1. Differentiation of cold and heat syndromes is applicable to detect the location and severity of the disease.

  2. 答案:错
  3. The heart is the mother of the lungs.

  4. 答案:错
  5. _______pertains to the extraordinary fu-organs.

  6. 答案:Gallbladder###Brain###Uterus
  7. Slippery pulse may indicate _______.

  8. 答案:pregnancy###food retention###excessive heat###phlegm retention
  9. Anamnesis refers to ______?

  10. 答案:the history recalled by a patient###the ability to recall events
  11. Which of the following descriptions is not correct about the pathogenic characteristics of dampness?

  12. 答案:Its clinical manifestations are characterized by turbidity and stagnancy.###It is apt to attack yang portion of the body.###It tends to block the flow of qi.
  13. The nomenclature of the Twelve Regular Meridians is based on the three factors EXCEPT ________.

  14. 答案:interior or exterior
  15. Which of the following therapeutic methods should not be used in treating diseae due to profuse bleeding?

  16. 答案:diaphoresis
  17. Which one does not belong to the pathological products?

  18. 答案:dampness
  19. ________ usually indicates deficiency of blood and dampness.

  20. 答案:thready pulse
  21. According to the theory of five elements, "subjugation" is a(an) ________ condition.

  22. 答案:abnormal
  23. According to the theory of five elements, __________ restricts water.
  24. The lymphocytes from the ________ blood are increasing heavily.
  25. According to the theory of the five elements, when fire is in deficiency or metal in excess, metal will ________ fire.
  26. To extend the knowledge of acupuncture and moxibustion to the masses, Ge Hong wrote Prescriptions for Emergencies.
  27. The five flavors of herbs are their natual taste in the mouth.
  28. Syndromes of interior type include pathological changes deep inside the body that involves the organs, bone marrow, qi or blood.
  29. The lower the quality of the acquired qi we absorb from food and air, the more we draw on our innate qi to live.
  30. According to the theory of five elements, restriction belongs to a normal condition.
  31. The three yin meridians of the hand run from the chest to the hand.
  32. In terms of yin and yang, qi is yin while blood is yang.
  33. The causes of the interior syndrome include ________.
  34. What are the bastic features of TCM theory?
  35. What are the signs of loss of spirit?
  36. Unsmooth pulse usually indicates ________.
  37. The main physiological functions of the kidney are_________.
  38. The theory of visceral manifextation has evolved on the basis of _________.
  39. Which viscera are involved in metabolism of body fluid?
  40. When the interdependence between yin and yang is broken, it will lead to _______?
  41. Which is not the rationale for Troditional Chinese Diagnostics?
  42. The theoretical basis for channel tropism of drugs is ________
  43. Which is Not true in the following relationship between qi and body fluids?
  44. In constructing an effective prescription, __________is needed to guide the construction.
  45. What is the first step in diagnosing a disease?
  46. The length between the transverse cubital crease and the transverse wrist crease is _____?
  47. Because of the close relationship between the viscera and emotions, we can safely come to the conclusion that the disorder of the seven emotions _________ the relevant viscers.
  48. Qi stagnation due to prredomination of yin, phlegm stagnation and blood stasis may indicate ______.
  49. Fuling is a kind of herb which can be termed __________.
  50. Which of the following is said to be “the house of original spirit” in TCM?
  51. Which of the following is the earliest extant monographs of pharmacology?
  52. Sweet taste has the effects of ________
  53. which viscus is named as “canopy”?
  54. Which of the following drug properties belongs to yang?
  55. It is traditionally believed that the amount of innate qi on inherits is infinite meaning that it could be replaced in the course of one's life.
  56. In practice, the hierarchy of ingredients in a prescription is always easy to identify.
  57. In TCM, each zang has a corresponding fu organ paired with.
  58. A strong gall bladder makes one courageous.
  59. In clinical diagnosis, physicians will first differentiate whether the syndrome is ascribed to yin or yang.
  60. After using some certain drugs owning tonifying effects to kidney, it can accelerate reduction of bone fracture.
  61. Strong gall bladder makes one courageous.
  62. Differentiation of exterior and interior syndromes usually focus on interior syndrome.
  63. Deficiency of yang (consumption of yang) is a deficiency heat condition.
  64. Under certain conditions, the eight principles can manifest simutanious emergence, transformation, complicated conditions, true and false manifestations, etc.
  65. Traditional Chinese Medicine holds that the body keeps a dynamic equilibrium between __________.
  66. Bluish complexion usually indicate _______.
  67. Which of the following belong to yin?
  68. Sticky tongue coating may be caused by ____?
  69. What are the main tasks of yin yang theory?
  70. Interdependence between yin and yang indicates _________?
  71. Which of the following may cause massive losing of body fluid?
  72. Normal blood circulation depends on _________.
  73. Which of the following presentations are due to dysfunction of qi controlling blood?
  74. Clinically, the comman manifestations of deficiency syndrome include _________?
  75. The advantage of a prescription and even its indications may have a big difference after __________.
  76. According to the concept of holism in TCM, all sayings are correct about the changes of human body EXCEPT_________?
