  1. “Explicit grammar teaching” is recommended if students need to be given detailed grammar rules. ( )

  2. A:对 B:错
  3. The teaching objectives should be as specific as possible, because the more specific the teaching objectives are, the more motivated they will be. ( )

  4. A:错 B:对
  5. Pre-reading helps students focus on what is going on and note important information. ( )

  6. A:对 B:错
    答案:A: 对
  7. The high frequency words only content words should be given first attention at the initial phase of learning and deserve a lot of classroom time. ( )

  8. A:对 B:错
  9. LPP should be well-organized. ( )

  10. A:对 B:错
    答案:A: 对
  11. Assessment methods can be testing, teacher’s verbal feedback, written assessments, peer review and so on. ( )

  12. A:错 B:对
  13. Production practice is aimed at developing the students’ ability to identify and distinguish between different sounds. ( )

  14. A:错 B:对
  15. Set an authentic situation for students based on the discourse discussed after to motivate them to write. ( )

  16. A:对 B:错
  17. Vocabulary has always been the fundamental component of a language. ( )

  18. A:对 B:错
  19. Pragmatic competence involves register, appropriate word choice, style shifting and politeness strategies. ( )

  20. A:错 B:对
  21. LPP is a process of verbally explaining his/her lesson plan to a group of peers, teachers, administrators, and/or researchers. ( )

  22. A:对 B:错
  23. The basic pattern of argumentation is “argument and evidence-central argument-supporting details “. ( )

  24. A:错 B:对
  25. Some phrases have only one stressed syllable, while others may have 5-6 stressed syllables.( )

  26. A:对 B:错
  27. The implementation of basic teaching skills includes blackboard design, teaching manner, teaching language, teaching aids and group activities. ( )

  28. A:错 B:对
  29. When we design speaking activities, we should design both transactional and intrapersonal speaking activities. ( )

  30. A:错 B:对
  31. Which of the following ways can be used to show the stress patterns of words, phrases and sentences? ( )

  32. A:use gestures B:use the voice C:use the blackboard D:use rising or falling arrows
  33. Which of the following are the controlled writing exercises? ( )

  34. A:logical interpretation B:copying C:questionnaire-based essay D:transformation
  35. What does the evaluation of teaching procedure include? ( )

  36. A:The homework B:The teaching time allocation C:Class teaching arrangement D:The design of teaching ideas
  37. Which are the key teaching principles for reading instruction? ( )

  38. A:Ask questions B:Integration C:Construct linkage D:Make inferences
  39. How to make preparations for class observation?( )

  40. A:Understand the different types of class. B:Be familiar with an object of teaching. C:Understand the subject of teaching. D:Make some theoretical preparations.
  41. Which of the following are the forms of editing? ( )

  42. A:teacher-editing B:teacher-feedback C:peer-editing D:self-editing
  43. According to the view: “Teaching learners how to construct grammatical sentences does not enable them to produce real-life discourse” what teaching methods come after? ( )

  44. A:Communicative Language Teaching B:Task-based Language Teaching C:The Natural Approach
  45. Which of the following sentences about the indirect approach are true?( )

  46. A:It engages learners in meaningful tasks. B:It teaches specific microskills and strategies. C:It focuses on accuracy and language forms. D:It involves information sharing and negotiation of meaning.
  47. What are the three major thematic contexts? ( )

  48. A:Man and society B:Man and nature C:Man and self D:Man and health
  49. What aspects of pronunciation are involved? ( )

  50. A:phonetic symbols B:sounds and stress C:intonation D:rhythm
  51. ____,_____ ,_____, and _____ all need to be taken into consideration when teaching vocabulary. ( )

  52. A:spelling B:contextual use C:pronunciation D:social meanings
  53. Which is learning and comprehension activity? ( )

  54. A:Retrieving B:Analyzing C:Generalizing D:Perceiving
  55. What are the examples of concept checking questions? ( )

  56. A:Closed questions B:Yes/No questions C:Chance questions
  57. What challenges does viewing instruction encounter in the current teaching environment?( )

