  1. According to Hofstede’s cultural onion, the innermost layer refers to ( )?

  2. A:Heroes B:Symbols C:Values D:Rituals
  3. Why the U.S., people are reluctant to wear a mask? ( )

  4. A:They consider their freedom and liberty are important. B:They think health is important. C:They think wearing a mask makes them feel scared of virus. D:They think mask makes people very fragile.
  5. American culture is a very masculine culture. ( )

  6. A:对 B:错
  7. Which of the following statement is not correct? ( )

  8. A:The family is important for the individual and the culture. B:All families, regardless of type, form, or culture, perform similar functions. C:The Chinese often say that if you know the family, you do not need to know the individual. D:The family is not a good place where children learn the language of the culture.
  9. Which of the following corresponding relationship is correct? ( )

  10. A:The family transmits the important elements of culture from generation to generation. — Reproductive Function B:“To feed without teaching is the father’s fault.” — Socialization function C:Family can tell us who I am. — Identity Function D:Teaching the culture’s core values, beliefs and worldview. — Language function
  11. The family is one of the “instructors” who transmit the important elements of culture from generation to generation. ( )

  12. A:错 B:对
  13. Find out the families of the following countries which are nuclear families? ( )

  14. A:Korea B:China C:America D:Japan
  15. "It's time to find ways to bring back the big tables" is cited from David Brooks's famous article( ).

  16. A:The Nuclear Family Was a Mistake B:Black Sea C:Open House D:The Road to Character
  17. What are the demerits of extended families? ( )

  18. A:Bored B:Lonely C:High living expenses D:Noisier
  19. Nuclear family is the most typical pattern in most Eastern cultures. ( )

  20. A:对 B:错
  21. Which one is the first institution to introduce the child to the notion of age grouping? ( )

  22. A:Family B:School C:Society
  23. Which of the following statements shows how Westerners view old people? ( )

  24. A:A house without an elderly person is like an orchard without a well. B:The elderly possess power as sorcerers and expungers of witchcraft. C:Older members have authority over younger members. D:Ole people are over the hill or fuddy-duddy.
  25. In countries like ______, elders are traditionally treated with enormous respect and dignity while the young are cherished and nurtured. ( )

  26. A:America B:Japan C:Korea D:China
  27. How do many eastern cultures view older people? ( )

  28. A:They can help “teach” young children about the culture. B:They are venerated. C:They are also active members of the family. D:They are respected.
  29. For a number of reasons, most Americans have a rather positive perception of the elderly. ( )

  30. A:错 B:对

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