
英语文学导论 Introduction to English Literature

  1. What are the two most commonly seen narrative point of view used in fictional writing?

  2. A:First-Person B:Alternating person C:Second-person D:Third-Person
  3. In the line “And the silken, sad, uncertain rustling of each purple curtain”, which words can serve as an example of assonance?

  4. A:“rustling” and “purple” B:“silken” and “sad” C:“uncertain” and “curtain”
    答案:“uncertain”and “curtain”
  5. What’s true about “epiphany” in literature?

  6. A:It is a sudden, intuitive perception of the reality or essential meaning of something B:It is very much the same as Virginia Woolf “moment of importance”. C:James Joyce used epiphany as a literary device within each entry of his short story collection Dubliners. D:It is usually initiated by some simple, homely, or commonplace occurrence or experience
    答案:It is a sudden,intuitive perception of the reality or essential meaning of somethingIt is usually initiated by some simple,homely,or commonplace occurrence or experienceJames Joyce used epiphany as a literary device within each entry of his short story collection Dubliners.
  7. Cordelia is a heroine in Shakespeare’s Hamlet.

  8. A:T B:F
  9. Sam Shepard, born in 1945, is one of the greatest contemporary American playwrights.

  10. A:T B:F
  11. Who doesn’t (don’t) say that what has happened may just be a dream?

  12. A:The lovers B:Bottom C:Theseus D:Puck
  13. ____________________ is the first extant work on dramatic theory.

  14. A:Mimesis B:The Republic C:Dithyramb D:Poetics
  15. The blues is a music that manifests the African American people’s protest and inspiration besides sadness and melancholy.

  16. A:T B:F

  17. After Uhry’s marriage, he was encouraged by his wife and began to treat his Jewish identity seriously.

  18. A:T B:F

  19. In “Ticket, Please”, What does Annie’s act on John’s back in a reversal of the traditional position suggest?

  20. A:her fierce love for John B:male sexual prerogatives C:her patriarchal dominance D:the ascendancy of her sex
    AI参考:正确选项是C:her patriarchal dominance在题干中提到,“在“Ticket, Please”中,Annie在John的背上表演了一出反传统的场面,暗示了什么?”选项A、B和D分别表示Annie对John的强烈爱意、男性性特权和女性地位的上升,但这些都不是通过Annie在John背上表演的动作所暗示的内容。相反,这个动作表明了Annie对传统的男尊女卑社会地位的反叛,暗示了她对父权社会的支配地位。因此,选项C“她的父权社会支配地位”是正确的答案。'
  21. Why are Oberon (king of the fairies) and Titania (his queen) estranged?

  22. A:Because the Indian boy is Titania’s illegal child. B:Because the Indian changeling may be Oberon’s love child. C:Because they have different opinions of the Duke’s wedding. D:Because they are jealous of each other.

  23. Who is the author of “I Heard a Fly Buzz —When I Died”?

  24. A:Emily Dickinson B:Emily Brontě C:Robert Frost D:Walt Whitman
    AI参考:正确答案是A:Emily Dickinson。这首诗是艾米莉·狄金森(Emily Dickinson)的著名作品之一。狄金森是一位美国著名的现代主义诗人,以简洁、富有诗意的诗歌风格而闻名。因此,答案为A。B、C、D选项中提到的作者与这首诗无关,因此不正确。'
  25. What does Phoenix Jackson in “A Worn Path” buy for her sick grandson?

