1.妇产科的正确英文表达是( )
A:Obstetric Department B:Female Department C:Obstetrics and Gynecology Department D:Gynecology Department
2.Childbirth is also referred to by doctors as _____( )
A:production B:parturition C:creat D:fertility 3.Most women gain about ___ to ___ pounds during pregnancy. ( )
A:20, 30 B:25, 30 C:30, 40 D:40,60 4.A full-term pregnancy is ___ weeks divided into ___ trimesters. ( )
A:28, 6 B:42, 5 C:40, 3 D:40, 5 5.The first prenatal visit will likely be at __to __ weeks of pregnancy.( )
A:10, 12 B:6, 8 C:8, 10 D:16, 20 6.During each visit,____ should be taken.( )
A:blood pressure B:the weight C:respiration D:temperature E:blood type 7.“流产”的正确英文表达是( )
A:mismarriage B:abortion C:birth D:misunderstand E:miscarriage 8.The word “fetus” has the same meaning with the word “baby”. ( )
A:错 B:对 9.The IUD can increase the risk of serious pelvic infection. ( )
A:对 B:错 10.Which is also important for a pregnant woman?对于这句问话的回答,以下正确的是( )
A:Eating a balanced diet B:Eating more fruit C:Eating much meat D:Eating more vegetable

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