1. This is because the beauty of calligraphy is not something that can be analyzed, but rather something that can be felt, and feeling is a very important origin of Chinese culture. 因为书法之美并不是分析出来的,而是感受出来的,而感受是中国文化中非常重要的一个原点。 ( )

  2. 答案:对
  3. This course will be taught in English but will still be open to Chinese people. 本课程虽用英语讲授,但仍将面向国人开放。 ( )

  4. 答案:对
  5. In ancient times, writing itself was a basic skill for everyday’ communication, but today, especially in the last 100 years, writing with a brush has faded out of people's daily lives, so it is becoming increasingly unfamiliar and unknown in China. 在古代,书写本身是日常使用的一种交流的基本技能,那么在今天,尤其是在近100年以来,毛笔书写已经淡出了人们的日常生活,所以说对于中国来讲,其实也是越来越陌生和不了解。 ( )

  6. 答案:对
  7. What we see today is the earliest, mature writing, the oracle bone and gold inscriptions of the Shang dynasty. The oracle bone script and the ‘gold’ script are actually products of the same period, which is not the same as what we used to know. 我们今天看到的就是最早的,成熟的文字就是商代的甲骨文和金文。甲骨文和金文其实是一个同时期的产物,这跟我们以前的认知并不相同。 ( )

  8. 答案:对
  9. The progress of modern calligraphy is more in terms of technical progress, and there has been a great deal of progress in the knowledge of tradition and the reproduction of classical techniques.现代的书法的进步更多的是技术方面的进步,大家对于传统的认知,以及古典技法的再现有了长足的进步。( )

  10. 答案:对
  11. Authentic traces of handwriting: refers to the original handwriting written by a particular calligrapher. 真迹:指的是某书家所书的原迹。 ( )

  12. 答案:对
  13. If you are not in good state, you may encounter obstacles and problems everywhere, so your expression will be less fluent and less satisfactory. “五乖”则可能处处碰壁,处处不顺畅,所以你的表达就会不那么流利,不那么理想。 ( )

  14. 答案:对
  15. What we were talking about is the elegance or simplicity of the strokes, the tightness or looseness of the strokes, the more specific, detailed variations and qualities. This is how Chinese philosophy and traditional aesthetics are presented. 我们刚才在说的比如笔画的润枯,意蕴的典雅或质朴,用笔是紧或松,则是一些更为具体的,细致的细节的变化以及品质。这个就是中国哲学跟传统美感的呈现方式。 ( )

  16. 答案:对
  17. In recent decades there has been a perception that calligraphy is the art of the line. 近几十年来,有一种看法,认为书法是线条的艺术。 ( )

  18. 答案:对
  19. The speed of the writing process and the artistic expression is important. 书写过程中的速度以及神采很重要。 ( )

  20. 答案:对
  21. When the emperor asked Liu Gongquan about his brushwork, he replied that if his heart was right, his brush would be right. This shows the theoretical logic of Confucianism, and not specifically a discussion of brushwork techniques. 皇帝问柳公权笔法,柳公权回答,心正则笔正。可见儒家的理论逻辑,而并不是具体在讨论用笔技法。( )

