

  1.      What is the abbreviation for publication year?

  2. A:PUB B:PY C:P year
    答案:An abbreviation is a shortened form of a word or phrase which represents the complete form.For example,hr (hour),Jan (January).AI参考:正确答案是B:PY。选项B中的PY是出版年份的缩写,其他选项的含义与出版年份无关。因此,正确答案是B。'
  3.      News letters belongs to which of the followings:

  4. A:Science news B:Technical reports C:Stories
    AI参考:根据题干,新闻通讯属于以下选项中的哪一个?根据题干中提到的“News letters”,可以确定这是一个新闻通讯,而不是科学新闻、技术报告或故事。因此,正确答案是B:Technical reports。因此,答案为B。'
  5.      By the name of “book review”, can you make a guess what this article is about?

  6. A:a review about an author B:a review about an article C:a review about a book
    答案:CAI参考:正确答案是C:a review about a book。问题中明确提到“book review”,而A和B选项的内容都没有提到,所以只有C选项的“book review”与此相符。因此,答案为C。'
  7.      Which of the following is not the feature of technical reports?

  8. A:Known to the public B:Confidential C:Sequential
    AI参考:正确选项是【B:Confidential】。技术报告通常是需要保密的,不公开,因此选项B“Confidential”符合技术报告的特点。而选项A“Known to the public”表示公开的,选项C“Sequential”表示顺序的,这些都是技术报告的一般特征。因此,选项B是唯一不符合技术报告特点的选项。'
  9.        When the author of a research article conducts the literature review part, he or she would likelyuse the past tense to indicate what others researchers:

  10. A:have already done B:are going to do C:would like to do in the future
    AI参考:在撰写研究文章进行文献回顾部分时,作者可能会使用过去时态来表明其他研究人员已经完成的工作。因此,正确选项是A:have already done。'
  11.      There are usually four moves in the introduction section of a review article, they are background,previous research, reviewed contents and:

  12. A:Gaps in the relevant areas. B:History of the relevant studies C:Significance of the review
    AI参考:正确选项是【B:History of the relevant studies】。在评论文章的介绍部分通常有四个步骤,其中包括背景、前期研究、被评论文内容以及相关研究的历史。因此,选项B:History of the relevant studies符合文章描述。选项A:Gaps in the relevant areas和选项C:Significance of the review虽然可能在一定程度上与文章内容相关,但不是介绍部分通常包含的四个步骤之一。'
  13.        Which of the following parts is not listed as the moves in an abstract?

  14. A:results B:author’s names C:conclusion
    AI参考:正确选项是B:author’s names。在一份抽象(abstract)中,通常会列出研究的结果(A选项正确)、结论(C选项正确)等内容,但并不会列出作者的名字(B选项错误)。abstract是一种简短的、概括性的文章或报告,通常只包含研究的主要结论和主要发现,而不涉及具体的实验细节或作者的个人观点。因此,作者的名字并不需要在abstract中出现。'
  15.      Which of the followings is not a function of Evernote?

  16. A:Composing music B:Note-taking C:Marking
    AI参考:答案应选B:Note-taking。Evernote是一款多功能笔记应用,具有创建、组织、搜索、标记、分享等功能。其中,Composing music(作曲)和Marking(标记)是Evernote的功能之一,而Note-taking(笔记记录)不是Evernote的功能。因此,答案为B选项。'
  17.        The introduction section of a research article and that of a review article are similar in that they both contains the following moves except for:

  18. A:relevant studies in the given research area B:gaps in the given research area C:what is to be researched in the article
    AI参考:正确选项是【C:what is to be researched in the article】。研究文章和综述文章在引言部分都包含了一些内容,除了C选项所描述的内容。具体来说,研究文章的引言通常会介绍即将在文章中研究的主题或问题,而综述文章的引言通常会概述该研究领域的现有研究空白或不足之处,并指出需要进一步研究的问题。因此,C选项是不正确的。A选项和B选项都是引言部分通常包含的内容。'
  19.      Which of the following indexes cannot retrieve journal articles in humanities?

    AI参考:正确答案是A: A&HCI。A&HCI(艺术与人文科学索引)主要收录艺术、人文科学、社会科学等领域的期刊论文,而SSCI(社会科学引文索引)和EI(工程索引)主要收录社会科学和自然科学领域的期刊论文,因此它们可以用来检索人文科学领域的期刊文章。因此,不能用来检索人文科学领域的期刊文章的索引是A&HCI。'
  21.      Which of the following citation indexes is not for journal articles across natural sciences?