  26. A:some candies B:a paper windmill C:a spinning top D:a peppermint stick

  27. What are the two main recurring symbols in “A Worn Path”?

  28. A:birds B:snow and rain C:Heliopolis D:Phoenix

  29. What is John’s reaction when he is taken under control by Annie and the other girls and forced to choose?

  30. A:he gives in B:he fight fiercely and refuse to choose C:he says he choose Annie in a strange and malicious voice D:he chooses Annie out of defeat

  31. The purpose of problem play includes _____________________.

  32. A:solving social problems B:the revelation of the social evils C:the stimulation of thought and discussion

  33. What school of poetry does Ezra Pound lead in literary history?

  34. A:The Confessional school B:Imagism C:Neoclassicism D:Romanticism

  35. What does the setting of Ernest Hemingway’s “In Another Country” has to do with the theme?

  36. A:War forebodes death and destruction. B:Hospital suggests wounds, injuries and death. C:An American soldier in Milan indicates isolation and loneliness. D:Autumn is a season of dismay and forlornness
    AI参考:正确选项是【B:Hospital suggests wounds, injuries and death.】在《在另一个国家》中,医院这个场景暗示了伤口、受伤和死亡的主题。这是通过医院里的病人和医生的行为以及周围环境的描写来体现的。选项A、C、D都与小说的主题无关。'
  37. What is the definition of “meter”?

  38. A:Meter refers to the sound which involves some steady metrical pattern. B:Meter is the regular rhythm created by the repetition of similar patterns of accented or unaccented syllables. C:Meter means the choice of words or the kind of words chosen. D:Meter can be defined as the representation of sense experience through language.

  39. What are the three major variations of the External Narrator?

  40. A:Vision From With B:Vision From Behind C:Vision From Within D:Vision From Without

  41. An unreliable speaker in poetry is a speaker ____.

  42. A:who arouses the reader’s sympathy B:whose words tend to be doubted by the reader C:who seems trustworthy

  43. When King Lear listened to his first two daughters’ answers to his love, he became very angry.

  44. A:T B:F

  45. What does the fact that Phoenix is never called by her first name by any of the other characters in “A Worn Path” suggest?

  46. A:The other characters display patronizing attitudes towards Phoenix. B:The other characters deeply sympathize with Phoenix. C:African Americans’ inferior social status. D:African Americans are often denied of their dignity and individuality.

  47. Uhry got his writing sources and inspiration from the stories and episodes he heard in childhood.

  48. A:T B:F

  49. Through the form of blues, Ma Rainey and her band members could unite together to fight against the white’s economical exploitation and racial discrimination in order to get their cultural identities.

  50. A:T B:F

  51. Why didn’t Alfred Tennyson put any unstressed syllable in the line “Break, break, break”?

  52. A:Mainly to shorten the line B:To show that the speaker is sobbing C:To make the line sound more powerful D:To render the repetition more obvious

  53. The dramatic irony in William Blake’s “The Chimney Sweeper” helps to draw attention to ____.

  54. A:the anger expressed by the child-speaker of the poem B:the ruthless exploitation of naïve children C:Tom Dacre’s insightful observation of his own life

  55. According to the short story “The Egg”, what does Anderson think of the relationship between happiness and ambition?

  56. A:They are incompatible. B:Ambition is pursued at the cost of happiness. C:Happiness without ambition is unbearable. D:They are complementary.
    AI参考:通过对题目进行分析,正确答案是【B:Ambition is pursued at the cost of happiness.】根据故事《鸡蛋》中的描述,安德森认为人们在追求野心时往往需要牺牲幸福作为代价,因此野心是牺牲幸福追求的一种形式。所以正确答案是B,即野心是以牺牲幸福为代价的追求。其他选项都没有在故事中找到明确的支持或反驳。'
  57. As what did Bernard Shaw use his plays?

