In the evaporation operation, increased boiling point of the solution is related to________. 在蒸发操作中,溶液的沸点升高,_______。 ( )
答案:The solution type, concentration, and pressure与溶液类别、浓度及压强都有关
Generally speaking, the main way to reduce the evaporator heat transfer surface area is to_______. 一般来说,减少蒸发器传热表面积的主要途径是_______。( )The vapor from a solution in an evaporation operation, often called________. 蒸发操作中,从溶液中汽化出来的蒸汽,常称为_______。( )The main causes of temperature difference loss in evaporation operation are _____. 蒸发操作中,造成温度差损失的主要原因有______。( )If the heat transfer surface area of the single-effect evaporator is equal to the heat transfer surface area of the single-effect evaporator, and the same amount of water is evaporated, the productivity of the multi-effect is N times that of the single-effect. 若单效蒸发器的传热表面积与多效中单台的传热表面积相等,对蒸发同样多的水分,则多效的生产强度为单效的n倍。( )

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