第二章 心灵探寻 Reflections on Life:“心灵探寻 Reflections on Life”相关主题的中外两位名家作品赏析解读。2.1导入:“心灵探寻 Reflections on Life”相关主题:文化现象、冷门知识、作家生平、作品创作背景、写作手法、等综合阐述。
2.2我为何而生 I (罗素):罗素生平介绍、其作品背景知识、写作手法、逸闻趣事等。
2.3我为何而生 II (罗素):《我为何而生 》作品赏析。
2.4渐 I (丰子恺):丰子恺生平介绍、其作品背景知识、写作手法、逸闻趣事等。
2.5渐 II (丰子恺):《渐》作品赏析。
[单选题]Feng Zikai took the view that the great man is one who has not lost the childlike heart.

选项:[错, 对]
[单选题]“At fifteen I set my heart ”is from The Analects written by Hanyu.

选项:[错, 对]
[单选题] Russell believed that the good life is inspired by curiosity and guided by love.

选项:[错, 对]
[单选题]Cyber celebrity is the film star who has become famous by means of the Internet.

选项:[错, 对]
[单选题]Russell believed that sense of duty is useful in personal relations.

选项:[对, 错]
[单选题] Yet the events of 1973 still_______(产生反响) , in Chile and in the rest of Latin America.

选项:[restore, reflect, reverberate, reflex]
[单选题]   The_______ (极度痛苦) of not knowing the truth was unbearable to me.

选项:[anxiety, anguish, anticipation, apathy]
[单选题]Bertrand Russell was so ________ (吸引,专心致志) in mathematics from an
early age, finding the experience of learning Euclidean geometry at the age of 11 “as dazzling as first love”.

选项:[concentrated, devoted, assimilated, absorbed]
[单选题]  The diet of the _______(富裕的) has not changed much over the decades.

选项:[superfluous, circumfluent, mellifluous, affluent]
[单选题]  He is among the most thoughtful, careful and _______(勤勉、认真的) public servants we have ever known.

选项:[conscious, conscientious, self-conscious, subconscious]

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