1. It is your responsibility to find out the prevailing referencing conventions in your discipline.( )

  2. 答案:对
  3. Both induction and deduction are essential for the whole research process.( )

  4. 答案:对
  5. You should make sure that you present the original source accurately without distortions.( )

  6. 答案:对
  7. In conducting a survey, a questionnaire is a must in order for an individual to gather data that are needed in the research.( )

  8. 答案:对
  9. The monitor hypothesis is neither practical research nor theoretical research.( )

  10. 答案:对
  11. While the literature review presents others’ ideas, your voice (the writer’s) should remain front and center.( )

  12. 答案:对
  13. The wheel metaphor is only suitable for qualitative research.( )

  14. 答案:错
  15. Outlines can be organized according to your purposes.( )

  16. 答案:对
  17. Through the discussion, your understandings of the results can be deepened.( )

  18. 答案:对
  19. The more concrete and detailed the plan, the better research work you will accomplish.( )

  20. 答案:对
  21. Observers must be carefully trained.( )

  22. 答案:对
  23. You can overlook one or two tasks in the flow chart.( )
  24. The word “question” indicates a particular part or aspect of a topic that is narrow enough to investigate and write about.( )
  25. Identical pieces of work submitted concurrently will also be considered to be auto-plagiarism.( )
  26. Information derived from the Internet should not be adequately referenced and included in the bibliography.( )
  27. The research process consists of at least one cycle.( )
  28. Plagiarism may be intentional or reckless, or unintentional.( )
  29. The affective filter hypothesis is regarded as theoretical research.( )
  30. Developing a thesis statement is perhaps one of the most difficult tasks in writing a paper.( )
  31. Research topics can come from ( ).
  32. The major purposes of the introduction is to provide ( ).
  33. The tasks to collect survey data are( ).
  34. The process of research may be metaphorically described as ( ).
  35. When making an interview, you should be( ).
  36. There are four major data collection methods in empirical research which are ( ).
  37. There are two main types of questionnaires which are unstructured questionnaires and ( ).
  38. When the interviewee is speaking, you should ( ).
  39. In academic writing, the thesis statement usually appears at the end of the( ).
  40. When you write a thesis statement, avoid being too broad or being( ).
  41. The working thesis has two parts, a topic part and a( ).
  42. In a sentence outline, every entry is a( ).
  43. For business practitioners, research on business-related issues generally serves one of the three purposes: exploratory, descriptive, and( ).
  44. Before the thesis defence, you should be prepared for the most challenging questions and ( ).
  45. There are two major types of abstracts which are descriptive abstracts and( ).
  46. Research papers are usually expected to offer something new or original.( )
  47. Plagiarism is presenting others’work or ideas as your own.( )
  48. Each result reported should not be followed by a proper discussion.( )
  49. Chicago Manual Style is widely used in the humanities and social science.( )
  50. For academic writing, there are some unique and different features.( )
  51. Every university has its own rules for handling the defense process.( )
  52. A draft outline may often look immature and incomplete.( )
  53. Generally speaking, topic refers to a broad range or general field of interest.( )
  54. Your proposal should include a working bibliography of key texts that inform your study and methodology.( )
  55. The bibliography and references require formats to follow.( )
  56. It is helpful if you stop and think what are the strengths and weaknesses of your research and your method.( )
  57. You need not to follow the required format and style consistently throughout the whole process of your thesis writing.( )
  58. Articles submitted for publication must be original and must not have been submitted to any other publication.( )
  59. It is not uncommon for theoretical research to have practical implications while practical research has theoretical value.( )
  60. Many research papers are unsuccessful because they cover too much ground.( )
  61. It is ideas and the works of others that will provide the researcher with framework for their own work. ( )
  62. The tasks described in the flow chart can be applied to both qualitative and quantitative studies.( )
  63. Brainstorming helps to get you in the mindset to respond to the defense committee during the question period.( )
  64. Academic writing forbids any kind of plagiarism.( )
  65. The findings from theoretical research usually can be directly tried out by practitioners.( )
  66. The Input Hypothesis is regarded as practical research.( )
  67. Duplicate publication of original research is considered unethical.( )
  68. It is important to note that observation data collection method may be associated with certain ethical issues.( )
  69. Your interpretation of the available sources must be backed up with evidence to show that what you are saying is valid.( )
