1.如果英语长句的叙述层次与汉语比较一致,则基本上可按照原文顺序译出。为了使前后语气衔接,可增加必要的词语。( )
A:错误 B:正确
2. Whether the following statement is helpful or not for managing your presentation anxiety? T for helpful, while F for not helpful. ( )You buy a new suit and a pair of new shoes just before your presentation to make yourself feel more confident.
A:错误 B:正确
3. Reading is an interaction between the reader and the text/author. ( )
A:错误 B:正确
4.The health authorities did not buy John Snow’s theory simple because they were obsessed with another one.( )
A:错误 B:正确
5. Is the following a mistake of making eye contact? True or False. ( )The speaker knows the importance of making eye contact. He chooses someone in the audience who appears kind and friendly and looks at him while speaking. When that person looks away, the speaker pretends not to see that and insists on making eye contact with him.
A:正确 B:错误
6.汉语句子为语义型或意合型,英语句子为语法型或形合型。前者重内在的逻辑关系,后者重外在的形式连接。( )
A:正确 B:错误
7. True or False. ( )Professional speakers should make excuses for poor performance due to venue mishaps and technical hiccups.
A:错 B:对
8. Whether the following statement is helpful or not for managing your presentation anxiety? T for helpful, while F for not helpful. ( )You apologize to the audience for your nervousness and for any problems you think you have during your speech.
A:错误 B:正确
9.英语词序相对固定,而汉语词序相对自由。( )
A:正确 B:错误
10.The HIV/AIDS mortality rate among notified cases has dropped to 5.6%, which is 68.7% lower than about a decade ago. 该句应译为:艾滋病病死率降低5.6%,较10年前降低68.7%。( )
A:正确 B:错误
11.Is the following sentence grammatically correct? ( )Mr. Nguyen has sent his four children to ivy-league colleges, however, he has sacrificed his health working day and night in that dusty bakery.
A:正确 B:错误

12.作为一种科技文体翻译,医学英语翻译一般要做到“忠实”和“通顺”,即译文要力求确切地表达原文的内容和风格,同时在形式上又符合译入语的规范。( )
A:错误 B:正确 13.The doctors make their morning round at 8am. 这句话可省译宾语。( )
A:正确 B:错误 14.Is the following sentence grammatically correct? ( )Most of those computers in the Learning Assistance Center are broken already, this proves my point about American computer manufacturers.
A:错误 B:正确 15. True or False. ( )Demographics are facts about your audience. These facts include such things as follows: age, gender, race, religion, the audience size, the audience’s interest, and morals.
A:错误 B:正确 16.英汉语言中存在大量的不对应词语。( )
A:对 B:错 17.注重逻辑推演的汉语段落,句际之间环环相扣,常用连接词。( )
A:正确 B:错误 18. Choose the proper explanation for the phrase of a host of. ( )
A:a large number of people or things B:a country, a city or an organization that holds and arranges a special event C:a person who invites guests to a meal, a party, ect. or who has people staying at their house D:an animal or a plant on which another animal or plant lives and feeds 19.Replace the underlined word with a suitable word/expression from the four choices: “Her interest in politics lapsed while she was in medical school.”( )
A:declined B:stopped C:began D:increased 20.It was noted earlier that the incidence of axial refractive errors could conform to the binomial curve of the incidence of any such variations occurring in any large biological series only if the high grades of myopia were excluded; and the presence of degenerative changes in the latter group has been held to confirm this as a pathological state of distinct aetiology, known sometimes as progressive or degenerative(as opposed to simple) myopia. 该长句为并列复合句,主句为it was noted that,包含了由and连接起来的两个分句。( )
A:错 B:对 21.As a young boy John Snow had already proved himself highly intelligent, with a great talent in mathematics, and was already finishing his medical degree at the age of eighteen.( )
A:对 B:错 22.Reading is just about figuring out the meaning of words.( )
A:错 B:对 23.下列句子中的名词,翻译时可转换为副词的是:( )。
A:The sound of music may provoke visual hallucinations. B:Due to inadequate treating for wounded personnel, the people are in a painful position in Iraq. C:EEG biofeedback treatment was a success. D:The doctor earned appreciation by the courtesy of talking with the patient. 24. Which of the following signals the end of a presentation? ( )
A:Let’s move on to the situation in our overseas markets. B:First, we will begin with a brief history of our company. C:Could you expand on the issue of pricing? D:I would like to conclude by discussing the future of our company. 25. We can guess the meaning of underestimate by means of ______. ( )
A:using simple logic B:using knowledge of word formation C:guessing by the given examples D:identifying the meaning of a new word or phrase with the help of signal words of contrast 26. Which of the following explains the word symptom? ( )
A:chief complaint B:problems found by a doctor in a patient C:problems reported by a patient to the doctor D:various pains 27.Choose the most appropriate word to fill in the blank: The new law takes _____ from tomorrow. ( )?