  22. A:SCI B:A & HCI C:ISR
    AI参考:单选题答案为【B:A & HCI】。这是自然科学的引文索引,主要针对自然科学领域的期刊文章。A & HCI不是专门针对自然科学领域的引文索引,它涵盖了社会科学、人文科学和行为科学等领域的学术论文。因此,选项B不是正确答案。其他选项SCI和ISR都是自然科学领域的引文索引。'
  23.      What is the original name of CPCI-S?

  24. A:ISTP B:ISSHP C:ISI Proceedings
  25.      Some very obvious lexical signals for a review article are the followings except for:

  26. A:a study of B:a review of C:a critical review of
  27.      Which of the following indexes is the predecessor of CPCI-SSH?

  28. A:ISI Proceedings B:ISSHP C:ISTP
  29.      When you read a review article, it is much easier to follow the subtitles of each section for reviewed contents, but also you can follow:

  30. A:each paragraph B:the author’s writing style C:some lexical signals
  31.      Which of the following academic journals are regarded as top journals in the world except for:

  32. A:Nature B:Materials and Materials Science C:Science
  33.        According to depth of processing, literature can be classified into:

  34. A:Three types: primary, secondary and tertiary B:Ten types: monographs, patents, etc. C:Four types: primary, secondary, tertiary and fourth
    AI参考:正确选项是【A:Three types: primary, secondary and tertiary 】。根据加工深度,文献可以分为三种类型:一次文献、二次文献和三次文献。选项A中提到了三种类型,与题干中的描述相符。选项B和选项C中分别提到了十种类型和四种类型,与题干中的描述不符。因此,正确答案为A。'
  35.      Based on the scope of the reviewed contents, reviews can be classified into:

  36. A:Critical review and commentary review B:Macro-review and micro-review C:Historical review and developmental review
    AI参考:通过对题目描述的分析,并结合相关知识,该题的正确答案为“B:Macro-review and micro-review”原文中提到“Based on the scope of the reviewed contents, reviews can be classified into...”,根据所审查的内容的范围,评论可以被分类为宏观评论和微观评论。因此,选项B是符合原文描述的正确答案。选项A和C在原文中并未明确提到或被提及。'
  37.      Which figure is used to represent data series as part of the whole?

  38. A:A bar chart B:A flow chart C:A pie chart
    答案:错误AI参考:正确答案是A: A bar chart。选项A是条形图,通常用于表示数据系列中的各个数据点之间的比较关系,可以直观地展示数据的变化趋势和对比关系。选项B是流程图,用于描述一个过程的步骤和关系,不适合表示数据系列。选项C是饼图,通常用于表示数据系列中各个部分所占的比例,不适合表示数据的变化趋势和对比关系。因此,答案为A。'
  39.      Mindmanager is a software for

  40. A:Managing mind B:Mindmapping C:Drawing maps
  41.      Which of the following statements about A+ conference is not correct?

  42. A:A+ Conference is a leading venue in a discipline area. B:A+ Conference is also called flagship conference or top conference. C:A+ Conference is a national conference.
    AI参考:通过对题目进行分析,该题目为单选题,要求选择关于A+会议不正确的选项。选项A:“A+会议是一个学科领域的主要场所。”这个陈述是正确的,因为A+会议通常被认为是在某个特定领域内具有较高影响力和专业性的会议。选项B:“A+会议也被称为旗舰会议或顶级会议。”这个陈述也是正确的,因为A+会议通常被认为是在学术界具有一定影响力和地位的会议,因此被称为旗舰会议或顶级会议。选项C:“A+会议是一个国家会议。”这个陈述是不正确的,因为A+会议通常是一个国际性的学术会议,而不是一个国家会议。因此,根据以上分析,选项C是唯一不正确的选项。答案为:C:A+ Conference is a national conference.。'
  43.      Which method is mostly employed in social studies?

  44. A:Simulation B:Questionnaire C:Experimental
    答案:liberal translationAI参考:正确答案是B: Questionnaire。问卷调查是社会研究中最常用的方法之一,因为它可以收集大量的数据,并且不需要对参与者进行干预或改变他们的行为。而模拟和实验方法通常用于科学研究,需要更多的实验设计和控制。因此,选项B是正确答案。'
  45.      Usually what is the last move about in the introduction section of a research paper?

