1.Men and women perceive their own appearances in the same way. ( )
A:错 B:对
2.In the text "Achieving sustainable environmentalism", the author thinks that nature is not supervised by humans and is our master. ( )
A:错 B:对
3. After watching her daughter play with paper dolls, Ruth Handler came up with the idea for Barbie dolls. ( )
A:正确 B:错误
4.The Analects of Confucius is a collection of Confucius’s quotations which mainly embodies his political views, ethical thoughts, moral concepts and educational principles. ( )
A:正确 B:错误
5.The original thoughts and quotations of Confucius were written down by Confucius himself in the Analects. ( )
A:正确 B:错误
6.What are the important elements of narration? ( )
A:Details B:Organization C:Context D:Character
7.What are the forms of continuing education? ( )
A:Hands-on training. B:Conferences. C:Workshops and seminars. D:Home-study or online courses.
答案:"AI参考:正确选项是:D:Home-study or online courses. 继续教育的形式包括家庭学习或在线课程(D选项)。其他选项也属于继续教育的形式,但它们并不全面。A选项的手动实践培训通常是在工作场所进行的,B选项的会议通常是一个集体讨论或报告的形式,C选项的工作坊和研讨会则是一种集中的学习和讨论形式。因此,D选项是正确的选择。"
8.Why do Western parents want to insulate their children from criticism? ( )
A:Children’s self-esteem should be protected. B:The children, in Western parents’ eyes, are tender and not strong. C:The frustration of failure may ruin the children. D:Western parents tend to spoil their children.
答案:"AI参考:正确选项是【C:The frustration of failure may ruin the children.】 原文中提到西方父母想要保护孩子免受批评的原因是,失败的挫折可能会毁掉孩子,因此需要避免批评来保护孩子的自尊心和自信心。其他选项中,A选项与原文不符,B选项表述错误,D选项与原文相反,西方父母并不溺爱孩子。因此,C选项是正确答案。"
9.Which of the following phrases has the similar meaning of “account for”? ( )
A:Be obligated to B:Give reasons for C:Take accountant of D:Bear responsibility for
答案:"AI参考:正确选项是 D:Bear responsibility for。 Bear responsibility for的意思是“对……负责”,与“account for”的意思相近,都表示对某件事情或结果承担责任。其他选项的含义与“account for”不符。A选项“Be obligated to”意为“有义务”,B选项“Give reasons for”意为“给出理由”,C选项“Take accountant of”似乎不符合英语表达习惯。因此,D选项是正确答案。"
10.Where can we locate a topic sentence of a paragraph?( )
A:The first sentence of the paragraph. B:It can’t be frequently located in the paragraph. C:The end of the paragraph. D:The middle of the paragraph.
答案:"AI参考:正确选项是 D:The middle of the paragraph.。 段落的主题句通常位于段落的中间部分。主题句是一个段落的主要观点或核心思想,它通常是对整个段落内容的概括或总结。因此,如果在段落中发现了明显的主题句,就可以知道该段落的主要内容是什么,从而更好地理解整个段落的内容。其他选项都不是很准确或合适,因此不正确。"
11._______ it black or white, it is a good cat if it can catch mice. ( )
A:While B:Be C:If D:When

12.The man was caught ________ drugs. ( )
A:sells B:sold C:selling D:sell 13.The story did bring us something to ______: Human beings and wild animals can be good friends, if they trust one another. ( )
A:plunge B:ponder C:plough D:populate 14.The best version of the Chinese sentence “这件事做得好” is ______( ).
A:It was well done. B:It does well. C:This thing did well. 15.Which is not among the common purposes of writing we discuss here?( )
A:To persuade. B:To entertain C:To inform. D:To store. 16.Just because I drove your car once doesn’t mean you have the right to ______ me every time something is wrong with it! ( )
A:reproach B:accuse C:approach D:accelerate 17.________ economically, the money will last for a month. ( )
A:Use B:Used C:Uses D:Using 18.The committee _______ been arguing over the case for three hours and there is no sign to stop. ( )
A:having B:had C:have D:has 19.