A:after B:effect C:down D:up 28. Allergen means____. ( )
A:the result of allergy B:allergy C:the process of an allergy D:something that triggers an allergic reaction 29.Fill the blank with a suitable word/expression from the four choices: “The _____ on the packet is a guarantee that the food has been produced organically”( ).
A:dot B:line C:plastic D:symbol 30.下列句子中,宜增译“现象”一词的句子是:( )。
A:These controversies do not offer the clinician much immediate help with his most common problems. B:Some motions appear to be very simple; others very complicated. C:There had been too much publicity about his case. D:From the evaporation of water people know that liquids can turn into gases under certain condition. 31.What does “ICD” stand for ( )?
A:Internal Centre of Diseases B:International Centre of Diseases C:Internal Classification of Diseases D:International Classification of Diseases 32. Insulin injection is for patients with ______. ( )
A:high blood pressure B:eye disease C:near sight D:diabetes 33.Investment opportunities_____ when technology improves on an old business. ( )
A:disperse B:emerge C:defuse D:slump 34.According to the working definition of reading, which of the following is NOT true( )?
A:Reading is a one-way solution to get meaning out of the passage. B:Reading involves interaction. C:Reading is a process. D:Part of the meaning in the passage is conveyed indirectly. 35. What does the word paltry mean? ( )
A:in part B:very small or meager C:taking the most optimistic or favourable view D:make a complete list of all the things in a group 36.Read and decide which pattern the paragraph follows to achieve coherence. ( )
When a young child with a maturing brain sits in front of the TV for several hours every day, it can instigate loss of creativity. The ability to be creative is an important factor in the development of a young child's mind. By sitting down and watching TV for a couple hours, the child is entertained, but is also not thinking. Information in spoon-fed to them, so when it comes time to read a book in school, some can have a hard time grasping ideas. They are so used to having images flash before them to provide understanding; they have trouble moving their eyes side to side to gather the information for themselves. With the TV in front of them, supplying entertainment, they may never stop to think that putting a puzzle together or reading a book could also be fun. They could actually become dependent on this one source of fantasy, and never bother to create their own. As the child grows older, it is less likely to put effort into playing with other kids, or taking up a hobby.
A:cause and effect B:spatial order C:chronological order D:order of importance 37.下列句子中,不属于准否定的是:( )。
A:The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual over the last five years has not gone unnoticed. B:The surgeon is the last man to accept a bribe. C:This hospital is a fool to that both in personnel and equipment. D:The old patient with pneumonia has been out of danger. 38. What does the prefix of anti- mean? ( )
A:for B:similar to C:against D:near 39. Which can be used to name diseases according to the guideline? ( )
A:people’s names B:arbitrary identifiers C:pathogen names D:generic terms 40.基于东西方思维方式的不同,以下对英汉语言差异叙述正确的是:( )。
A:英语重分析,重细致 B:英语句子多呈现“主语-谓语”结构 C:汉语句子多呈现“话题-说明”结构 D:汉语重综合,重归纳 41.下列句子中,可省译“a”的句子是:( )。
A:A medical worker should think of the patients all the time. B:Lung cancer is a malignant disease. C:The patient was a girl born at 37 weeks to a mother with diabetes. D:Only a small number of equipment is needed to assess satisfactorily the ocular status. 42. If you are listening to a weather report, ______ will probably be the specific information for you. ( )
A:location B:information about the temperatures C:names of people D:descriptions of the weather

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