  58. A:The learning environment has also changed from classroom-based physical environment to computer-based and network-based virtual environment. B:The teaching content has changed, which changes from unimodal text to multimodal hypertext. C:The learning media has been enriched and has a very different logic and “grammar”. D:The nonverbal materials are becoming a broader symbolic resource that participates in the construction of meaning.
  59. What strategies should be taught in English teaching? ( )

  60. A:Meta-cognitive strategies B:Cognitive strategies C:Communication strategies D:Affective strategies
  61. Teachers should set teaching objectives from the following ____aspects: ( )

  62. A:thinking ability B:culture awareness C:language ability D:the difficult and key points of a lesson
  63. What’s the general goals of English curriculum? ( )

  64. A:To cultivate and practice core socialist values. B:To promote students’ English subject core competencies. C:To implement the Party’s education policy. D:To implement the fundamental task of fostering virtue through education.
  65. What are the types of common reading models? ( )

  66. A:Top-down Reading Model B:Interactive Reading Model C:Extensive Reading and Intensive Reading Model D:Bottom-up Reading Model
  67. Which aspects should we involve when teaching vocabulary? ( )

  68. A:collocation B:form C:meaning D:use
  69. Which of the following parts are the components of lesson planning? ( )

  70. A:Lesson duration B:Management C:Type of the lesson D:Background information
  71. Which of the following is the step of pre-writing?( )

  72. A:drafting B:outlining C:evaluating D:rewriting
  73. What is described as the music of speech—the way the voice goes up and down as we speak? ( )

  74. A:phonetic symbol B:rhythm C:stress D:intonation
  75. As an oral speech, what is the first step in the LPP? ( )

  76. A:Reflection B:Analysis C:Description D:Opening Remarks
  77. Which of the following is not an activity in while-listening stage? ( )

  78. A:Listen and draw. B:Listen and act. C:Dictogloss. D:Listen and tick.
  79. Based on the priority of the whole, discourse analysis should start from____ ( )

  80. A:the specific to the general. B:the general to the specific. C:the part to the whole
  81. Which of the following is not the type of writing task?( )

  82. A:Guided composition B:Indirected writing exercises C:Expressive writing D:Controlled writing exercises
  83. Which of the following is not a model of listening instruction? ( )

  84. A:Interactive model. B:Top-down model. C:PPP model. D:Bottom-up model.
  85. Which of the following are not part of the five principles of the lesson planning? ( )

  86. A:Learnability B:Linkage C:Flexibility D:Unrealistic teaching objectives
  87. Which of the following belongs to the types of LPP? ( )

  88. A:Research LPP B:Teaching LPP C:Teacher Evaluation LPP D:Teacher LPP
  89. What’s the difference between teaching ideas and class teaching arrangement?( )

  90. A:Classroom teaching arrangement is prioritized with teaching ideas. B:There is no difference between them. C:Teaching ideas focus on the teachers’ analysis and use of the textbook while the class teaching arrangement focuses on the teachers’ teaching design. D:Teaching ideas is more important than class teaching arrangement.
  91. What abilities does the expression dimension of viewing skill focus on? ( )

  92. A:Students’ ability to interpret, acquire, and appreciate visual materials in the input process. B:Students’ ability to use, create, and apply visual materials in the output process. C:Students’ ability to integrate, interpret, evaluate and assess the content of these texts in the output process. D:Students’ ability to understand visual elements, integrate context with visual materials in the input process.
  93. What are good classroom effects?( )

  94. A:Students are doing what they like in class. B:Teachers teach the students how to finish their homework. C:Students listen to the teacher carefully and quietly without talk. D:Students benefit a lot from class teaching.
  95. Correct perception of sounds is vital for . ( )

  96. A:listening comprehension B:reading comprehension C:writing D:speaking
  97. Which of the following section is not the dimension of grammar according to Diane Larsen-Freeman ?( )

  98. A:Meaning/ semantics B:Form/ structure C:Use/ pragmatics D:Lexical
  99. How are the following sentences organized?( )“Wang Ching gets up at half past six. He dresses, washes and goes out to do morning exercises. Then he has breakfast. “

  100. A:Problem-solution B:Causation C:Time sequence

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