  1. 销售人员和潜在客户之间的直接沟通过程称为。( )

  2. A:上面皆不是 B:广告 C:个人销售 D:直接营销
  3. 根据单位总成本确定价格称为_______。( )

  4. A:基于需求的定 B:基于价值的定价 C:基于竞争的定价 D:基于成本的定价
  5. 哪一个不是4P的一部分?( )

  6. A:位置 B:价格 C:产品 D:人物
  7. Which of the following is NOT an impact of Social Media Marketing?( )

  8. A:Add new dimensions to customer service B:Reduce company-user engagement C:Creates word of mouth D:Economical
    答案:Reduce company-user engagement
  9. __________在购买未购买的商品时表现得最为激进,这些商品通常是买家不想购买的,例如保险。( )

  10. A:营销理念 B:产品概念 C:销售理念 D:生产理念
  11. Which of the following is political risk perspective of a nation for global marketing?( )(1) Change in government policy(2) Host’s attitude towards foreign investment(3) Relationship between host and company’s home country

  12. A:1 and 2 only B:2 and 3 only C:All of the above D:1 and 3 only
    答案:C: All of the above
  13. 下面哪项不是服务营销的特征?( )

  14. A:无形 B:异质性 C:易腐烂性 D:可分离性
  15. 影响企业营销政策、决策和运营的所有力量或因素构成_________。( )

  16. A:营销环境 B:上面皆不是 C:营销组合 D:营销控制
    答案:A: 营销环境
  17. The contradiction between actual and perceived positioning is know as:( )

  18. A:Over-positioning B:None of the above C:Under-positioning D:Confused positioning
    答案:D: Confused positioning
  19. “营销”是指?( )

  20. A:专注于销售和利润 B:提供客户价值和满意度的一系列活动 C:制定和实施组织流程 D:产品的推广
  21. Which of the following statement describe Product Development stage correctly?( )(1) Company find and develops new product idea(2) Sales are increasing(3) Company’s investment costs increases(4) Profit is negative

  22. A:1, 2 and 4 only B:All of the above C:1, 3 and 4 only D:1 and 3 only
  23. Any advertising activity that promotes products and services via mobile devices, such as tablets and smartphones is known as:( )

  24. A:Direct Marketing B:Mobile Marketing C:Traditional Marketing D:Social Media Marketing
  25. 将市场细分为同质细分的客户称为___________。( )

  26. A:上面皆不是 B:市场细分 C:目标市场营销 D:产品差异化
  27. 大型市场的一部分,其需求与大型市场略有不同,称为____。( )

  28. A:辅助市场 B:市场细分市场 C:子组 D:市场定位
  29. 当产品有巨大的潜在市场时,公司将采取:( )

  30. A:渗透价格政策 B:上面皆不是 C:产品捆绑价格政策 D:促销价格政策
  31. Segmenting the customers according to their age is ____________.( )

  32. A:Psychographic Segmentation B:Geographic Segmentation C:Behavioral Segmentation D:Demographic Segmentation
  33. 将服务与产品区分开来的主要因素是什么?( )

  34. A:价格 B:可利用性 C:无形 D:经验
  35. 营销既是一门“艺术”,也是一门“科学”。营销的制定方面和______________方面之间存在着持续的紧张关系。( )

  36. A:创意 B:管理 C:行为 D:销售
  37. 下面哪项是个人销售的主要优势?( )

  38. A:更多销售额 B:目标消息 C:范围和频率 D:上面皆不是
  39. 在产品周期(Product Life-Cycle)的哪个阶段,利润通常为负?( )

  40. A:生长阶段 B:下降阶段 C:成熟阶段 D:成长阶段
  41. ______________的主要目标是在分销渠道中推进产品、服务或理念。( )

  42. A:消费 B:推销 C:上面皆是 D:生产
  43. Companies sets lower prices for new products, aiming to generate more sales is known as:( )

  44. A:None of the above B:Last-minute Pricing Strategy C:Price Skimming Strategy D:Penetration Pricing Strategy
  45. Product and services that are not made well or do not perform well is known as:( )

  46. A:High-pressure selling B:Deceptive practices C:High cost of distribution D:Shoddy, harmful or unsafe products
  47. 在消费者心目中塑造产品或品牌形象的行为称为_______。( )

  48. A:市场细 B:定位 C:目标市场营销 D:产品差异化
  49. 下面哪一项反映了营销理念?( )

  50. A:“我们没有市场部,我们有客户部” B:“你在任何地方都找不到更好的交易” C:“当利润与客户需求相比较时,利润总是会胜出” D:“我们的业务是制造和销售优质产品”
  51. 适应国家市场独特特征的产品_______。( )

  52. A:本地产品 B:国际产品 C:跨国产品 D:全球产品
  53. Which of the following factor should be consider for Adapted Marketing?( )(1) Consumer differentiation(2) Local competitive condition(3) Local legal condition(4) Service offered by company