If you want to explain your reasons for a statement, you can use facts, quotations, statistics, and personal experiences as the supporting details. ( )

A:对 B:错 20.Both partners started young and had to _______ a range of personal problems and private defeats until they eventually succeeded. ( )
A:work up B:work at C:work on D:work through 21.If you really want to attract customers, you need to affix great value _____the quality of the products sold in your store. ( )
A:to B:up C:on D:in 22.“Its influence was felt in literature, philosophy, art, politics, science, and many other fields.” Please find out which of the following translation versions is better?( )
A:文学、哲学、艺术、政治、科学及其他许多领域都能感受到它的影响。 B:在文学、哲学、艺术、政治、科学及其他许多领域,它的影响都能被感受到。 23.The fifty pounds he gave me _______ soon spent. ( )
A:being B:was C:are D:were 24.I cannot make a statement about John’s complaints against his neighbors based on ______ since I don’t really know anything about his case. ( )
A:presumptions B:population C:proportion D:presentation 25.One must try his best to _________ to the new environment. ( )
A:adopt B:adept C:apt D:adapt 26.The reading course book, plus its reference books, _________helpful to college students. ( )
A:is B:were C:be D:are 27.Although he was a famous politician and Prime Minister of Great Britain, Churchill found time to _____ in his hobbies of painting and gardening. ( )
A:industrialize B:induce C:indulge D:include 28.In the long history of human civilization, all arts we now have are ______ in that they may disappear sometime in the future. ( )
A:transferred B:transparent C:transient D:transformed 29.The report seems to have ______ the risks involved in importing agricultural products. ( )
A:migrated B:magnified C:monitored D:managed 30.The ego ideal of young children is based on those closest to them, usually the parents, and later on other educators who have some _____ to their parents. ( )
A:reassurance B:regeneration C:resemblance D:representation 31.Time is up. Let’s ________ our class. ( )
A:resume B:assume C:consume D:presume 32.All around the world, extremely wealthy people live a rather protected lifestyle and are ______ from the suffering lives of the poor all round them. ( )
A:insulated B:restrained C:discouraged D:prohibited 33.This chapter cannot claim to clear up the confusing ________ of approaches but it will offer some guidance. ( )
A:chain B:array C:ray D:variety 34.Recently a number of voluntary initiatives have sought to ______ a sense of belonging to the community of the part of young people. ( )
A:form B:make C:foster D:take 35.The happiness in his marriage did not mean he was _____ tragedy: He lost his daughter Katia 10 years later. ( )
A:inactive to B:immune to C:indifferent to D:inclined to 36.The school choir(合唱队) does not have enough ______ time to prepare for public performances. ( )
A:rebellion B:rehearsal C:reference D:review 37.It __________ three days since I saw you last time. ( )
A:Having been B:had been C:has been D:is 38.His attempt to control the meeting and to convince everyone to get the tax law passed will be _____ to fail. ( )
A:destined B:degenerated C:declined D:demonstrated 39.Being ________ to the Internet, she knows a lot about e-commerce, which made her a skilled online buyer. ( )
A:executed B:exposed C:expressed D:expended 40.Although secondary education is _____, parents are not required to send their children to state schools. ( )
A:random B:compulsory C:selective D:optional 41.Which of the following sentences belongs to the parallelism of clauses?( )
A:The shortcuts to create biomedical happiness by having surgery, taking supplements or dieting don’t usually fulfill their promise. B:They feel inadequate, hopeless, and frustrated with jealousy. C:From each event, we learn, we stretch, we sometimes fracture, we process the emotional outcome, and we move on. D:I see smiles, and I am happy. I know things are good. 42.Poor people dwell in small huts or crowded apartments; wealthy people ______ in beautiful, large houses. ( )
A:aside B:inside C:beside D:reside

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