  22. 答案:对
  23. However, as the Chinese character itself evolved, the five forms of the character continued to change, and eventually the form of the regular script was formed. 可是因为汉字本身在不断的发展,也就是五体字之间不断的在发生变化,最终定形成了一个楷书的这种形体。 ( )
  24. There is a very important concept in chinses calligraphy is that of 'writing as expressions of your heart'(shuweixinhua), which Mr. Lu Weizhao considers to be the best expression of the essence of calligraphy and is close to what is said in the phrase 'a character is like a person'(ziruqiren). 中国书法中还有一个非常重要的概念,叫“书为心画”,陆维钊先生认为最足以表示书法之精义,跟“字如其人”所言也接近。( )
  25. In particular, today, due to the influence of showroom culture, calligraphic works are becoming larger and larger, and works in showrooms can be very visually intense, with people often using the sharp contrasts of blank, wet and dry, and thick and thin to increase the visual impact, but such works are not necessarily suitable for a home environment, or may not be able to stand the visual test for a long time, as the Chinese aesthetic may still be biased towards Chinese aesthetics may still be neutral, or what we call ‘Zhong Yong’ visual experience. 尤其在今天,受到展厅文化的影响,书法的作品越写越大,在展厅里面的作品可能视觉感受非常强烈,大家往往会运用我们空白、枯湿、浓淡的鲜明对比来增加视觉冲击,但是这样的作品并不一定适合一个居家环境,或者说不一定能经受得住长时间的视觉考验,因为中国人的审美可能还是会偏向于中和,也就是我们说的中庸一种视觉感受。( )
  26. There are also many Chinese traditional herbs added to the ink making process, cloves, musk, polygonum cuspidatum, tulips and so on. 墨的制作过程中,还要增加很多中药,丁香、麝香、虎杖、郁金等。 ( )
  27. Once we start writing, judging whether a character looks good or not is a matter of the writer's own experience, combined with his or her own aesthetic interests. 当我们开始写字以后,判断一个字是否好看,是需要书写者凭借自己的经验,并结合自己的审美旨趣的。 ( )
  28. When discussing the regular script after it has been established, people no longer have the graphic awareness of their predecessors, so they begin to discuss the specific strokes, down to the way each stroke is written and the order of the strokes. 人们在讨论定型以后的楷书时,已经没有前人的图形意识了,所以开始讨论具体笔画,细致到每一笔的写法,以及笔画之间的前后顺序,简称笔顺。 ( )
  29. Until regular script, there were no more changes in the script, that is, from the Wei and Jin Dynasties to the present day, it is just an era of the Regular Script. 直到楷书,字体就不再有什么变化,也就是从魏晋一直到现在,都是一个楷书时代。 ( )
  30. So, to learn the cursive script, we don’t need learning clerical script. 所以草书学习,不需学习隶书。 ( )
  31. One of the amazing things about calligraphy is that just because a work is appealing at first glance does not mean that it will stand the test of time. 书法里面有很神奇的一点在于,就是第一眼很吸引人的作品不代表它能经受住长时间的考验。( )
  32. How does one acquire an aesthetic appreciation of Chinese calligraphy? 怎么去获得对于中国书法的审美呢? ( )
  33. By the Tang dynasty, it can be said to have entered a golden age of regular script. Which one is one of the four giants of the early Tang. 到了唐代,可以说进入了楷书的黄金时期。初唐四家有( )。
  34. For example, ( ), they are still different with calligraphy in Chinese culture. So, I actually prefer to translate calligraphy as shufa, rather than Chinese calligraphy. 例如,( ),但是跟中国文化中的书法还是有差异。因此我其实更像把书法翻译成shufa,而不是Chinese calligraphy。
  35. In our book room, we also need other tools like: ( )shuidi, seal clay, and so on.在文房中,我们还需要( )、水滴、印泥等。
  36. The Southern Dynasty, of course, also retained the style of ( ), Chinese always call them “er wang”. 当然南朝还保留了二王的风貌,“二王” 是指( )。
  37. In this dictionary, the author Xu Shen has made a collation of ( ). 在这本字典里,作者许慎对( )进行了一个整理。
  38. We can see that the calligraphy treatise divides works into four grades of ( ). 我们可以看到书论里面把作品分为( )四个品第。
  39. If you look at the form of the seal script, it is divided into two categories: ( ) 大家看看篆书的形态,分为:( )两大类。
  40. In Sun Guoting's Book of Calligraphy, there is a paragraph talked about "the Four Sages". They are Wang Xizhi, Wang Xianzhi and ( ). 孙过庭《书谱》中“彼之四贤”一段,其中的“四贤”中除了王羲之与王献之以外,还有( )。and