  46. A:The present research B:The background of the research C:The conclusion of the research
    AI参考:正确选项是【B:The background of the research】。在研究论文的引言部分,通常介绍研究的背景信息,也就是为什么需要进行这项研究,以及这项研究的意义和目的。因此,选项B“研究的背景”是正确的答案。选项A“当前研究”和选项C“研究的结论”都不是引言部分通常最后讲述的内容。'
  47.      Which of the following criteria is used to classify technical reports into primary reports, progress reports, interim reports, and final reports?

  48. A:Forms B:Progress of research C:Contents
    AI参考:单选题】    Which of the following criteria is used to classify technical reports into primary reports, progress reports, interim reports, and final reports? 答案是C:Contents。内容(Contents)是用来分类技术报告的主要报告、进度报告、中期报告和最终报告的标准。其他选项A表单、B研究进展,都不是用来分类技术报告的标准。'
  49.      In describing the results, the verb tense used is usually:

  50. A:Future tense and present tense B:Past tense and present tense C:Past tense and future tense
  51.      What is a patent defined as?

  52. A:Tertiary literature B:Primary literature C:Secondary literature
    AI参考:正确选项是【B:Primary literature】。原文中提到“What is a patent defined as?”,意思是“专利被定义为什么?”,而选项B“Primary literature”意为“原始文献”,与专利的定义最为贴切,因为专利是一种对技术创新成果的法律保护,需要通过申请并经过审查后才能获得,是一种原始的、基础的创新成果的记录和证明。而选项A“Tertiary literature”意为“三级文献”,选项C“Secondary literature”意为“次要文献”,与专利的定义不符。'
  53.      What do we use journal metrics to evaluate?

  54. A:To evaluate the writing proficiency of writers B:To evaluate the publishing quality of academic journals C:To evaluate the quality of academic journals
    AI参考:正确选项是【C:To evaluate the quality of academic journals】。原文中提到“我们用期刊指标来评价什么”,根据上下文可以推断出答案应该是评价学术期刊的质量,因此选项C是正确答案。选项A和B都与原文不符。'
  55.        Abstracts are classified into different types, which of the following is not listed as one type of abstract?

  56. A:Structured abstract B:Informative abstract C:Expository abstract
    AI参考:正确选项是【A:Structured abstract 】。在给出的选项中,Structured abstract是一种结构化的摘要,通常包含研究目的、方法、结果和结论等几个部分,是一种常见的摘要类型。而Informative abstract和Expository abstract都是常见的摘要类型,分别表示提供信息的摘要和阐述性的摘要。因此,选项A是唯一没有被列出的摘要类型,所以是正确答案。'
  57.        Review articles cover many aspects of the researches, thus they are classified into the followingcategories except for:

  58. A:developmental review B:a research review C:result review
    AI参考:答案选C:result review。review articles涉及研究的各个方面,因此被分为以下类别,除了结果回顾。选项A是发展回顾,选项B是研究回顾,都符合review articles的分类。而选项C是结果回顾,不是review articles的分类之一。'
  59.      How to achieve accuracy in scientific literature?

  60. A:The data should be accurate B:All the other three C:The concept should be accurate
    AI参考:正确答案是C:The concept should be accurate。在科学文献中,概念应该是准确的,这是实现准确性的关键因素。因此,选项C是正确答案。选项A和B都不是实现准确性的关键因素,因此是错误的。'
  61.        A review article’s contents focus on the following except for:

  62. A:researches previously published by others B:discussion of the development C:the results of one particular research
    AI参考:从选项中看,A项是正确答案,即内容重点为:以前由其他人发表的研究的回顾性文章。因此,正确的选项是A:researches previously published by others。其他选项B和C分别讨论了发展和特定研究的结果,这些内容通常不是回顾性文章的主要焦点。因此,它们不是需要被排除的内容。所以,正确答案是A。'
  63.      Which of the following journals is regarded as the best of the three according to their Quartilescores?

  64. A:Journal A: Q 1 B:Journal C: Q 3 C:Journal B: Q 2
    AI参考:正确答案是C:Journal B: Q 2。根据题目中的描述,我们需要选择一个在三个期刊中被评为最好的期刊,根据题干中的信息,我们无法得知A和B期刊的排名,但是可以得知C期刊被评为第三名,因此答案为C。'
  65.      Which of the following phrases help you to make judgement about a review article:

  66. A:On the… B:One empirical study of C:Advancements in…
    AI参考:C:Advancements in…这是一个单选题,需要选择一个能够帮助读者对一篇评论文章做出判断的短语。选项A表示关于某个主题上的研究,选项B表示一项实证研究,这两个选项都与评论文章的内容相关,但不足以帮助读者做出全面的判断。选项C的“Advancements in…”表示在某个领域或主题上的进步或发展,这个短语能够暗示文章的主题可能涉及新的发现、技术突破或改进,因此能够更好地帮助读者对文章进行评估和判断。因此,正确答案是C:Advancements in…。'
  67.      The sentence “There remains the issue of reliability” provides signals for … in the reviewed research area

