1.She has beauty still, and, if it be not in its heyday, it is not yet in its autumn.( )
A:她依然很美,如果不是芳华正茂,也还不到迟暮之年。 B:她仍旧光彩照人,如果不是美如冠玉,也还不到色褪香消的时候。 C:她依旧美丽,如果不是美艳动人,至少也算风韵犹存。 D:她依旧楚楚动人,如果不是千娇百媚,也还不到薄暮之秋。
2.His best jokes fell flat. ( )
A:他的好笑话没用了。 B:他那好笑的笑话都没能引人发笑。 C:他那些拿手笑话苍白无力。 D:他那些最能逗人笑的笑话都不灵了。
3.Which of the following statements are true? ( )
A:Language will not undergo corresponding alterations with the change of culture. B:Language is strongly influenced and shaped by culture. C:Language is the carrier and the mirror of culture. D:Language is the motivation of culture development.
4.Which of the following statements are not true? ( )
A:Translation is not only a cross-linguistic communication. B:Translation is also an intercultural and cross-social communicative activity. C:The task of a translator is to only to convey the meaning of the source language. D:Translation is only a transfer of language, but not the transfer of cultures.
5.Culture is that complex whole which includes knowledge, beliefs, art, morals, law, custom and any other capabilities and habits acquired by a man as a member of society. ( )
A:对 B:错

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