1. Do you have any available rooms then? 酒店还有空房吗?这句话语法是正确的。( )

  2. 答案:错
  3. When you buy something at the duty-free stores, you may not show your passport.( )

  4. 答案:错
  5. Have you got some medicines for airsickness? 你有晕机药吗?本句话的语法是正确的。( )

  6. 答案:错
  7. I was wondering if I could order something to drink. 我想能不能点些东西来喝。本句话的翻译是正确的。( )

  8. 答案:对
  9. You can’t move casually to avoid further injury. ( )

  10. 答案:对
  11. There is possibly an airline coach service office at an airport. ( )

  12. 答案:对
  13. If some one says “Thank you”to you, you can say”Where, where”.( )

  14. 答案:错
  15. For breakable items, a “Fragile” sticker will be placed on the case to ensure the baggage handlers treat it with care.( )

  16. 答案:对
  17. You'd better be at the airport at least an hour before departure or even much earlier. ( )

  18. 答案:对
  19. Passengers can inflate the life vest while they are in the cabin. ( )

  20. 答案:错
  21. Tours can be divided into _______.( )

  22. 答案:fly-dirve tour###Independent tour###Cultural-oriental travel###ecotourism
  23. If a traveler wants to change his/her money at the airport? Which of the following expressions can be used?( )
  24. How would you ask for help? ( )
  25. If you are suffering from an earache, you can just try to ____ to relieve .( )
  26. Customs will control ______ into and out of a country. ( )
  27. What items are not allowed in carry-on baggage? ( )
  28. 以下属于英文电话用语的有( )
  29. Unchecked baggage can be put __________. ( )
  30. May I see your ________. (登机牌)( )
  31. Your suitcase should be registered and other things you may take with you. 由此句可知( )。
  32. 以下哪些步骤可以帮助你远离欺诈性旅行社 _______。( )
  33. I will pick you up at the airport.词句含义为: ( )
  34. I have been flying ______ 8 years( )。
  35. If you want to traveling, you can go to a travel _______ to consult information.( )
  36. If we arrive there an hour behind_____ , there are only 35 minutes left.( )
  37. The foreign visitors said that the hostesses _______ kind. ( )
  38. — Kate, I'm going shopping. Anything to buy for you?—Yes, that will save me a_____.( )
  39. May I look at your passport and customs ______ form, madam? ( )
  40. Cabin attendants should do safety check before __________( )
  41. _____ she has been working in China for only two years, she speaks fluent Chinese. ( )
  42. The manager demands that I meet five _______ at the airport tomorrow. ( )
  43. Ecotourism means _______ .( )
  44. A- I’d like to change my flight date to March 18th.B- Wait a minute, please. Let me check for the ___________.( )
  45. Please fill this memo.( )
  46. The limit of a bottle of lotion is no more than ?( )
  47. Please page Mr. Ron Smith for me.The similar meaning of the underlined word page in the above sentence is .( )
  48. How much should I pay you for __________ from economy class to the first class?( )
  49. Making a phone call is prohibited in immigration area. ( )
  50. You don’t need your ID card or your passport to deposit the baggage.( )
  51. Welcome aboard. 翻译成汉语是“欢迎登机”( )
  52. How can I find the taxi pick-up point? 句中的划线短语意为出租车乘车点。 ( )
  53. When the airplane encounters severe turbulence, you can keep eating.( )
  54. Nowadays, people cannot buy a flight ticket on-line. ( )
  55. Headsets 指的是挂耳式耳机。( )
  56. There is no limit as to how much you can change at one time at the airport. ( )
  57. In the process of flight, airplanes often fail to arrive at their destination on time due to various reasons, including__. ( )。
  58. Once you decide to travel by air, you may make arrangements for your trip by __________ for flight details. ( )
  59. During flight, ______and _____ are not permitted at any time. ( )
  60. The equipment for all of the disabled people ought to be _____ easy reach in public. ( )
  61. How do you express gratitude ? ( )
  62. --What a drive! I’m tired out. --No wonder! You have been driving for such a long time ________ taking a break.(错误答案是)( )
  63. How would you like to pay? by or ?( )
  64. Could you please tell me ____? ----I live in Shenzhen. ( )
  65. Excuse me, Miss. I___ whether the turbulence is severe.( )
  66. There is only one charge station at the airport. 本句中“charge station”的意思是 ( )。
  67. What is the shape of a moon cake?( )。
  68. The doctor's advice was that the patient ______at once. ( )
  69. Most online classes let students learn _____ their own pace. ( )
  70. -Thank you for your help. You have done me a great favor. -No ____. ( )
  71. I didn’t know what to do but then an idea suddenly ______ to me. ( )