  77. _______ are experiential points with specific names and definite location, but are not attributed to the fourteen meridians?
  78. Which of the following belongs to the disorder of the child-organ involving the mother-organ?
  79. If a person suffers from dyspepsia, he or she may have __________ pulse.
  80. According to the five elements, kidney belongs to .
  81. Which of the following are not the characteristics of Jin?
  82. In clinical practice, _________ usually is a result of retention of fluid or phlegm-dampness.
  83. The properties and flavors of herbs may be changed by
  84. What property of yin and yang does the statement "extreme yin turns into yang, while extreme yang into yin" reveal?
  85. Which pulse points to internal injuries due to the seven emotions?
  86. _______ tends to disturb the heart spirit.
  87. __________ of yin and yang is the root cause for the onset and development of a disease.
  88. Which of the following is the earliest extant medical classic of TCM theory?
  89. Which of the following is NOT belongs to the properties of yin and yang?
  90. Pericardium is related to exteriorly and interiorly.
  91. Which of the following description the liver is correct?
  92. _______ pertains to wood.
  93. ________is called the "sea of marrow".
  94. Which of the following is NOT closely related with functions of Qi?
  95. If the channel qi is weak, it cannot withstand the attack, and the pathogenic qi may linger at different levels in the channels and ultimately penetrate into the zang-fu organs.
  96. _______ are experiential points with specific names and definite location, but are not attributed to the fourteen meridians?
  97. What are the mechanisms of tuina therapy?
  98. Which of the following statements are not true?
  99. In general, moxibustion is applied first to the yin channels and then to the yang channels
  100. In the case of a headache, for example, if pain is located in the forehead, it indicates that the headache may have a close relation to the________ .
  101. Extra points have no definite names.
  102. Subterranean organs are generally collected between the end of autumn when aerial parts are withered and early spring when plants barely regenerate to green.
  103. Which is China’s first illustrated materia medica and the first pharmacopoeia in the world?
  104. Which of the following is not included in five primary flavors
  105. If the purgative action of Da Huang is not desired, the herb should be added near the end.
  106. Formulas should generally be taken about an hour after meals.
  107. Which is the earliest extant Chinese materia medica text, compiled in the Eastern Han Dynasty, focusing on description of individual herbs?
  108. Juhua (Chrysanthemum Flos 菊花) should be collected in full bloom.
  109. A  superficial pulse, which belongs to yin, indicates disease due to internal impairment.
  110. The tongue has a special relationship with the heart, in that the          opens to the tongue.
  111. A syndrome can be seen in several diseases.
  112. Easy hunger and intake of large amount of food with passing loose stools indicate indigestion due to (  ).
  113. refers to conditions induced by an overabundance of pathogens.
  114. TCM physicians still use the eight principles to understand the location and nature of pathological changes, the course of disease, and the relationship between pathogenic factors and body’s resistance.
  115. The occurrence of disease results from invasion of pathogenic qi into the body and struggle between the healthy qi and pathogenic qi.
  116. For the internal injury due to seven emotions, excessive joy stagnates qi
  117. Preference to the sweet flavor invigorates spleen-qi and restricts kidney-qi.
  118. Seven emotions do not affect the internal organs directly.
  119. The body fluid is in close relation with qi and blood.
  120. Jin refers to the part of the body fluid that is thick in texture and slow in movement.
  121. Jin and Ye are different in thickness, property, function and distribution.
  122. Which of the internal organs play an important role in blood generation?
  123. Blood is characterized by preference for warmth and aversion to cold.
  124. What are the physiological functions of qi?
  125. Essence, qi, blood, and body fluids are the substantial foundations for spirit which is the result of movements, changes, and interactions among the essential qi of zang-fu organs.
  126. Kidneys store the essence, being in charge of growth, development and reproduction.
  127. The extraordinary fu-organs do not bear interior and exterior relations with other organs.
  128. Which is incorrect about the description of the spleen?
  129. The relations between the five zang-organs and the six fu organs is actually the relation between yin and yang, interior and exterior.
  130. “The middle energizer works like a fermentor”. The middle energizer mainly include the lung and heart.
  131. TCM holds that________is the "sea of marrow".
  132. When applied to treatment, the theory of the five elements is used to determine the therapeutic principles, but not to decide therapeutic methods.
  133. Yin and yang possess the following properties EXCEPT ______
  134. The heart is the mother organ of the lungs.(  )
  135. The kidney is in charge of storing essence and governing water, therefore, it pertains to _____ .
  136. According to the theory of yin and yang ,which of the following staments is not correct.
  137. The four remarkable classics in TCM history are_________.
  138. TCM is a pure social science in nature, which is mainly manifested in its philosophical foundation, especially yin-yang theory and five-element theory.
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