

  1. When interviewing, you should begin with ( ).

  2. A:a complex question B:an easy question C:a difficult question D:a puzzling question
    答案:CANDIDATESAI参考:在面试过程中,你应该首先问一个简单的问题。面试的目的是为了了解求职者的能力和技能,因此应该从容易回答的问题开始,这样可以给求职者一个良好的印象,同时也可以了解他们的反应能力和理解能力。因此,正确答案是 B:an easy question。'
  3. A questionnaire is a research device or instrument that is made up of a series of questions which are closed-ended or ( ).

  4. A:rear-ended B:single ended C:open-ended D:double-ended
  5. When you write a thesis statement, avoid being too broad or being( ).

  6. A:clear B:too narrow C:specific D:concise
    答案:The legal minimum age for purchasing alcohol should be eighteen rather than twenty-one.AI参考:当你写一个论文陈述时,要避免过于宽泛或过于具体。因此,正确选项是C:具体。论文陈述应该简洁明了,避免过于宽泛或过于具体,以便准确地表达作者的观点和论证。因此,C选项具体符合要求。其他选项不太适合论文陈述的要求,A选项的清晰和B选项的过窄也不符合通常的表达习惯。D选项的简洁可以被看作是一种鼓励,但不是最佳选项。因此,选择C“具体”是最正确的选项。'
  7. The acknowledgements page is not only a manifestation of the author’s personality, but also a mirror to his or her philosophy about life and( ).

  8. A:work B:action C:language D:speech
  9. There are two main types of questionnaires which are unstructured questionnaires and ( ).

  10. A:structured questionnaires B:control questionnaires C:self-administered questionnaires D:internal questionnaires
    答案:Fe-Cr conversion catalyst_Copper based transformation catalyst_Cobalt-molybdenum sulphur-resistant catalysts
  11. A questionnaire was first developed by the Statistical Society of ( ).

  12. A:London B:Paris C:New York D:Beijing
  13. For business practitioners, research on business-related issues generally serves one of the three purposes: exploratory, descriptive, and( ).

  14. A:prescriptive B:careful C:regular D:causal
  15. There are two major types of abstracts which are descriptive abstracts and( ).

  16. A:critical abstracts B:local abstracts C:informative abstracts D:occupational abstracts
    AI参考:正确答案是C:informative abstracts。这道题是在询问两种主要类型的摘要,一种是描述性的摘要,另一种是()。根据常识和题目中的描述,我们可以推断出另一种摘要应该是提供信息的摘要,因此选项C“informative abstracts”是正确答案。其他选项A、B、D都与题目描述不符。'
  17. The introductory section usually defines your topic and research focus, describes very briefly the background of previous work in the field, and explains the scope and ( ).

  18. A:importance of your topic B:data collection C:data analysis D:discussion of the results

  19. Your research questions should be feasible, clear, significant, ethical, researchable and( ).

  20. A:general B:well-focused C:unspecific D:broad
    AI参考:正确答案是B:well-focused。题目中提到的“研究问题应该可行、清晰、有意义、符合伦理,可以研究,而且应该(选项中的哪个词?)。”因此,应选择B,即“目标明确”。这个答案强调了研究问题的特定性和集中性,意味着研究问题应该有明确的方向和目标,不涉及过于广泛或无关的主题。所以选项B well-focused是最符合语境的答案。'
  21. You may approach or structure your review from ( ).

  22. A:a chronological perspective B:from the perspective of specific variables C:from the general to the specific D:from the theoretical to the empirical
    AI参考:正确选项是【B:from the perspective of specific variables】。根据题目中的描述,可以从特定的变量角度来评估或组织你的回顾。这意味着你需要从特定的变量或因素出发,对所涉及的问题进行深入的分析和评估。选项A的时间顺序视角、选项C的一般到具体的视角和选项D的理论到实证的视角都不符合题目的要求。因此,选项B是最符合题目要求的正确选项。'
  23. Under the TEFL term, there are four major sub-areas, including ( ).

