Which of the following valves is an essential part of reciprocating pumps? 下列哪种阀门是容积泵的重要组成部分之一?( )
答案:Check valve 逆止阀
Increasing the total power of a centrifugal pump will most likely cause the developed head to _____. 增大离心泵的总功率最有可能导致泵压头_____. ( )Which of the following devices needs priming? 下列哪种设备在使用前须灌泵 ( )Which of the following correctly lists gas-moving devices in ascending order in terms of their power (in general)? 以下哪个选项是按由小到大的顺序将气体输送设备的功率范围加以排列的?( )We normally prefer gas compression to be _____, so that it can be done more easily. 从简易可操作性出发,我们通常希望希望气体压缩过程是_____。( )Which of the following statements about flow meters is FALSE? 以下关于流量计的哪种说法是错误的? ( )

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