  41. These methods of character formation are quite important, even for modern people, giving a directional guide to the study of later Chinese characters, which must be used as an entry point for those who wish to understand the ancient script. These ways are ( ), Jia Jie, Zhuan Zhu. 书的序言里面讲到了汉字有( )、假借、转注等造字法,对于后来汉字的研究给予了一种方向性的指引,后来人想要了解古文字必须以这本著作作为入口。
  42. To learn cursive script, one needs a ( ) sight so as to understand it better.草书学习,需要( )视野,这样才能更好地理解。
  43. Who is the most important calligrapher in Yuan Dynasty? 元代最重要的书法家是谁?( )
  44. There is also ( ) we call it Chang Feng, which is with the very long hair and very difficult to control. 还有( ),非常长的羊毫,非常难控制。
  45. The third unit is about ( ). 第三单元是关于( )。
  46. In the early years of the Republic of China, there were already people who reflected more calmly and objectively on Kang Youwei's claim of respecting Wei Steles Script, such as ( ) in Chengdu, Sichuan, who criticized Kang Youwei's theory in his book "Nong Han Yu Shen". 民国初年,已经有人对康有为尊碑的说法有了更为冷静和客观的反思,如成都的( )先生,在他的著作《弄翰余渖》里面,就对康有为的理论进行了批评。
  47. It is said that paper was invented by Cai Lun, and archaeological discoveries have shown that paper existed as early as ( ). 纸张传说中是蔡伦发明的,考古发现早在( )就有纸张了。
  48. According to the ‘Shi Ji’, King Wen of Zhou was "imprisoned in his palace, and the eight trigrams of Yi were transformed into the ( )". 据《史记》载,文王"其囚羑里,盖益易之八卦为( )"。
  49. There is an expression that says ( ). This means that we all know that poetry requires a cultural background and a lot of reading, but in fact, many people who are well read and knowledgeable do not make poetry well, or even do not make poetry at all.有一种说法叫( )。意思是说,我们都知道诗歌创作当中需要有文化底蕴,要多读书,但是事实上,很多博览群书、知识渊博的人做诗并不能称为好手,甚至完全不会作诗。
  50. From an appreciation point of view, the first thing is ( ), what kind of intuitive feeling is given by the traces left on the paper by the brush and ink, this is the first impression. 从欣赏的角度来说,首先就是( ),笔墨所留在纸面上的这些痕迹给人一种什么样的直观感受,这是第一印象。
  51. Chinese characters have been in use for more than ( ) years, so they are truly the 'living fossil'. 中国汉字( )多年一直在使用,所谓“活化石”的称号名不虚传。
  52. So today these stone drums are still preserved in ( ) . 所以今天这个石鼓还保存在( )。
  53. ( ) and the ‘gold’ script are actually products of the same period, which is not the same as what we used to know. ( )和金文其实是一个同时期的产物,这跟我们以前的认知并不相同。
  54. ( ) is a concept of the Tang dynasty, or even later. At that time, people start to talk about the concept to summarize the writing techniques. ( )是唐代人甚至更晚的人在总结书写技巧时候提出来的一种概念。
  55. Mr. Chiang Yee’s book introducing Chinese calligraphy is called ( ), which was published in London in 1938. 蒋彝先生写过一本介绍中国书法的著作,叫做( ),于1938年在伦敦出版。
  56. Many people think ( ) is just the Chinese character, but actually it is a kind of script such as Song script or Kai script in your laptop. In short, it is something we call script.很多人认为( )就是汉字,但事实上它是你电脑上的某种宋体字或者楷体字的字体。总之它是一种被我们称之为“字体”的书体。
  57. The one is one of the eight styles of the Qin scripts was called ‘Zuoshu’, or ‘Qinli’ script, which means the ( )at Qin Period. The official script of the Qin dynasty was the small seal script, and Qinli script was not the official script, which gradually became the official script during the Han dynasty. 因为秦书八体,其中有一种叫“佐书”,也就是秦隶,秦代的( ),也就是秦代的官方正体字是小篆,秦隶不是正体,而到了汉代,这种字体逐渐成为了官方正体。
  58. The so-called " A confluence of five good states", This is a very good state of affairs. "If you are not in good state, you may encounter obstacles and problems everywhere, so your expression will be less fluent and less satisfactory. So what we call ‘the five bad states“ in Chinese? “五合交臻”就是非常好的状态。( )则可能处处碰壁,处处不顺畅,所以你的表达就会不那么流利,不那么理想。
