第一章 Ethnic Identity 种族认同:第一单元主题是民族身份。讲课视频从中国56个民族团结和谐和少数民族享有区域自治导入,学习阅读的分类技巧,识别语言、服饰和食物等民族界限标识,请学员思考中国的文化特征。同时,学习四个词根not = to mark (标示)、vers, vert = to turn(转向;改变)、spond, spons = to promise (约定)、scend = to climb (登;爬)的构词用法和单元主题表达,学习从一致、连贯和多样等角度如何写作有效的英文句子,学习用英语谈论中国的春节、元宵、清明、端午、七夕、中秋和重阳等七个传统节日的习俗。1.1Reading: Ethnic Boundary Markers 阅读:种族界限标识:讲解文章:种族界限标识。
1.2Expressions: Thematic Phrase and Roots 表达:主题短语和词根:介绍与本单元主题相关的主题短语和词根。
1.3Writing: Effective Sentences 写作:有效的句子:在写作中如何写出有效的句子。
1.4Culture: Chinese Traditional Festivals 文化:中国传统节日:用英文介绍中国节日。

Decide true or false: 

Is the following sentence effective or not?  Having played football for three hours, his homework was not finished.  

选项:[对, 错]
[单选题]Decide true or false: Culture traits remain the most important, diverse, and complex category of ethnic boundary markers.

选项:[对, 错]
[单选题]Which festival is held on the first full moon of the lunar year? 

选项:[The Lantern Festival  , The Qingming Festival , The Tomb-Sweeping Festival, The Dragon Boat Festival ]
[单选题]The desire for peace          political differences.

选项:[ascended , condescended , descended, transcended]
[单选题]Decide true or false: Every ethnic group has a way of determining or expressing membership.

选项:[对, 错]
[单选题]A flashing yellow light         caution.

选项:[notions , notices , notes  , denotes ]
[单选题]Decide true or false: Effective sentences have some or all of the following qualities: unity, coherence, variety, conciseness and emphasis. 

选项:[错, 对]
[单选题]At Double Ninth Festival, what do people usually do?

选项:[They get together to tell stories., They watch lanterns., They pay respect to old people., They visit their relatives. ]
[单选题]Decide true or false: At the Tomb-Sweeping Festival, people go to the graves in memory of Qu Yuan.

选项:[错, 对]
[单选题]Are you extroverted or        ?

选项:[reversed  , introverted , reverse, introvert ]

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