  68. A:Gaps B:Author’s view C:The reviewed contents
    AI参考:通过对题目提供的信息进行分析,并依据语言逻辑,可以确定正确答案是:C:The reviewed contents。句子中的“There remains the issue of reliability”表示在所研究的领域中仍然存在可靠性问题,这暗示了对所研究的内容进行评估时需要考虑可靠性问题。因此,选项C“被审查的内容”最符合句意。选项A“缺口”和选项B“作者的观点”与句子意思不符。'
  69.        Usually an informative abstract composes of five moves, which of the followings is not listed asone of the five moves?

  70. A:Research question B:Acknowledgement C:Results
  71.      Phrases like ‘…controversy had abated’, ‘… is contentious’, ‘It aroused a debate on…’, etc, are lexical signal for:

  72. A:Arguments B:Future trend C:Focus of the review
    答案:high quality of patient careAI参考:通过对题目进行分析,该题考查的是词汇信号,这些词汇通常用来表示某个话题或事件的争议性或讨论的焦点。选项A中的“Arguments”与争议和讨论有关,符合题意;选项B的“Future trend”与题干中的“controversy had abated”不符;选项C的“Focus of the review”虽然与评价有关,但并非直接表达争议性或讨论的焦点。因此,正确答案是A:Arguments。'
  73.        Which of the following word will indicate the article might be a review article except for:

  74. A:new directions B:construction C:development of
    AI参考:正确答案是B:construction。这个句子中提到了“which of the following word”,而需要选择一个词表示文章可能是评论文章之外的,根据语境,new directions 和 development of 都有可能表示评论文章,而construction通常指建设或建筑物的建造,不具有评论性质,因此B选项construction符合题意。'
  75.        How many functional words in the sentence “When the recorder is operated in the record mode,previous recordings are automatically erased” ?

  76. A:Five B:Seven C:Six
  77.      Which one below is at the level of most frequent words?

  78. A:Reaction B:Analysis C:Evaluation
  79.      What is one of the characteristics of a patent?

  80. A:Obvious B:Novel C:Creative
  81.      The discussion section of a research paper is to:

  82. A:Describe how the research was conducted B:Analyze ad discuss the results C:Introduce the rationale of doing the research
    AI参考:讨论部分的主要任务是对研究结果进行分析和讨论。在研究论文中,讨论部分通常会描述研究的执行过程,但这不是其主要目的。相反,讨论部分的主要目的是对研究结果进行深入的分析和讨论,解释结果的意义,讨论可能的限制和不确定性,以及提出未来研究的方向。因此,答案是B:Analyze and discuss the results。'
  83.        Retrospective review and prospective review are classified based on:

  84. A:Purposes B:Timeline C:Contents
  85.      What is total cites?

  86. A:It measures the number of years going back from the current year that account for half the total citations received by the cited journal in the current year. B:The total number of times that a journal has been cited by all journals included in the database in the JCR year. C:It is a reference to an article from the same journal.
    AI参考:正确选项是B:The total number of times that a journal has been cited by all journals included in the database in the JCR year. 。解释如下:问题中问的是“什么是总引用次数”,而选项B是给出了一个关于期刊引用次数的具体定义,即在一个JCR年的数据库中,被引用的期刊所引用的期刊的总引用次数。因此,选项B是正确答案。选项A和C都与问题中的“总引用次数”没有直接关系,因此不是正确答案。'
  87.      Which of the following statement is correct?

  88. A:The ISBN area code of UN publications is 29. B:International alliance is the predecessor of OECD. C:OECD has its own government publications.
  89.      What standards can be used to classify standard documents?

  90. A:Commercial standards B:Regional standards C:Technical standards
    AI参考:正确选项是【C:Technical standards】。原文中提到“What standards can be used to classify standard documents?”,可以理解为需要分类标准文件时可以使用哪些标准,根据上下文和常识,技术标准(Technical standards)是用来分类标准文件的常见标准之一。商业标准和区域标准可能并不适用于分类标准文件。因此,选项C是正确答案。'
  91.      Which of the following methods is based on statistical analysis?