  58. A:Signs of his devotion to Henrik Ibsen B:Pamphlets for the Fabian Society C:Vehicles to disseminate his ideas D:Literary interpretations of Marxism

  59. In terms of Freudianism, what may Didi and Gogo be the externalization of?

  60. A:The pleasure principle B:The superego C:The ego and the id respectively D:The id and the ego respectively

  61. Which of the following sentences does NOT contain a metonymy?

  62. A:My love is like a red, red rose. B:The pen is mightier than the sword. C:My dear, you have all of my heart.

  63. What are the features of a round character?

  64. A:displays the “incalculability of life” B:fully-developed and has many characteristics C:exhibits contradictory characteristics D:three-dimensional, complex enough to surprise the reader

  65. The rhyme scheme of a typical Shakespearean sonnet is ____.

  66. A:aabb-ccdd-eeff-gg B:abab-cdcd-efef-gg C:abab-cdcd-eeff-gg
  67. In the medieval period, ______________ and ___________ are the major forms of drama.

  68. A:mystery plays, morality plays B:Wakefield Cycle, York Cycle C:comedy, tragedy D:Chester Cycle, comedy

  69. William Shakespeare’s plays written between 1590 and 1594 are sometimes called “romances” and all end in reconciliation and reunion.

  70. A:F B:T

  71. In his famous play The God of Hell, Sam Shepard combined wild humor, grotesque satire, myth and a haunting language to present a subversive view of American life.

  72. A:F B:T

  73. Which of the following statement about literature is/are true?

  74. A:Literature as writing is “imaginative” or fictive, as opposed to factual, true, or historical. B:Language in literature should always be beautiful and refined. The sentence, “This is awfully squiggly handwriting!” is not literary language. C:There seems to be no universally satisfying answer to the question “what is literature”. D:Shakespeare’s works have always been valued as literature, and his works will still be valued in the future.

  75. What is the name of the “cure” John and the doctor's are forcing upon the narrator in “The Yellow Paper”?

  76. A:Rest Cure B:Female Troubles Cure C:Hysteria Cure D:Depression Cure
    AI参考:正确答案是D.Depression Cure。根据问题描述,约翰和医生在“黄色纸张”中向叙述者强加了一种“治疗”,因此答案应该是关于抑郁症的治疗方法。因此,正确答案是D,即Depression Cure(抑郁症治疗)。其他选项中的“Rest Cure”(休息疗法)、“Female Troubles Cure”(女性问题疗法)和“Hysteria Cure”(歇斯底里疗法)都不符合问题描述。'
  77. Who is the author of “London”?

  78. A:William Carlos Williams B:Walt Whitman C:William Blake D:William Wordsworth

  79. In “The Dead”, who embarrasses and irritates Gabriel by questioning his lack of interest in Ireland?

  80. A:Lily B:Miss Ivors C:Gretta D:Micheal Furey

  81. What seems to be the axis around which the plot conflicts occur?

  82. A:The blurring of identities B:The flower juice C:The fairyland D:The world’s dreaminess

  83. In Margaret Atwood’s “Rape Fantasies”, who initiates the lunchroom discussion of “rape fantasies”?

  84. A:Chrissy B:Estelle C:Lily D:Darlene

  85. What could be possible symbolic meaning of “the egg” in the story?

  86. A:human failure and defeat B:American dream C:father and mother’s ambition D:futility of life
    AI参考:正确选项为D:futility of life。在故事中,“the egg”可能象征着生命的脆弱和无意义,即人生的虚无和无用,这与选项D中的“futility of life”相符。其他选项A、B、C与故事中的“the egg”没有直接关联的意义。'
  87. The origin of western drama may trace back to _____________________.

  88. A:Aristotle B:ancient Greece C:ancient Roman D:Medieval drama

  89. “Every” appears repeatedly in the poem “London”. What is the significance?

  90. A:The repetition of “every” also reflects the poet’s extreme disappointment and disillusionment with the city. B:The repetition of “every” indicates that no one in this city is immune. C:The repetition of “every” reflects the complicity of church. D:The repetition of “every” reveals the hypocrisy of bourgeois marriage.

  91. In Gilman’s “The Yellow Wallpaper”, what is the complication of the story which lead to the climax?

  92. A:The narrator’s request to write and socialize gets overruled by her husband. B:The narrator strips off all the wallpaper in her room. C:The narrator becomes so obsessed with the wallpaper, convinced there is a woman trapped behind that she starts to decode its design. D:The narrator begins to crawl around the edge of the room, making a groove or “smooch” on the wall.

