第四章 Heroes of our time:第四章 Heroes of our time4.1Text A:4.1 Text A
4.2Text B:4.2 Text B
[单选题]My daughter was shy; she was afraid to ask questions, ________ to questions in class, or talk with other children.

选项:[react , respond, confine , yield ]
[单选题]She held her hand above her eyes to shield them________ the sun so that she could see more clearly the man in front of her.

选项:[in, up , from, to ]
[单选题]What is Jonda in Section B?

选项:[a doctor , a police officer, an office lady , a student ]
[单选题]In which month did the story of Section B take place?

选项:[September, November, June , July ]
[单选题]What writing pattern does the author use in Section A?

选项:[problem and solution , a sequence of actions , comparison and contrast, question-example-conclusion ]

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