1.Which of the followings is not the aim of pre-reading activities?
A:To help the readers understand the content and structure of the text B:To interest and motivate students C:To activate students’ prior knowledge D:To facilitate while-reading activities
答案:To help the readers understand the content and structure of the text
2.Students are given ideas to______________ rather than being invited to invent their own.
A: express B: put C:Show D:decided
3.Students locate ______information. (location, opening hours).
A:strict B:precise C:decided D:specific
4.The ______ meaning means the meaning of a word or phrase that is suggested or implied, as opposed to a denotation, or literal meaning.
A:denotative B:connotative C:productive D:receptive
5.It is often done by a group of teachers who are to teach the _______ course.
A:right B:samey C:samely D:same
6.Which of the following can help train speaking?
A:Pairs finding B:Simon C:Match captions with pictures D:Listen and follow instructions.
答案:Pairs finding
7.Learners need to know the______ views using the language in certain context
A:cognitive B:interactional C:structural D:functional
8.“We were at my sister’s house for Christmas Eve, fire in the fireplace, lights on the tree, Christmas carols playing on the stereo.” This situation is one of sense relations which is called  _____ .
A:lexical fields B:antonyms C:synonyms D:hyponyms
答案:lexical fields
9. We can use pictures to ______ before listening.
A:forecast B:predict C:foretell D:anticipate
10.In the system of language, the discrete unit of meaning produced by sound combinations is_____.
A:syntax B:program C:morphology D:phonology
11.Which of the following belongs to learning outcomes?
A:Surveys. B:Role-plays. C:Sequencing pictures. D:Worksheets.

12._____ principles views of language Learning.
A:four B:three C:Two D:five   13.By the mid-______ the upheaval in linguistics and psycholinguistics created by Chomsky’s transformational-generative grammar had begun to affect language pedagogy.
A:1960s B:1930s C:1940s D:1950s 14.The theory of language underlying the Grammar-Translation Method was derived from ______Linguistics.
A:structural B:comparative historical C:Applied D:traditional 15.There are _____ Versions of CLT.
A:three B:five C:four D:two 16.Two Versions of CLT: _____ .
A:The fluency version;the accuracy version B:The one version;the two version C:The focus version;the context version D:The strong version;the weak version 17.Which is not the aim of post-reading activities?
A:To relate the text to the students’ own knowledge, interests, or views. B:To consolidate or reflect on what has been read in the text. C:To help the readers understand the content and structure of the text. D:It is not directly connected with the text, but usually “grows out” of it. 18.With development of modern languages, Latin became a(n) _______ language.
A:deading B:artistic C:scientific D:living 19.A lot of ways such as pictures/imagery, related words, unrelated words, grouping, word’s orthographical or phonological form can be defined as _____ .
A:metacognitive strategies B:memory strategies C:cognitive strategies D:social strategies 20.What type of learners can benefit most from real object instruction?
A:Auditory learners. B:Individual learners. C:Tactile learners. D:Visual learners. 21.As for the word formation, “water the flower; empty the room; take a walk” can be classified into _____ .
A:conversion B:compounding C:derivation D:blending 22.Of the following ______ does not belong to the five components of communicative competence (Hedge 2000).
A:Discourse competence B:Phonology competence C:Fluency D:Linguistic competence 23.Which of the following techniques is NOT used in the Grammar-Translation Method?
A:oral presentation B:written work C:reading D:translation 24.Which of the following activities is most appealing to children’s characteristics?
A:Formal grammar instruction. B:Role-play. C:Cross-word puzzle. D:Reciting texts. 25.We then focused on a _____ of activities in teaching listening.
A:breed B:many C:variety D:strain 26.Rehearsal provides learners with an opportunity to ______ some out-of-class performance.
A:rehearse. B:practice. C:exercise. D:train 27.We can interrupt the speakers and _____ for repetition or clarification.
A:ask B:request C:demand D:invite 28.Listening is the ability to _____ and understand what others are saying.
A:classify B:recognize C:find D:identify 29.Good ______makes the lesson transit from one stage to the next smoothly and students experience less anxiety.
A:linkage B:tie C:connection D:relationship 30. Listening is not only an important language skill but also a _____ ability.
A:cohesive B:communicative C:fuctional D:linguistic 31.Doing things that are beyond or below the students’ coping ability will ____their motivation.
A:cut B:reduce C:shrink D:diminish 32.Language operates in a speech community or _____.
A:culture B:development C:education D:learning 33.Pre-listening is to ______ or  build students' prior topical and linguistic knowledge.
A:excite B:arouse C:stimulate D:activate 34.In the process of learning spoken language, L2 speakers need to know there is one type of _______ in our speech conditions in real circumstances, we could be familiar with the topic, genre and interlocutors.
A:Performance factors B:Affective factors C:Cognitive factors D:Productive factors 35.Overemphasis on translation can never free learners from dependence on the ______ language.
A:target B:first C:second D:foreign 36.A comparison of traditional pedagogy and language use in real life in ______ .
A:Focus B:All C:Context D:Skills 37.What is the realistic goal of teaching pronunciation?
A:All of the above B:Intellegibility C:Consistency D:Communicative efficiency 38.Assuming that you are on a committee that is in charge of deciding what to do with a small amount of money that has been donated to improve your school. You have a list of things to do, but you only have enough money for 5 of the items. Now which activity are you joining in?
A:Semi-controlled activities B:Information-gap activities C:Problem-solving activities D:Controlled activities 39.In Bottom-up model, reading comprehension is based on _____ ?
A:read the text word-by-word B:focus on every sentence rather than the whole text structure C:focusing on details rather than understand the text as a whole D:the understanding and mastery of all the new words, new phrases, and newstructures as well as a lot of reading aloud practice 40.Encourage feedback both from the _____ and peers.  
A:instructor B:guider C:mentor D:instructive 41.The teacher has a word in his mind and asks students to guess by asking only Yes/No questions until they make the correct guess.
A:Assessor B:Controller C:participant D:Resource-provider 42.What’s the teacher doing by saying “ Who wants to have a try?”
A:Giving prompt. B:Evaluating students’ work. C:Controlling discipline. D:Directing students’ attention to the lesson. 43.Language is a_____ for the expression of functional meaning.
A:conveyance B:way C:carriage D:vehicle 44.As for the consolidation strategies, here are some concrete strategies such as repetition and using mechanical meaning to study vocabulary, repeatedly saying a word, word lists and flash cards, taking notes in class and recording word lists, these can be named as _____ .
A:memory strategies B:metacognitive strategies C:cognitive strategies D:social strategies 45. There is a kind of language which is often spontaneous and sentences are often incomplete, ungrammatical, and full of hesitations, false starts, and redundancies. If it is not recorded, spoken language can’t be listened to again. Moreover, it is expected to be understood immediately. It is called _____ language.
A:Spoken B:Written C:Body D:Second 46.Only when students have a clear _____ or a reason to write, will they feel motivated or eager to write.  
A:goals B:intention   C:. objective       D:purpose 47.Lesson reflections can contribute greatly to teachers’ professional ________ .
A:growth B:exploitation C:development D:making 48.Keep a brief account of what _____   in the lesson.
A:chance B:happened C:proceed D:occur 49.Students in a CLT class are _____ in their own learning process.
A:Active participants B:Facilitator and guide C:Autonomous learners D:Complementary principles 50.

Language is _____.

A:genetically transmitted B:non-distinctive C:static D:instinctive

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