  92. A:Qualitative method B:Quantitative method C:Experience summative method
    AI参考:正确答案是B: Quantitative method。Quantitative method是基于统计分析的方法,它通过收集数据、分析数据和解释数据来得出结论。而Qualitative method(定性方法)和Experience summative method(经验总结方法)不是基于统计分析的方法。因此,答案为B。'
  93.      Which one is the American types of patents?

  94. A:Design patents B:Both of A and B C:Utility patents
    AI参考:正确答案是C:Utility patents。Utility patents是美国的专利类型之一,指的是实用型专利,主要用于发明或实用新型,旨在保护发明人的发明创造,使其在一定时间内受到法律保护。Design patents是外观设计专利,主要用于保护产品的外观设计,如颜色、形状、图案等。因此,选项B中的A和B都不是美国的专利类型,正确答案是C。'
  95.        Which of the following is the first scientific literature that you read as a student?

  96. A:American technical reports B:Text books C:Patents
    AI参考:通过对题目进行分析,正确答案是B:Text books。Text books是学生时期最先接触到的科学文献,涵盖了各个学科的基础知识和理论,对于学生时期的学术启蒙和知识积累有着重要的影响。而选项A和C中的美国技术报告和专利,虽然也是重要的科学文献,但相对于Text books来说,它们并不是学生时期最先接触到的。因此,正确答案是B。'
  97.      What is the abbreviation of Figure?

  98. A:F B:Fig. C:Fg
  99.      One of the most import moves in the conclusion section of a review article is to point out:

  100. A:the method of conducting this review B:what the author’s conclusion about what he has reviewed C:the gaps in the present research area and future research work
    AI参考:B:what the author’s conclusion about what he has reviewed 是正确的选项。在评论文章结论部分的最重要的举措之一是表明作者对所评论的结论的看法。因此,选项B是正确的,因为它涉及到了作者对所评论的结论的总结和结论。选项A和C虽然涉及到了研究的某些方面,但没有直接涉及到作者对所评论的结论的总结和结论。因此,选择B作为正确答案。'
  101.        Which of the following is a characteristic of monographs?

  102. A:Sold only to children B:Readable by all C:Mature theories
  103.      Which of the followings is not listed as one of the functions of mindmapping

  104. A:painting B:notetaking C:making list
  105.      Which one is the Chinese types of patents?

  106. A:Invention patents B:Both of A and B C:Utility patents
  107.      Informed Consent Form is for participants to sign which is to guarantee that participants agree to

  108. A:Publish the paper B:Be informed about the research C:Participate the research
  109.        Paddy is a borrowed word from:

  110. A:Malay B:German C:Turkish
  111.      Which of the following does not belong to objectivity?

  112. A:no unfounded claims B:avoiding implicit expression C:free from personal biases
    AI参考:C. 自由地摆脱个人偏见选项A和B都是客观性的表现,即不无根据地提出要求和避免含蓄的表达。而选项C表示“自由地摆脱个人偏见”,这更多地涉及到主观性,而不是客观性。因此,选项C不属于客观性。'
  113.      Which of the following abbreviations can be classified into acronyms?

    AI参考:正确选项是 C:UN 。UN 是联合国(United Nations)的缩写,是一种首字母缩略词,通常由一个或多个单词的首字母组成。而 A:IMF 和 B:UNESCO 虽然也是缩写,但不是首字母缩略词,而是由多个单词组成的。因此,正确答案是C选项。'
  115.        What morpheme does the word “gastritis” contain?

  116. A:Egyptian morpheme B:Greek morpheme C:Latin morpheme
    AI参考:正确选项是【B:Greek morpheme】。根据题目中的单词“gastritis”,可以判断它是一个复合词,其中包含了词素(morpheme)。根据常识和语言学知识,希腊语词素是常见的复合词词素之一,因此选项B“希腊词素”是正确答案。选项A“埃及词素”和选项C“拉丁词素”都不符合常识和语言学知识,因此不是正确答案。'
  117.      Who is the inventor of mindmapping?

  118. A:Sigmund Freud B:Tony Buzan C:Albert Einstein
    AI参考:正确答案是B:Tony Buzan。思维导图是由英国学者Tony Buzan发明的,是一种用来表达发散性思维的图形工具。因此,正确答案是B。'
  119.      The phrase “…should be further explored/ investigated” indicates:

  120. A:Reviewed work B:Significance of the review C:Future work
    AI参考:正确选项是C:Future work。句子中的“should be further explored/investigated”表示需要进行进一步的研究或探索,通常暗示着接下来将要进行的工作或研究,因此选项C“未来工作”是正确的答案。选项A“Reviewed work”和选项B“Significance of the review”都与句子中的意思不符。'

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