  24. A:Language/ Culture B:Learners/Learning C:Teachers/Teaching D:Testing
  25. The activities within the second cycle of research process are ( ).

  26. A:data analysis B:referring the results back to the conceptual framework C:data collection D:generating further research questions for additional studies
    AI参考:在研究过程的第二个周期中,活动包括:A. 数据分析 C. 数据收集 D. 针对额外研究生成进一步的研究问题因此,正确选项为ACD。选项B不太准确,因为它涉及将结果与概念框架进行比较,这通常是在研究的初期阶段进行。因此,它不是第二个周期中的主要活动。所以答案是ACD。'
  27. This newness in research papers could be something new in ( ).

  28. A:method B:content C:analytical perspective D:data
    AI参考:正确选项是【B:content】。题目中提到“研究论文中的这种新奇之处可能是内容上的新奇”,因此选项B“内容”符合题意。method(方法)、analytical perspective(分析视角)和data(数据)虽然也可能与论文的新奇之处有关,但与题目中的描述不符。因此,选项B是正确答案。'
  29. Mixed methods research is a methodology for conducting research that involves( ).

  30. A:collecting B:analyzing C:integrating quantitative and qualitative D:speaking
    AI参考:正确选项是【C:integrating quantitative and qualitative】。混合方法研究是一种用于进行研究的方法论,涉及将定量和定性数据整合在一起。这种方法结合了定量研究和定性研究的优点,能够更全面地了解研究对象的实际情况和复杂问题。因此,选项C“integrating quantitative and qualitative”是正确答案。选项A“collecting”和B“analyzing”是研究过程中的一部分,但不是混合方法研究的核心内容;选项D“speaking”与问题无关。'
  31. There are three different types of writing which are ( ).

  32. A:basic writing B:essay writing C:practical writing D:academic writing
    AI参考:正确选项是:D:academic writing根据题目中的描述,写作有三种不同的类型,其中一种是基础写作,另一种是散文写作,还有一种是比较特殊的写作类型,即实用写作。而题目中没有提到实用写作,因此可以排除选项C。同时,题目中也提到这种写作不是普通的写作,而是有一定特性的写作类型。因此,可以推断这种写作应该是针对特定领域或学科的学术写作。因此,选项D是符合题目要求的正确答案。选项A和B虽然也是写作类型,但与题目中的描述不符。'
  33. In terms of aims, two types of research can be identified which are ( ).

  34. A:social research B:theoretical research C:scientific research D:Practical research
    AI参考:正确答案是:B:theoretical research。根据题干中的“In terms of aims”,可以推断出本题考查的是研究的目的或目标,而选项B“theoretical research”指的是理论性研究,即通过研究理论来探索和解释现实世界中的现象,因此符合题意。其他选项A、C、D分别指的是社会研究、科学研究和实践性研究,与题干中的“In terms of aims”不符。因此,正确答案是B。'
  35. Each brief should consist of the following: ( ).

  36. A:the similarities and dissimilarities between your question and the research question B:how you would carry out the study C:correct bibliographical citation of the study D:contents of the study
    AI参考:正确选项是【D:contents of the study】。题目要求选择每个简短的陈述应该包含的内容,根据上下文理解,应该是在讨论如何撰写一个简短的陈述,因此选项D“contents of the study”是最符合题意的。选项A和B虽然也涉及到研究问题,但没有涵盖整个简短的陈述,而选项C则超出了题目范围。'
  37. As an English major, you can write your graduation thesis on topic from any of the following subject areas of ( ).