  72. Do you want to check any bags? 本句中,check的含义是 ( )。
  73. While making a travel plan ,you should ____。( )
  74. Which of the following unit are NOT for Capacity?( )
  75. I’d like to create a personal travel _______ for you.( )
  76. I think my key _____ the alarm. ( )
  77. But there is a limit as to how much you can change at one time. You also have to pay a higher .( )
  78. Could you place it _____ your seat? ( )
  79. Our aircraft is experiencing some turbulence. Please be seated____ possible.( )。
  80. Could you lend me a ____? ( )
  81. Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your please. ( )
  82. Bring gold into a country is usually not allowed. ( )
  83. Passengers in the first class, please proceed to the boarding gate now。 本句话的含义是 “请头等舱的旅客前往登机门 ”( )
  84. What items are prohibited?( )
  85. ”我可以看一下您的航班信息吗?“ 可以表达为( )。
  86. Could you tell me what include in making a travel plan?( )
  87. Please fill in your personal information and purpose of stay. ( )
  88. —How can I reserve the tickets? — ______ phone. ( )
  89. — This kind of watch is much ______ today than last month. Would you like to have one?— Really? I'll take one.( )
  90. We would like to thank you for your support and cooperation ______the flight. ( )
  91. The baggage claim area is usually at the exit.The meaning of the underlined word cashier in the above sentence is .( )
  92. Could you tell me _____ I can find my seat?( )。
  93. —I want to watch TV the whole day after the long journey. —You shouldn't watch TV too much. It's bad _________ your eyes.( )
  94. We are all set. 我们都准备好了。居中set可以替换为:( )
  95. Please allow me to _______ Mr. Black to you. ( )
  96. I would like to see a film this evening, but things are ______ my control and I have to work. ( )
  97. You have to show your baggage ___________ to claim it at the Baggage Deposit Counter.( )
  98. Due to the bad weather, the flight has been cancelled. Therefore, passengers can get a ___________.( )
  99. Entire crew指全体机组成员,crew 本身是一个集体名词。( )
  100. It’s not proper to use subjunctive mood when giving suggestions. ( )
  101. Would you like any duty-free good? 你想要免税商品吗?本句话的语法是正确的。( )
  102. Keep a proper distance because different cultures have different ______ space. ( )
  103. “行李额”的英语表达是 ( )。
  104. Employees would like to work under team leaders who ____ good examples. ( )
  105. ---Sir, can you teach me how _______ coffee? ---Sure. It’s easy. ( )
  106. Last year was the warmest year on record, with global temperature 0.68 ℃ ________ the average.( )
  107. -- Long time no see. How are things with you? -- ______________________ ( )
  108. It takes too_____ room( )
  109. —I'm thirsty. I'd like a glass of orange juice. What about you, Andy?—I prefer a cup of tea ______ nothing in it.( )
  110. Passengers cannot use cell phones during the flight. ( )
  111. we hope you enjoy the flight 可以翻译为:祝您旅途愉快( )
  112. Agricultural tourism means a tour in which travelers can appreciate agricultural life, such as going to the orchard, etc.( )
  113. If you have a sore throat, you could drink some hot tea _____honey. ( )
  114. It may be painful. Can you ___ this? ( )。
  115. Happy birthday, Peter! Here's a gift______you. ( )
  116. Our aircraft is experiencing some turbulence. Please_____ while taking meals.( )
  117. Your pay raise will in part ______ your work experience and skills. ( )
  118. “请把它们放在称上称重 “的英语表达可以是( )。
  119. Pets can’t be taken into the cabin unless it’s a guide dog assisting the blind and properly ___________.( )
  120. Step _____ to the exam station for baggage inspection. ( )
  121. ______ , I found the job boring, but soon I got used to it. ( )
  122. 以下不能表达感谢的词汇是_______。( )
  123. You would be __________ 10% of the total fee if you ask for a refund 24 hours before the departure time.( )
  124. Please choose the units of length. ( )
  125. Please check your personal belongings. 请检查您的个人物品。check 在本句中为及物动词。( )
  126. I'd like an aisle seat, please . “aisle seat”的意思是 ( )。
  127. please show your ticket, arrival card, and _____. ( )
  128. Which one is not the measure for preventing the spread of Covid-19? ( )
  129. Excuse me sir, please (关机) your cell phone ( )
  130. Jack _______________ on the farm on the last school trip. Those are his favorite fruit. ( )
  131. Both flights have seats ______for September 10. ( )
  132. This week our top-notch skin-care products and cosmetics are all on sale with huge discounts.The similar meaning of on-sale is . ( )
  133. Passengers cannot put any luggage in the cabin. ( )
