1. 英语的音节分为重读音节、次重读音节和轻读音节三种。( )

  2. 答案:对
  3. name,bike,make三个单词为相对开音节。( )

  4. 答案:对
  5. The fast trains are operated by advanced technological communication systems to ensure passengers’ safety.译为:高速列车运用技术先进的通信系统,确保乘客的旅行安全。( )

  6. 答案:对
  7. The northernmost railway station in China is Mohe Railway Station in Heilongjiang Province.( )

  8. 答案:对
  9. Place your luggage on the conveyor belt for security check,please.译为:请把您的行李放在传送带上进行安全检查。( )

  10. 答案:对
  11. Entry-exit formalities shall be stopped 20 minutes before train departs. 本句话的意思是开车前20分钟停止办理出入境手续。 ( )

  12. 答案:对
  13. Students are entitled to have 25%off.翻译为:学生(享有)2.5折优惠。( )

  14. 答案:错
  15. 下面表达中,表示“失物招领处”的有哪些( )?

  16. 答案:lost and found###lost property office###lost and found office
  17. -Could you pass the bag, please?-( )

  18. 答案:Here you go.###Here it is.###Sure. Here you are.
  19. But you have to pay 5 percent of the ticket's price as refund service charge.翻译为但是您需要支付票款的 5% 作为服务费。( )

  20. 答案:对
  21. 下面词语中,表示“洗手间”的有哪些( )?