  59. Chinese art has always been inextricably linked to Eastern philosophy, for example, 'wu' (enlightenment) is ( ) thought, and to gain some knowledge requires inner comprehension.中国艺术中,总是跟东方哲学有着千丝万缕的关系,比如“悟”就是( )思想,而要获得一些认知,需要内心的领悟。
  60. Deng Shi Ru, who started the calligraphy style, was not an official, and spent his lifetime just teaching. He once went to Beijing and met two famous calligraphers of the time, Liu Yong and Weng Fanggang. Who gave Mr. Deng very highly praise? 邓石如开宗立派,他一介布衣,一生都从事着教学的工作。他曾去北京,见了当时两位著名的书家刘墉和翁方纲。谁对他给予了很高的评价?( )
  61. ( )are more suitable for writing in cursive and regular script, and are more suitable for writing small characters, as the ancients brushes were not very large. ( )比较适合写行草、行楷这样字体,且更适合写小字,古人的笔都不大。
  62. Who is the most important cursive calligrapher in Song Dynasty? 宋代最重要的草书家是谁? ( )
  63. Which one is the most important small cursive script in Tang Dynasty? 唐代最重要的小草作品是哪一件? ( )
  64. The fourth unit contains ( ). 第四单元则包含( )。
  65. The Yuan An Stele now is preserved in Liaoning Provincial Museum. 《袁安碑》现藏辽宁省博物院。 ( )
  66. There are a great number of regular script inscriptions by Yan Zhenqing of the Tang dynasty, including ( )all of which are majestic and open, and can be considered the best representatives of the mid-Tang style. 盛唐颜真卿的楷书碑版存世极多。有等,气势雄浑开宕,可谓盛唐气象的最佳代表。
  67. (  ) actually played an innovative role in the history of calligraphy, only later to become a new tradition in the Tang dynasty. ( )在书法史中其实是一个创新的角色,只是后来在唐代变成了一种新的传统。
  68. The meaning of cursive in the cursive script is scribble, and this meaning is clear, so the cursive script is a scribble of the (  ). 当然,草书的草的意思是指潦草,这个意思的明确的,所以草书是( )的潦草写法。
  69. Apart from Li Si, Zhao Gao and Hu Wujing may have been the writers of the Small Seal Script. 除了李斯以外,赵高、胡毋敬都可能是小篆的书写者。( )
  70. (  ) were all influenced deeply by Deng Shiru. ( )都深受邓石如的影响。
  71. The third unit is about the fundamentals of writing, which contains (  ) of Chinese characters, as well as the use of strokes and techniques of the five scripts.第三单元是关于书写基础训练,包括( ),同样还有五体书中基本笔画的书写技巧。
  72. When the Qin emperor unified the country, he also unified the (  ).秦始皇统一全国以后,也将( )进行了统一。
  73. beauty of Chinese calligraphy is first and foremost the beauty of the Chinese characters’ shapes.中国书法的美感,首先是汉字本身的美感。( )
  74. If this were a Chinese character, it would be the form of the word '炅' that we see today, which would point to(  ), a sun plus a fire. 如果这个是汉字的话,就是我们今天这个“炅”的字形,意思应该指向( ),一个太阳再加一个火。
  75. The second unit focuses on a brief history of calligraphy, containing the development of the five styles of calligraphy in their own right. These five scripts contains the regular script, ( )。第二单元是书法简史,包括五种字体的风格。这五种字体包括楷书、( )。
  76. In fact, during the Sui dynasty, a trend towards a fusion of the styles of (   ) began to emerge. 事实上,在隋代,( )就开始了融合的趋势。
  77. In recent decades there has been a perception that calligraphy is the art of( ). 近几十年来,有一种看法,认为书法是( )的艺术。
  78. When was Mr. Chiang Yee’s book Chinese Calligraphy published in London? 蒋彝先生的《中国书法》哪一年在英国伦敦出版?( )
  79. This course is aimed at people abroad who is interested in (  ), or who plans to study and research Chinese culture. In addition, those in China who is interested in calligraphy, who likes calligraphy, and who wishes to learn calligraphy, I think may also gain relevant information from this course. 本课程的主要对象是国内外对于( )感兴趣或者计划从事中国文化学习与研究的朋友们。另外,国内想要学习书法的朋友也可以在本课程有所收获。
  80. So, the progress of modern calligraphy, I think, is more in terms of technical progress, and there has been a great deal of progress in (  ) . 所以说现代的书法的进步,我觉得更多的是技术方面的进步,大家对于( )有了长足的进步。
  81. For even modern Chinese people, it is also difficult to penetrate deeply into calligraphy artworks.尽管今天的中国人来说也很难深刻明白书法艺术。( )
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