  54. A:1, 2, and 4 only B:1 and 2 only C:All of the above D:2 and 3 only
  55. 通常______________表示质量。( )

  56. A:颜色 B:价格 C:分量 D:大小
  57. An organization structure that place management at the top and pay little to no attention to customer is know as:( )

  58. A:Service-Oriented Structure B:Corporate Structure C:Consumer Structure D:Conventional Structure
  59. “Think global, Act Local is ___________approach.( )

  60. A:Ethnocentric B:Regiocentric C:Geocentric D:Polycentric
  61. 扩充产品包含______________。( )

  62. A:预期功能 B:功能特点 C:基本需求 D:其他好处
  63. 下面哪项是可能的定价目标______。( )

  64. A:与竞争对手相匹配,而不是引领市场 B:上面皆是 C:实现目标市场份额 D:实现利润最大化
  65. Which of the follow is Incorrect about attract and hire new employees?( )(1) Research and understand employees’ needs(2) All employees are the same(3) Segment, target and develop marketing mix for employees are not needed(4) Advertising should developed with management’s mind

  66. A:All of the above B:1 and 2 only C:2 and 3 only D:2, 3, and 4 only
  67. 下面哪项不是品牌资产________的组成部分。( )

  68. A:品牌颜色 B:品牌知名度 C:品牌忠诚度 D:品牌协会
  69. 生产者、批发商和零售商作为一个统一的系统来形成一个?( )

  70. A:传统营销系统 B:分级营销系统 C:横向营销系统 D:垂直营销系统
  71. Which of the following statement describe Online Marketing?( )

  72. A:In online marketing, customers are able to communicate two-way. B:It is possible for online marketing to handle millions of customers simultaneously because it can run multiple online businesses simultaneously. C:All of the above D:We can always customize our audience's experience through online marketing and also reach our customers at the right time through effective online marketing.
  73. 仅适用于单一市场的产品______。( )

  74. A:跨国产品 B:全球产品 C:国际产品 D:本地产品
  75. 下面哪项不包含在微观环境中?( )

  76. A:客户 B:供应商 C:经济 D:公众
  77. A principle of sustainable marketing holding that a company should make marketing decisions by considering consumers’ wants, the company’s requirements, consumers’ long-run interests, and society’s long-run interests is known as:( )

  78. A:Sustainable Marketing B:Societal Marketing C:Direct Marketing D:Social Media Marketing
  79. 当一家公司设定了随着竞争者进入市场而下降的高初始价格时,这被称为?( )

  80. A:略取价格 B:进入障碍物 C:具有竞争力的定价 D:垄断竞争
  81. _____指公司产品或产品相对于竞争产品在目标消费者心目中的位置。( )

  82. A:产品表达式 B:上面皆不是 C:产品定位 D:产品展示
  83. 价格、产品、促销和地点构成________。( )

  84. A:生产组合 B:促销组合 C:营销组合 D:市场组合
  85. ______________这是一个公司精心整合和协调其众多沟通渠道的概念,以传递关于组织及其产品的清晰、一致和令人信服的信息。( )

  86. A:促销组合 B:综合营销传播 C:综合国际事务 D:综合需求特征
  87. 将营销策略和计划转化为营销行动以实现战略营销目标的过程称为______________( )

  88. A:营销控制 B:营销策略 C:市场营销分析 D:市场营销实施
  89. ______包括广告、销售人员、公共关系、包装和公司提供的任何其他信号。( )

  90. A:市场细分 B:分配 C:营销传播 D:品牌资产
  91. Which of the following reasons for joint ventures?( )(1) To leverage resources(2) To reduce costs(3) To combine expertise(4) To enter foreign markets

  92. A:All of the above B:1, 2, and 4 only C:1 and 2 only D:2 and 3 only
  93. Which of the following is the purpose of marketing?( )(1) Communicate with customers(2) Create values for customers(3) Understand the customers(4) Exceeding the company sale performance

  94. A:1, 2 and 3only B:1 and 2 only C:All of the above D:1, 3, and 4 only
  95. Which of the following is a challenge to Social Media Marketing?( )(1) Limited communication between company departments(2) Out of creative content ideas(3) Key stakeholders do not understand social media(4) Lack of growth, direction or strategy

  96. A:1 and 2 only B:All of the above C:2 and 3 only D:3 and 4 only
  97. 营销研究过程的最后一步是:( )

  98. A:确定问题和研究目标 B:做出决定 C:收集信息 D:制定研究计划
  99. 评估不同细分市场的相对价值并选择一个或多个细分市场进行竞争的过程称为______。( )

  100. A:目标市场营销 B:市场细分 C:上面皆不是 D:产品差异化

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