  93. What is the function of plot in fiction?

  94. A:The plot leads to the climax. B:The plot is what forms a memory in readers’ minds gets the reader involved and absorbed. C:The plot focuses attention on the important characters and their roles in the story. D:The plot connects the events in an orderly manner.

  95. According to the types of imagery, which statements are correct?

  96. A:Tactile movement corresponds to movement. B:Olfactory imagery corresponds to smell. C:Auditory imagery corresponds to sound. D:Visual imagery corresponds to touch.

  97. When Shepard left school in 1961, he began his training in writing plays.

  98. A:T B:F

  99. Emily Dickinson is unique in the literary world. What are the artistic features of her poems?

  100. A:Her poems often extol the ideals of equality and democracy as well as the joy of the common man. B:Her poetic idiom is noted for its laconic brevity, directness, and plainest words. C:Her poems often use slant rhyme, unconventional capitalization and punctuation. D:Her poems contain short lines, typically lack titles.

  101. Why was Mrs. Warren’s Profession banned for 3 decades in Britain?

  102. A:Due to its criticism of the upper class B:Due to its absurdism C:Due to its focus on prostitution D:Due to its lack of art
    AI参考:正确答案是A:Due to its criticism of the upper class。文章中提到,Warren太太的职业被英国禁止了30年,原因是她对上层阶级的批评。因此,选项A“由于对上层阶级的批评”是正确答案。选项B“由于荒诞性”、选项C“由于关注卖淫”、选项D“由于缺乏艺术性”都与文章内容不符。'
  103. Since it was produced, The Last Night of Ballyhoo has gotten a great reputation and then was performed in Atlanta during the Olympic Games.

  104. A:F B:T

  105. The blues song Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom manifests African Americans’ pride as being African Americans.

  106. A:T B:F

  107. According to the American literary theorist Kenneth Burke, the “four master tropes” are ____.

  108. A:personification, metaphor, synecdoche and irony B:metaphor, metonymy, synecdoche and irony C:metaphor, simile, metonymy and irony
    AI参考:根据美国文学理论家Kenneth Burke的观点,“四种主要修辞手法”是:隐喻、借代、提喻和反语。因此,答案是B:metaphor,metonymy,synecdoche and irony。'
  109. Who coined the phrase “negative capability”?

  110. A:Percy Bysshe Shelley B:William Shakespeare C:John Keats D:George Gordon Byron

  111. Which of the following statements about “internal narrator” is/are true?

  112. A:Frequently it is called the First-Person Narrator because the story is told by a character who uses “I”. B:The narrator can go into the mind of other characters freely and describe how they think and feel directly. C:The Narrator can be the central character or a witness to what happens to the central character. D:The story-world of characters and events is filtered through the narrator’s consciousness alone.

  113. What is Sherwood Anderson’s attitude towards the father in “The Egg”?

  114. A:He shows compassion and sympathy towards the father. B:He has displayed mockery and disdain toward the father’s strange behavior and grotesqueness. C:He has depicted the father as a victim of modern existence D:He has revealed the characters inner bitterness and sweetness.

  115. What indicate the speaker’s attitude towards his subject?

  116. A:style B:imagery C:tone D:diction
  117. By having the white man point his gun at Phoenix after he helps her from the ditch and depicting Phoenix as not scared to the threat, what might Welty be suggesting?

  118. A:White Americans hostility towards African Americans. B:African Americans are brave and no longer fears the threats from the white. C:African Americans were constantly confronted with violence or aggression from white people D:African Americans lives in fears.

  119. James Joyce’s “The Dead” displays full dimensions of opposites, identify them.

  120. A:warmth-cold B:life-death C:darknesass-light D:movement-enclosure

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