  134. For further inflation, simply _______ the mouth pieces in either side of your vest. ( )
  135. Would you like ______ with us?( )
  136. If you need any assistance, please do not____ to contact us( )。
  137. From the sentence “This flight has now been canceled due to fog.” We know( )
  138. ---_______ was your trip? ---It was very nice. ( )
  139. If you answer the phone, you will say( )
  140. We must fully obey traffic rules, otherwise everything would be ______( )
  141. Be sure to take your completed customs form with you.句中customs form的含义为:( )
  142. Hello, Robert Smith, it is _______ to see you. ( )
  143. ----_____yogurt would you like? ---- Two.( )
  144. I would like to _____twenty tickets to Beijing. ( )
  145. After taking the training course, they have performed their duties much ____ than before. ( )
  146. I suggest you come to Counter 12 half an hour later because it is too early and there is no sign here now. 根据本句可知( )。
  147. Which holiday is on the1st day of the 1st Lunar Calendar?( )。
  148. We should check ahead of time to make sure the flight is _______. ( )
  149. some items in duty-free or tax-free shops are worth .( )
  150. Can I help you_____ your luggage? ( )
  151. In order to your safety, please _____ your seat belts. ( )
  152. stop-over flight意为中转航班。 ( )
  153. 机场工作人员把护照和机票递给乘客时,可以说:May I see your passport and ticket, please. ( )
  154. If Covid-19 testing results are negative, the travelers will be allowed to leave the designated location and proceed to immigration clearance followed by the luggage reclaim and customs clearance. ( )
  155. Once the ticket has been booked, it cannot be changed any more.( )
  156. Let's check it out. 翻译成汉语意思是“让我们登记入住”( )
  157. If you feel airsick, you can use the airsickness bag located in the seat pocket in front of you.( )
  158. I am the purser of today’s flight. 翻译成汉语是“我是今天航班的乘务长”( )
  159. We have coca-colas, sprite and soda water. 我们有可乐、雪碧和苏打水。本句话的语法是正确的。( )
  160. The baggage Carousel is usually at the entrance of gate.( )
  161. Can this flight be connected to a wireless network? 这趟航班可以连接到无线网络吗?本句话的语法是正确的。( )
  162. What do you mean there is no sign here? 本句话的含义是 “您说这里没有显示, 是什么意思?”( )
  163. All Airlines, both domestic and international, require security check, including personal search. ( )
  164. I would like to show you our tentative itinerary.可以翻译为我想向您介绍一下我们初步拟定的日程安排。( )
  165. In English there is no special expression of 10 thousand and 100 thousand.( )
  166. For voluntary refund, passengers have to pay the cancellation fee.( )
  167. Your baggage weighs twenty kilos. Just within the weight limit. 这句话意味着旅客因为超重要额外为他/她的行李付费。( )
  168. People eat dumplings on Mid-autumn Day . ( )
  169. Thank you for your cooperation.这句话的意思是谢谢您的帮助。( )
  170. Mom, can I sit by the window? 妈妈,我可以坐在窗边的座位吗? 这句话语法是正确的。( )
  171. Do I need to check in again? 我需要再次办理登机手续吗?check 在本句中为及物动词。( )
  172. From the sentence “We've doubled the free Wi-Fi time available at Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport from 30 minutes to 60 minutes “, we can know( )。
  173. Find Chinese traditional holiday. ( )。
  174. Dina, _______ for months to find a job as a waitress, finally took a position at a local advertising agency. ( )
  175. Thanks ____ inviting me to your party. (选择错误答案) ( )
  176. There is no seat for tomorrow. ______________?( )
  177. 关于值机,下列句子表达正确的是( )。
  178. We didn't travel much during the holiday, ______because of the tight budget, but also because of the huge crowds.(选择错误答案) ( )
  179. Laptop computers are not allowed to use during _____and _______ ( )
  180. What contents does the pre-flight briefing consist of? ( )。
  181. Choose special occasions on board. ( )。
  182. When the aircraft is experiencing some turbulence,you must__. ( )。
  183. The babysitter handed the mother a piece of paper ______ that she was in good health.(选出错误的答案)( )
  184. This flight is delayed by two hours because of the bad weather. From this sentence we know ( )
  185. When you ask for information at the airport, what expressions can be used among the following sentences?( )
  186. All inbound travelers are required to ______ ( )
  187. A passenger wants to make a refund for his/her ticket, he/she should show the ______________.( )
  188. For special baggage service, passengers have to fill in the ______________ form.( )
  189. (错误答案是)Ladies and gentlemen, may we please have your attention for the safety demonstration? ( )
  190. Are there any ______________ goods in your baggage?( )
  191. Please choose the units of weight: ( )