  22. 答案:toilet###restroom###bathroom###washroom
  23. 英译汉:You throw a peach to me,I give you a white jade for friendship.“投我以木桃,报之以琼瑶”( )
  24. If it is an intermediate station, there is only 10-15 minutes for check-in.( )
  25. - I have just missed the train to Shanghai. Can I change my ticket now?( )-( )-The next one to my destination. How much should I pay?-( )
  26. They are sensitive enough to detect any tiny amount of smoke. 中文翻译:他们十分敏感去检测任何一点烟雾。( )
  27. -Excuse me. Can I get the refund here? ( )-( )- Here you are. How much do I have to pay?-( )
  28. There ( ) in the toilet.
  29. “您要买什么时候的票?”的服务英语表达有( )
  30. After you get on the train you should find your ( ) and put your ( ) away.( )
  31. In order to suit the need of every passenger, China high-speed trains equipped with different kinds of seat including ( ).
  32. -I think I made a mistake. I got my destination wrong. May I change it now?( )-( )-Here you are.-( )-Beijing, please.
  33. Tickets can be( )free of charge at any working train station
  34. Currently, both E-tickets and paper tickets are ( ) sale.
  35. G trains are ( ) high-speed trains with a maximum speed of 350 kph.
  36. -Excuse me, shall I ( ) to the first class? The legroom in the second class is so narrow that I can't stretch my legs.-You have to pay the extra fare.
  37. The country now has the world’s longest ( ) line, between Beijing and Guangzhou.
  38. Railway E-ticket is a voucher of railway passenger transport contract in( )form.
  39. 乘客证件号( )
  40. Please( )train tickets from channels offered by railway operation company or its sales agency.
  41. The( )website of China Railway Customer Service Centre is www.12306.cn.
  42. Scan my OR code, you can friend me. 中“friend”指的是( ).
  43. For the operation of Fuxing trains, the travel time between Beijing and Shanghai is ( ) to 4 hours and 18 minutes
  44. Under the Chinese pinyin of the arrival station name, there are ( ) number, seat number and the class.
  45. 我可以整理下你的小桌板吗?( )
  46. Passengers could come into the waiting room six hours before the departing time。翻译为旅客可在开车前6小时登车。( )
  47. 标识语Luggage Service的意思是行李寄存处。( )
  48. Smoking is prohibited in any section of the train. 中文翻译:吸烟在列车个别区域是被禁止的。( )
  49. “Meeting for the First Time”第一次见面的话题一般包括四部分,分别是:Greetings(问候)Personal information exchange (个人信息交流)Small talk (寒暄)Leave-taking(告别)( )
  50. 一般来说,在句子中需要重读的词都是实词,含名词、动词、形容词、副词、数词、代词,不重读的多为虚词,含冠词、连词、介词、感叹词。( )
  51. High-speed trains are equipped with both ( ) and ( ) toilets.( )
  52. There is free special care for the ( ) and sick in the departure station.
  53. Could passengers have their phone charged on high speed train? 翻译为旅客是否可以在高速列车上给手机充电?( )
  54. 当要求乘客不要携带某物品时,我们可以说?( )
  55. You could press the buttons at the inner of the right armrest to adjust the chair to ( ), ( ), and also the ( ).( )
  56. be动词及助动词和not结合时不需要重读。( )
  57. You can drop ( ) into the kitchen waste dustbin.
  58. 对于我们Small talks寒暄的话题可以有:( )
  59. --How big is it?--( )
  60. Formal greetings正式问候语包括:( )
  61. Excuse me, can I ( ) my luggage at the station?
  62. When I get the train ticket that could be blue or red, I’ll carefully read the important information ( ) the ticket.
  63. I am so excited about it.Did you do your homework?这两句重读的单词有:( )
  64. What does “broadcast live” mean in Chinese?( )
  65. Basically, no refund service fee is ( )if the ticket is refunded more than 8 days (including) before the departure date .
  66. 安全须知( )
  67. 八纵八横的英文是( )
  68. Where can I connect to Shanghai-Kunming HSR trains?You have plenty of time. You can exit first, then ( ) .
  69. Enter your trip information on the official China railway ( ) to see what food options are available.
  70. China’s high-speed rail network ( )
  71. After the train has departed, passenger can still get the ticket endorsed to another train scheduled to ( ) on the same date.
  72. 48音素分为元音和辅音,其中元音分为单元音和双元音,辅音有爆破音、摩擦音、破擦音、鼻辅音、舌侧音、半元音。( )
  73. CRH trains are scheduled more frequently than normal ones。译为:高铁列车的发车频率比普速列车低、车次也少一些。( )
  74. Platform tickets are not available for CRH trains。 本句的意思是高铁列车不售站台票。( )
  75. transfer 有中转、换乘的意思( )
  76. The carriages are much better equipped than the old-generation carriages, and can rival airplanes.译为:尽管高铁车票可能比普通列车的车票要稍微多花点钱,但比飞机还是便宜得多。( )
  77. For instance, the duration from Beijing to Shanghai has been shortened from 15 hours to about 5 hours. 译为: 例如, 从北京到上海的火车车程已经从普速列车的连续15个小时缩短到5小时。( )
  78. And how much time can I save by taking this train compared with regular ones?与普通火车相比,乘坐高铁能节省多少时间? ( )
  79. 音素是音的最小单位,英语中有48个音素,分为20个元音音素和28个辅音音素。( )
  80. I‘m sorry to tell you that flammable items can not be taken with you on the train.中文翻译:我很抱歉告诉你,易燃物不能随身带上火车。( )
  81. Passengers traveling with large suitcases can place them in the closets at the connection between two carriages.携带大件行李的旅客可以将它们放在车厢最后一排。( )
  82. Didn't I tell you yesterday? 句中的didn't要重读以突出反义疑问。( )
  83. 音节分为重读音节,次重读音节和轻读音节。 ( )
  84. 音节是由元音或者元音和辅音一起构成的发音单位,是读音的基本单位。( )
  85. You can also put your baggage under the table or on the lower berths. 你也可以把你的行李放在下铺的桌子下面。( )
