第四章 Composite Solid and Axonometric Projection:Composite solids, like all mechanical parts, are composed of some basic solids, such as columns, cones tapers, spheres and bodies of revolution. In this chapter it is mainly concerned for making, reading and dimensioning of drawing of composite solids which are important contents of this course.4.1Three Views of Composite Solid:This part we talk about three views of composite solid, comfiguration of composite solid and selection of main view
4.2Shape Analysis of Composite Solids:One method of drawing, reading and dimensioning a composite solid is break the object down into several basic geometric solids,then analysis of the shape of all basic solids, and their relative position relationship,which is called shape analysis.
4.3Drawing Methods and Procedure:This part we talk about drawing methods and procedure,include the shape anaylsis, selection of the front view,selection of the scale and the size of drafting paper.
4.4Basic Knowledge of Axonometric Projection:An axonometric projection is one in which the object is viewed in such a position that several faces a ppear in a single view. Axonomtric drawing are excellent for showing the third dimension of objects,but it is difficult to draw and being transmuted.
4.5Isometric Projection of Composite:This part we talk about the formation of isometric projection, To produce an isometric projection, it is necessary to view an object such that its principal edges are equally inclined to the viewer and hence are foreshortened equally.
4.6Isometric Projection of Composite with Curves:This part we talk about the isometric projection of composite with curves.
4.7Outline of Reading:This part we talk about the outline of reading, include the understanding the meaning of individual line and closed loop,reading several views simultaneously and characteristics of shape and position.
4.8Methods of Reading:In this part we talk about methods of reading,normally we have two methods of reading, first shape analysismethod, second analysis of lines and planes.
4.9Basic Rules for Dimensioning:In this part we talk about basic rules for dimensioning, and we learn the following contents: four elements of dimension, the techniques of dimensioning , dimension of circular shapes, dimension of angular shapes, dimensioning in limited space and three types of dimension.
4.10Dimension of Composite Solids:In this part we talk about dimensioning of basic solids, cutting solids, plates and composite solids.
4.11Clarity of Dimension Arrangement:Clarity of dimension arrangement: the arrangement of the dimensions should be clear and clean.

Select the correct left view  (    )


选项:[d, b, a, c]
[判断题]is the dashed line necessary in isometric projection?

选项:[对, 错]
[判断题]longer dimension should be outside of short ones.

选项:[对, 错]
[判断题]The overall length is necessary for a round end plate.

选项:[对, 错]
[单选题]What are the regulations of three views? main view and left view :        ;  main view and top view:          ;  top and left view:          .

选项:[same length; same height; same width, same height; same witdh; same length, same height; same length; same width, same width; same length; same height]
[单选题]select the correct view.


选项:[a, d, b, c]
[判断题]The three types of dimension include shape dimension, location dimension and overall dimension

选项:[对, 错]

Select the correct top view  (    )


选项:[d, a, b, c]

Select the correct top view  (    )


选项:[c, a
, d, b]
[单选题]How much is the axes angle of isometric projection

选项:[90°, 125°, 60°, 120°]

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