第四章 Revealed preference:Introduce the concepts of revealed preference and the relationship between revealed preference and preference. Recovering the indifference curves. Understand the WARP and SARP. Learn how to calculate the Index.4.1revealed prference and preferences:Revealed prference and preferences
4.2Recovering Indifference Curves:Recovering Indifference Curves
4.3The Weak Axiom of Revealed Preference and The Strong Axiom of Revealed Preference:The Weak Axiom of Revealed Preference and The Strong Axiom of Revealed Preference

The strong axiom of revealed preference requires that if a consumer chooses x when he can afford y; and chooses y when he can afford z; then he will not choose z when he can afford x.

选项:[错, 对]
[判断题]If a consumer maximizes a utility function subject to a budget constraint and has strictly convex preferences, then his behavior will necessarily satisfy the weak axiom of revealed preference and the strong axiom of revealed preference.

选项:[错, 对]
[判断题]The Laspeyres price index differs from the Paasche price index because the Laspeyres index holds prices constant and varies quantities while the Paasche price index holds quantities constant and varies prices.

选项:[对, 错]
[单选题] Let A stand for the bundle (7,9);B stand for the bundle (10,5); and C stand for the bundle (6,6). When prices are (2,4); Betty chooses C. When prices are (12,3) she chooses A. Which of the following is true?

选项:[None of all, C is directly revealed preferred to A., A is directly revealed preferred to B., A is indirectly revealed preferred to B.]
[单选题]Remember that the Laspeyres price index uses the old quantities for the weights. In 1971, good x cost 3 and good y cost 1. The current price of good x is 3 and the current price of good y is 5. In 1971 the consumption bundle was (x,y) = (3,5). The current consumption bundle is (x,y) = (9 ,4). The Laspeyres index of current prices relative to 1971 prices is closest to which of the following numbers? 


, 2.43

, 1.52

, 0.30

[判断题]It follows from the weak axiom of revealed preference that if a consumer chooses x when he could afford y and chooses y when he could afford x; then his income must have changed between the two observations.

选项:[对, 错]
[单选题]At prices (4,12); Harry chooses the bundle (9,4). At the prices (8,4); Harry chooses the bundle (2,9). Is this behavior consistent with the weak axiom of revealed preference?

选项:[It depends on his income., We would have to observe a third choice to be able to say., Yes, No]
[单选题]A student spends all of her income on pizza and books. When pizzas cost $3 each and books cost $10 each, she consumed 30 pizzas and 3 books per month. The price of pizzas fell to $2.90 each while the price of books rose to $11 each. The price change:

选项:[left her exactly as well off  as before., had the same effect as a $3 increase in her income., made her worse offu000b, left her at least as well off  as before and possibly helped her.]
[单选题]If the bundle x is revealed (directly or indirectly) as preferred to the bundle y and x ¹ y, then it is never the case that the y is revealed (directly or indirectly) as preferred to x; so the necessary and sufficient condition for well-behaved preference is (   )

选项:[Strong Axiom of Revealed Preference, indirectly preferred, convexity and monotonicity, Revovering indifference curve]
[判断题]Revealed preference analysis tests the behavioral hypothesis that a consumer chooses the most preferred bundle from those available.

Discover the consumer's preference relation.

选项:[对, 错]

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