. Giving feedback in a timely manner can improve a listener's listening skills. ( )
  30. 下列属于提高倾听者倾听技能的有( )
  31. One person's physiological gender is innate. ( )
  32. The elements of the communication process including( )
  33. When creating a good listening environment, the following aspects should be considered: ( )
  34. 倾听者的主观障碍属于影响倾听的因素( )
  35. “符号”一词的基本定义是:“通过联想、类比或惯例来代表其他事物。” ( )
  36. Not interrupting is one of the most effective ways to improve listening. ( )
  37. 性别文化随着社会历史的发展而变迁,并且有着鲜明的群体性,不同社会群体间的性别文化现象有着迥异的表现。 ( )
  38. The social gender roles of men and women depend entirely on the biology of the human being. ( )
  39. We should properly discard the traditional culture of gender. ( )
  40. In 1959, Edward Hall argued that “Culture is communication,and communication is culture.” ( )
  41. There is no difference in the discourse system between men and women. ( )
  42. As for basic education, the teaching methods applied in China are also applicable in the UK. ( )
  43. Japan cartoons are divided to many kinds:for children,for teenagers,for young women,for adult and so on. ( )
  44. Conversations between scientists tend to be very low level of abstraction. ( )
  45. Compared with China, American students have less academic pressure. ( )
  46. In terms of food, China and America are very different. ( )
  47. Maintaining eye can contact promotes effective listening. ( )
  48. Staying silent throughout the listening process is conducive to effective listening. ( )
  49. 任何个人信息都不会成为敏感信息。 ( )
  50. Gender culture reflects people's natural attributes, but not their social attributes. ( )
  51. Chinese people like hot water, while Americans like cold water. ( )
  52. The components of the Aristotle’s model include Listener、Speaker、Content and Reflection. ( )
  53. Knowing knowledge about cultural differences is not good to our communication. ( )
  54. 符号是用来指称或代表其他事物的象征物。 ( )
  55. In China,when people first see each other,they often ask”Have you eaten lunch or dinner?” ( )
  56. The message is different depending on the style of dress. ( )
  57. About the undergraduate course, how many years is the Length of schooling in Britain?( )
  58. 在修辞学里,()就是以物质的东西表达一些非物质的东西,把一个具体形象同这个形象暗示或唤起的一种观念、概念的东西联结在一起。( )
  59. Which is the carrier and manifestation of meaning?( )
  60. 在亚里士多德模型中,谁在传播中扮演了关键角色?( )
  61. Which of the following is not a cross-cultural communication model?( )
  62. Which of the following is not belong to "hard science"?( )
  63. Who had put forward “Media is the extension of people.”?( )
  64. Which of the following is the first word Helen Keller learned?( )
  65. 所有的非语言交流都不会被误解。 ( )
  66. Which of the following is not the main factor in trans-cultural communication?( )
  67. Regarding different cultures, we should hold the following attitude:( )
  68. In 1959,who put forward “Culture is communication,and communication is culture.”?( )
  69. About the undergraduate course, how many years is the Length of schooling in Britain?( )
  70. Which  is not a cross-cultural communication model?( )
  71. Which of the following are characteristics of “The Belt and Road”?( )
  72. The components of the Aristotle’s model include Listener、Speaker、Content and Reflection,This saying is( )
  73. As for basic education, the teaching methods applied in China are also applicable in the UK,This saying is  ( )
  74. “The Belt and Road”is the abbreviation for “the Silk Road Economic Belt”and “the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road”. ( )
  75. Who plays a key role in communication about Aristotle’s model?( )
  76. Japan cartoons are divided to many kinds:for children,for teenagers,for young women,for adult and so on. ,This saying is ( )
  77. Knowing knowledge about cultural differences is not good to our communication.,This saying is( )
  78. In today's society, understanding the cultural differences between different countries is conducive to better communication. ( )
  79. Which of the following technologies can lead to the disclosure of our personal information?( )
  80. Which of the    behaviors can support us learn  more about foreign cultures? ( )
  81. Which of the following is not the main factor in trans-cultural communication?( )
  82. Watching foreign TV programs is  an efficient way to  learn about foreign culture.  This saying is( )
  83. The “digital now”is not the present,because it’s always a few seconds ahead, This saying is( )