  192. “航班信息”的英语表达是 ( )。
  193. “Could you do me a favor “?一句中,favor 的含义是( )。
  194. 感谢别人的配合,你可以说( )
  195. What is the meaning of “captain”( )。
  196. On behalf of China Eastern Airlines, I’ d like to thank you for ____us on this trip. ( )
  197. Please take any electronic devices and metal objects _____ your bag. ( )
  198. “Welcome ________ aboard!”said the conductor with a smile.( )
  199. Please go to gate ______for boarding. 此处可以填入的信息是。( )
  200. We ____ to inform you that ...( )。
  201. If you feel painful of your body parts, you may not have a/an/空 _____. ( )。
  202. When you work at a travel agency, you will say like this: As your _______ , it is my pleasure to help you, sir.( )
  203. —Your father never shops online.Why's that?—He says they're much ________ but the products are not really good.( )
  204. If you pick __________ your baggage within 4 hours, you have to pay 30 yuan.( )
  205. What is the nature of your visit? ( )
  206. For the _____ of health, please be patient and co-operate with the instructions of the staff. ( )
  207. If some helps you , what will you say to him?( )
  208. What are the regulations on hand luggage?The similar meaning of the underlined word hand luggage in the above sentence is .( )
  209. We must fully obey traffic rules, otherwise everything would be ______ .( )
  210. Madam, your cat will be put into a pet __________ and shipped as checked baggage.( )
  211. Everyone __________go through the security check(安检) when entering the Bird’s Nest stadium. ( )
  212. Turn to us for any advice at any time ______ you need it. ( )
  213. For your safety and comfort, we ask that you please remain ____. ( )
  214. You are required to enter the name of the city in which your company ____. ( )
  215. He is inquiring of the ground staff. What does the phrase “inquire of” mean in Chinese? ( )
  216. We are looking forward to ____ you on board again in the near future. ( )
  217. Mid-autumn Day is on the 15th day of the1st month of the Lunar Calendar. ( )
  218. The three levels of turbulence are( )。
  219. Most of the passengers felt ______tired after the long walk. ( )
  220. Passengers can change seats freely in the cabin ( )
  221. We will be_______ you dinner soon. ( )
  222. Could you tell me how to _____ my seat back? ( )
  223. May I have your( ), please?
  224. In the following electronic devices, which must not be used on board at any time. ( )。
  225. What do Chinese people eat on Mid-autumn Day ?( )。
  226. Please check _______ your seat belt is fastened or not. ( )
  227. I have a pain in my ear, so I have a/an( )。
  228. It's______ convenient to travel by high-speed train. ( )
  229. Excuse me, I would really _____ it if you could show me where the photocopiers are. ( )
  230. Economy class luggage under 20kg is free.The meaning of the underlined word free in the above sentence, is( ).
  231. Some numbers have special expressions: for example: ( )all refer to zero.
  232. I’d like to change some RMBs( )Euros. What is the exchange rate for today?
  233. Please stretch ____ your arms. ( )
  234. Please come with me to the cashier.The meaning of the underlined word cashier in the above sentence is( ).
  235. Your bags will be opened as part of security inspection. ( )
  236. My purpose of stay is for ____. ( )
  237. Numbers can be divided into cardinal and ordinal numbers.( )
  238. If you arrive at the airport early and you don’t want to check in right away, you can deposit your luggage at the airport.( )
  239. The earlier you cancel your flight, the less refund you will get. ( )
  240. “好的,靠过道的座位也可以。” 可以表达为:( )
  241. I'd like to know where I should wait for check-in. 本句话的可以用来寻找安检口。( )
  242. 对不起,没有靠窗的座位了。可以表达为:( )
  243. You need to ______ the instructions carefully. ( )
  244. When you go downstairs you will see the arrival gate. 根据本句可知( )。
  245. For shipping your pet as checked baggage, you have to show the health ___________ for your pet.( )。
  246. There are still some seats of first class on the day you prefer. I can make that ________ for you.( )。
  247. 关于“Would you mind telling me the flight number and arrival time?”这句, 下列信息正确的是。 ( )。
  248. —How can I reserve the tickets?—______phone. ( )
  249. Before leaving the house, an expression of thanks to the host would be ( ).
  250. What’s your travel______for the coming holiday? ( )
  251. I suggest you book an air ticket online now! .翻译成汉语意思是“我建议你现在在网上预订机票”( )
  252. How many ______ baggage do you have? (选项中错误的答案有) ( )
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