  86. Asking for directions的不同表达方式有( )?
  87. Ensure the safe boarding and getting off of the passengers.翻译为确保上下车乘客的安全。( )
  88. -Thank you!-( )
  89. Each carriage has the train number and carriage number on it, and you should find your carriage according to the number on your ticket. 中文翻译( )
  90. It is ( ) to take a taxi to another station as it saves time and you won't go to the wrong way by mistake.
  91. ( ) get you some water?
  92. I will be driving to the market to buy something to eat.重读的词有:( )
  93. For the business class seat, the front of the armrest has a ( ) and ( ).( )
  94. There are several ways to collect your ticket. ( )
  95. ( ) are shown outside the train.
  96. -Would you like some hot water?-( )不需要帮助.
  97. “我能为您效劳吗?我能为您做些什么?”的服务英语表达有?( )
  98. --Excuse me,( )--It's ten to twelve.
  99. 以下表示要购票的意图的是?( )
  100. 当行李检查结束时,我们可以对乘客说( )
  101. -Would you like some hot water?-( )需要帮助.
  102. Passengers who have registered on 12306.cn and completed facial ( ) verification through mobile APP can also change the destination on the website for their own tickets.
  103. The security check is ( ) your safe. Be cooperative, please.
  104. The railway department reminds passengers that endorsement can only be handled when there is enough ( ).
  105. Hexie Hao is known as the CRH series, which are ( ) by Chinese company without foreign technology.
  106. The station names are the largest characters printed in( )on the ticket.
  107. High-speed trains are ( ) as G, D, and C trains.
  108. I'm going to ( ) the problem right away.
  109. Basically, train tickets can be categorized as E-tickets and ( )tickets.
  110. It is worth( )that lines to collect tickets and for security check in the train station can be long, especially at peak travel times.
  111. 列车长( )
  112. This train has 8 carriages, the dining car is in ( ) carriage.
  113. 请把您的包放在传送带上。( )
  114. Shaking hands is another form ( )greeting.
  115. For railway lines where commuter cards can be used, passengers can apply( )the card at the card selling outlets
  116. The railway department ( ) passengers that endorsement can only be handled when there is enough capacity.
  117. If there are tickets available, passengers can ( ) their destination through 12306.cn or at a designated ticket window .
  118. 候车大厅( )
  119. The train will arrive at Lanzhou ( ) two o'clock.
  120. If you smoke on the high-speed trains, you will ( ) 500——2,000 Yuan.
  121. High-speed trains offer water ( ) at the end of each carriage.
  122. “您能帮我个忙吗?”的英语表达可以是:( )
  123. There are ticket office and waiting rooms only in some large railway stations.( )
  124. Please mind the gap between the train and the platform. 英翻译成:请注意火车和月台之间的间隙。( )
  125. Collect or shred the QR code,your name and ID number after using.( )
  126. Please double check tickets and change before leaving.这里的change是什么意思( )
  127. 同一句话的“音”所用语调不同,表达的意义会完全不同。( )
  128. 发/ɜː/ 音时,美国人的舌尖会向后向上稍稍卷起,而英国人则舌尖向下,微微向后缩回,不卷舌;发/ʌ/和/ə/ 音时,舌尖轻抵下齿,但是不卷舌。( )
  129. 12306 launched the waitlist function and face recognition was introduced for registration since December ( ).
  130. The weather is too hot. We'll open the air-conditioning. Please let us know if anybody doesn't feel well。应翻译为天气太热我们将打开冷气,如果哪位乘客觉得不舒服请告诉我们。( )
  131. 改签车票的英文意思为:( )
  132. Two young children may share one berth. 应翻译为:两个小孩可以共用一个卧铺。( )
  133. luggage专指外出旅行时所帝的 “物品”baggage是不论经重大小的“行李”的通称。( )
  134. 下面单词对应意思正确的是1.aisle seat2.backrest 3.accessible toilet4. emergency braking button5. dining car6 socket
  135. In( ) 2012. Beijing-Guangzhou high speed railway opened to traffic.
  136. 平调和降调通常表示表示“完结”与“肯定”常用在陈述句、特殊疑问句、带命令语气的祈使句,感叹句中。( )
  137. 多音节词应该在第三个音节上重读。( )
  138. I am suffering a heart trouble 表达的汉语意思是 ( )
  139. 进站广播会用到哪些词( )
  140. Please check your bag If there is no problem with it, please sign here.请托运一下您的行李,如果没有问题,请您在这里签字,( )
  141. 长元音和双元音读的饱满,句子就会很响亮。( )
  142. If you are late for the train and want to endorse your ticket,you should pay the ( )
  143. Free Luggage for an adult is ()KG ,a child ()kilograms and a diplomatic personnel ()kg. ( )
  144. c在e前或在i/y前发[s]. 其他情况下发[k] ( )
  145. Your luggage is too big,the total of its length,width and height should not exceeds ( )cm.
  146. 高铁列车车厢内禁止吸烟,普通列车全程禁止吸烟。( )
  147. She nursed her daughter back to health 表达的汉语意思是 ( )
  148. 动车组列车multiple unit train EMU=Electric Multiple Units 电力动车组( )
  149. The whole system will be fully operational by December 2023. 应翻译为:整个系统到2023年12月将可全面投入使用。( )
  150. 请选出黑体部分发音不同的词( )
  151. Do not lean against the door or obstruct the doors, please. 应翻译为请不要倚在车门上( )
  152. 后元音一共有5个,分别是/ɑ:/ /ɒ/ /ɔ://ʊ/ /u:/( )
  153. “退票服务”的英语表达是 ( )
  154. economy-class seat/second-class seat 表示“二等座”的意思。( )
  155. 选择所给单词正确的读音( ) leave
  156. 发音时舌位最高点都在舌中部的单元音叫作中元音。中元音有3个,分别是/ʌ/、/ə/ 、/з:/( )
  157. 选择所给单词正确的读音diligent ( )
  158. 选择所给单词正确的读音interesting( )
  159. 选择所给单词正确的读音( )hospital
  160. 选择所给单词正确的读音familiar( )
  161. obviously读成/ˈɒbviəsli/ ( )
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