  84. There are three modes of trans-cultural communication, namely: ( )
  85. Who had put forward “Media is the extension of people.”?( )
  86. 男性倾向于工具性谈话,女性倾向于表意性谈话。( )
  87. 性别文化随着社会历史的发展而变迁,并且有着鲜明的群体性,不同社会群体间的性别文化现象有着迥异的表现。这种说法是( )
  88. 下列属于与男性谈话时需要注意的问题有( )
  89. 下列选项中影响个人社会性别社会化的有( )
  90. 下列属于与女性谈话时需要注意的问题有( )
  91. 社会性别观念影响社会对男女社会、家庭角色与责任的分配和要求。( )
  92. 性别角色的特征是天生的,与社会文化没有任何关系。( )
  93. 下列有关性别文化的说法正确的有( )
  94. 性别文化反映人的自然属性,但是不反映人的社会属性。( )
  95. 男性在沟通中给出更多的指令并更多地表达出个人观点,而女性在与他人说话时语气更为委婉和谨慎。( )
  96. “不打断对方”属于一种提高倾听行为的方法。( )
  97. “倾听者能够专心地注意对方的眼神等肢体语言,能够很好地捕捉到对方的话语、内容及关键信息,甚至能够复述对方的话表示确实听到,但是不一定都能听出对方的本意,真意。”这属于哪一个层次的倾听( )
  98. “复述”属于有效倾听的组成,这个说法是否正确( )
  99. 倾听者的主观障碍是影响倾听的因素( )
  100. 下面关于倾听的说法,错误的是( )
  101. 下列属于倾听重要性的是( )
  102. 以下的沟通行为中,人们每天花在哪一类上面的时间最多( )
  103. 下列属于倾听障碍的有( )
  104. In America, every citizen has the right to speak up and express an opinion. ( )
  105. Which of the following is not belong to days of ritual in the United States?( )
  106. North American and Northern European cultures are categorized as high-context. ( )
  107. Which of the following are considered as the main racial categories?( )
  108. Assuming that each person belongs to one culture, Which of the following is not the way we learn to behave within our culture?( )
  109. What is the highest level of Maslow's hierarchical theory of needs?( )
  110. Which is an emotional judgment about an individual based on opinion,not fact?( )
  111. Which of the following is the difference between inference and judgment?( )
  112. Which of the following regions are considered as high-context cultures?( )
  113. From the perspective of communication, people use gestures for two purposes: one is to strengthen an idea or point of view;The other is to help depict something.( )
  114. What are the functions of nonverbal symbols?( )
  115. What types of non-verbal symbols can be roughly divided into?( )
  116. Which of the following is not nonverbal communication?( )
  117. More often( ) try to reach out physically as a method of making and maintaining a connection with others.Which is the most appropriate choice.
  118. Which of the following senses is the most sensitive of the five human senses?( )
  119. According to McLuhan, a Canadian scholar , ( )is an extension of the skin.(   )
  120. Anthropologist Edward T. Hall divided the communication distance into:( )
  121. Which of the following is an associated language symbol and includes a class language and a paralanguage?( )
  122. Different environments can have the same effect on communication.( )
  123. What are the specific features of letter symbols?( )
  124. Human beings are born to recognize symbols, understand symbols and use symbols to express meaning, not acquired through learning.( )
  125. Language symbols are the unique tools of human beings and the core of all communication.( )
  126. What are the characteristics of Language symbols?( )
  127. Which of the following describes the characteristics of symbols?( )
  128. Which one is human code created by experience?( )
  129. In rhetoric, which of the following expresses something immaterial in terms of a material thing?( )
  130. Which is the carrier and manifestation of meaning?( )
  131. When one culture meets another, which of the following aspects of one culture is borrowed by the other culture? ( )
  132. Language itself is a social norm, a codified part of( ).
  133. Which of the following marks the arrival of the age of electronic media?( )
  134. Which is the main body in the communication activity, and plays the role of "bridge" and "link" in the communication process?( )
  135. What are the basic components of the Osgoods-Schramm model (interpersonal communication)?( )
  136. Which following one takes feedback a step further and demonstrates its complicated nature in communication?( )
  137. Interpersonal communication is about reading the signals we send each other and recognizing what signals we are sending out.( )
  138. In the 1950s,Shannon and Weaver created a model that represented the basic elements of communication: sender, receiver, message, channel, and noise.( )
  139. What are the elements of Laswell's "5W" model?( )
  140. Which is categorized as a “soft science”?( )
  141. Which of the following are the specific forms of communication?( )
  142. Which one is not belong to social communication?( )
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