  38. A:English language teaching and learning B:English literature C:English linguistics D:English to Chinese and/or Chinese to English translation studies
    AI参考:正确选项是【B:English literature】。作为英语专业的学生,你可以从以下英语文学领域的任何一个主题撰写毕业论文。英语文学是一个广泛而深入的研究领域,涵盖了各种文学体裁和主题,如诗歌、小说、戏剧等。其他选项如英语教学和学习、英语语言学、英汉翻译等也与英语专业相关,但并不是英语文学专业的核心研究领域。因此,正确选项是B:英语文学。'
  39. Proofreading is a process of checking your thesis for errors in( ).

  40. A:punctuation and documentation B:level of language capitalization C:spelling D:grammar usage
    AI参考:正确选项是【D:grammar usage】。proofreading是一个过程,用于检查论文中的语法使用错误。在英语论文中,语法错误包括拼写错误、标点符号错误、动词时态错误、主谓一致错误等。因此,选项D“语法使用”是最符合proofreading的。其他选项中,punctuation and documentation(标点符号和文档格式)和level of language capitalization(语言级别的大小写)虽然也与写作有关,但并非是proofreading的重点;spelling(拼写)虽然在写作中很重要,但是一般情况下会由编辑或者审稿人进行检查,不需要proofreader额外关注。'
  41. You need not to follow the required format and style consistently throughout the whole process of your thesis writing.( )

  42. A:错 B:对
  43. The concluding paragraph should be concise and straightforward.( )

  44. A:错 B:对

  45. Developing a thesis statement is perhaps one of the most difficult tasks in writing a paper.( )

  46. A:对 B:错
  47. The conclusion part is just a summary of everything that you wrote about.( )

  48. A:错 B:对

  49. American Psychological Association (APA) is widely used in literary study.( )

  50. A:对 B:错
  51. You should not use jargon and statistics in the conclusion chapter.( )

  52. A:对 B:错
  53. It is not uncommon for theoretical research to have practical implications while practical research has theoretical value.( )

  54. A:对 B:错

  55. Outlines can be organized according to your purposes.( )

  56. A:错 B:对
  57. While the literature review presents others’ ideas, your voice (the writer’s) should remain front and center.( )

  58. A:对 B:错

  59. Research papers are usually expected to offer something new or original.( )

  60. A:错 B:对
  61. It is important to note that observation data collection method may be associated with certain ethical issues.( )

  62. A:对 B:错

  63. Theoretical research is primarily concerned with constructing theories or testing exiting theories.( )

  64. A:对 B:错

  65. The major aim of practical research is to seek a practical solution to a problem in our daily life.( )

  66. A:对 B:错
  67. It is ideas and the works of others that will provide the researcher with framework for their own work. ( )

  68. A:错 B:对
  69. The Input Hypothesis is regarded as practical research.( )

  70. A:错 B:对
  71. The importance of sample size is greater in quantitative studies compared to qualitative studies.( )

  72. A:错 B:对
  73. When you defend your thesis, you will be asked tricky questions.( )

  74. A:错 B:对
  75. Be concrete in your plan about the types of data you need and the methods you use in collecting the data.( )

  76. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:答案:A。这个句子中“Be concrete in your plan about the types of data you need and the methods you use in collecting the data”的意思是你对于所需数据的类型和收集数据所用的方法的计划要具体。因此,答案是A,表示正确。'
  77. The development of an outline may involve a process from a draft or working outline to a final or formal outline.( )

  78. A:对 B:错
  79. The findings from theoretical research usually can be directly tried out by practitioners.( )

  80. A:错 B:对
  81. The tasks described in the flow chart can be applied to both qualitative and quantitative studies.( )

  82. A:错 B:对
  83. The acknowledgements part helps researchers to extend thanks and indebtedness to people who have helped during the research.( )

  84. A:错 B:对
  85. Quotations can be direct or indirect.( )

  86. A:对 B:错
  87. You can select a general inductive approach for qualitative data analysis and statistical analysis for quantitative data.( )

  88. A:对 B:错
  89. The affective filter hypothesis is regarded as theoretical research.( )

  90. A:对 B:错

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