  70. Participant observers may lose their objectivity by becoming too involved in the situation.( )
  71. This newness in research papers could be something new in ( ).
  72. There are three different types of writing which are ( ).
  73. In a topic outline, every heading is ( ).
  74. The questions you should avoid in a questionnaire are( ).
  75. Each brief should consist of the following: ( ).
  76. The conclusion chapter usually consists of ( ).
  77. In academic writing your tone and attitude towards your subject should be serious, not ( ).
  78. Common approaches to qualitative research include( ).
  79. In terms of aims, two types of research can be identified which are ( ).
  80. The activities within the second cycle of research process are ( ).
  81. A questionnaire is a research device or instrument that is made up of a series of questions which are closed-ended or ( ).
  82. The essential difference between reporting a result and discussing the result is that the former is fact-driven while the latter is( ).
  83. When interviewing, you should begin with ( ).
  84. Every bit of information you include in the body should relate to ( ).
  85. The types of direct observational methods can be classified into observation with intervention and( ).
  86. Qualitative research is the opposite of ( ).
  87. The acknowledgements page is not only a manifestation of the author’s personality, but also a mirror to his or her philosophy about life and( ).
  88. There are two types of outlines: the draft outline and( ).
  89. Your suggestions must naturally grow out of( ).
  90. Structurally speaking, an abstract has a( ).
  91. The questions during your thesis defense are usually open-ended and require the student to think critically about their work.( )
  92. When you prepare your thesis defense presentation, you should ( ).
  93. The main purpose of your thesis defense is for the committee to make sure that you actually understand your field and focus area.( )
  94. You should know that your thesis has a( ).
  95. Your thesis defense is an informal event.( )
  96. Ethics and norms in the process of research include( ).
  97. Your research ethics application should be clear about why the people you want to study need to be involved. ( )
  98. Valid consent is properly informed and also freely given without pressures. ( )
  99. Research subjects must be informed fully about the( ).
  100. Consent is a process. ( )
  101. To document properly, you must use illustrative materials in your discussion and mention the sources either in your discussion or in footnotes or endnotes.( )
  102. An appropriate documentation format is necessary to add accuracy and validity to your study.( )
  103. There are two ways of citing resources( ).
  104. If you provide full or precise documentation, it will result in plagiarism or inaccurate research findings.( )
  105. Documentation usually fulfills the following purposes ( ).
  106. Use direct quotations very sparingly in your thesis. ( )
  107. Style in writing, refers to the way you present your opinions and ideas. ( )
  108. When you write your research paper, avoid wording that shows bias toward a person’s ( ).
  109. Use full names or surnames alone, when referring to individuals. ( )
  110. The diction in research papers should be( ).
  111. A thesis proposal is the link-bridge to the main thesis, laying out the plan of how you will conduct the research.( )
  112. A thesis proposal lays the groundwork for the research you're planning to do.( )
  113. The purpose of a thesis proposal is to justify what you plan to do in order to gain approval for it.( )
  114. The thesis proposal should ( ).
  115. The thesis proposal is a test of the students’ ( ).
  116. The early choice of an approach is a matter of focusing energy and ideas.( )
  117. The library research paper is based on primary sources.( )
  118. To conduct good research is not an easy job.( )
  119. Library research papers or theses include introduction, body and conclusion ( ).
  120. The approaches to your research subject include ( ).
  121. The standards of judging and choosing materials are ( ).
  122. The process of reviewing literature is ( ).
  123. General reference works include encyclopedias, almanacs, atlases, and biographical references.( )
  124. Critical sources refer to the books in libraries and bookstores.( )
  125. Background sources refer to general or specialized reference works.( )
  126. No research starts from zero.( )
  127. The word “significant” means that the topic you have chosen is worth investigating.( )
  128. The language of the research topic should have to be( ).
  129. Your topic should be a topic that you are unfamiliar with.( )
  130. Good topics have the following features( ).
  131. No approach is perfect.( )
  132. An original question does need to be totally new.( )
  133. The qualifying features of good questions can be illustrated by the following adjectives ( ).
  134. If there is any alternative answer, the validity of study will be called into question.( )
  135. The essential elements of research are( ).
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