1. When the heat transfer Q and total heat transfer coefficient K of the heat exchanger are constant, the counter current operation is adopted, and the required heat transfer area of the heat exchanger is small. 当换热器的传热量Q及总传热系数K一定时,采用逆流操作,所需的换热器传热面积较小。( )

  2. 答案:对
  3. Heat transfer rate refers to the amount of heat that passes through a unit heat transfer area per unit time. 传热速率是指在单位时间内通过单位传热面积的热量。( )

  4. 答案:对
  5. For solid particles to be separated from the fluid in the settler, the time required for the particles to settle must be greater than the residence time of the particles in the settler. 要使固体颗粒在沉降器内从流体中分离出来,颗粒沉降所需要的时间必须大于颗粒在器内的停留时间。( )

  6. 答案:错
  7. There are two typical filtration modes: constant-pressure filtration and constant-velocity filtration. 过滤操作有恒压过滤和恒速过滤两种典型方式。( )

  8. 答案:对
  9. In a shell-and-tube heat exchanger with a baffle, the relative flow directions of the two fluids are cross-flow. 在带有折流挡板的管壳式换热器中,两流体的相对流向为错流。( )

  10. 答案:错
  11. Fourier's law is the basic law to describe thermal convection. 傅立叶定律为描述热对流的基本定律。( )

  12. 答案:错
  13. Gravitational settling velocity is constant, but centrifugal settling velocity is not. 重力沉降速度是定值,然而离心沉降速度不是。( )

  14. 答案:对
  15. The working point of the centrifugal pump is the intersection of the characteristic curve of the pump H-Q and the characteristic curve of the pipeline He-Qe. 离心泵的工作点是泵的特性曲线H-Q与其所在的管路特性曲线He-Qe的交点。 ( )

  16. 答案:对
  17. Viscosity of a fluid decreases with temperature. 流体的粘度随温度上升而下降。( )

  18. 答案:错
  19. The productivity of evaporator refers to the water component evaporated per unit heat transfer area per unit time; Capacity of evaporator refers to the amount of water evaporated per unit time. 蒸发器的生产强度是指单位传热面积上单位时间内所蒸发的水分量;蒸发器的生产能力是指单位时间内蒸发的水分量。( )

  20. 答案:对
  21. Which unit operation belongs to momentum transfer?哪个单元操作属于动量传递?( )

  22. 答案:Transportation of fluids 流体输送###Filtration 过滤
  23. Methods of regulating reciprocating pump flow include _____. 往复泵的流量调节方法包括_____.  ( )
  24. The energy loss in the centrifugal pump includes_____. 离心泵内能量损失包括_____. ( )
  25. Which of the following expressions are NOT right? 以下说法是错误的?( )
  26. Vacuum gauges can be used to measure the absolute pressure that is (   ) . 真空表可以用于测量什么范围的绝对压强?( )
  27. Spherical particle settling by gravity in a stationary fluid should make________. 球形颗粒在静止流体中作重力沉降,经历______阶段。( )
  28. When discussing the separation performance of cyclone separators, the critical particle size refers to______. 讨论旋风分离器分离性能时,临界粒径这一术语是指_____。( )
  29. The boiling point is ______the solution in the evaporation chamber. 蒸发室内溶液的沸点______二次蒸汽的温度。( )
  30. Two kinds of particles with the particle size of 16 μm and 8 μm settle in the same cyclone separator and settle in the stagnant flow area, then the ratio of centrifugal settling velocity of the two kinds of particles is_____. 粒径分别为16 微米和8微米 的两种颗粒在同一旋风分离器中沉降,沉降在滞流区,则两种颗粒的离心沉降速度之比为_____。( )
  31. The driving force for Filteration is generally referred to_______.过滤推动力一般是指_______。 ( )
  32. In fluid mechanics, the continuity equation is obtained from _____, and must be satisfied by _____. 流体力学中的连续性方程可由_____原理推导出,且须为_____所遵循。( )
  33. Reciprocating pump for _____. 往复泵适用于_____. ( )
  34. The working point of the centrifugal pump is _____. 离心泵的工作点是指_____. ( )
  35. As shown in the figure below, under normal pressure, the vertical distance z between the tank surface filled with 100 ° С water and the pump inlet is _____. It is known that the allowable vacuum of the pump [Hs] = 5 m, and the resistance loss of the suction line is 2 mH2O. 如下图所示,常压下,内盛100 ºС水的槽面距泵入口垂直距离z为_____。已知泵允许吸上真空度[Hs]=5 m,吸入管线阻力损失2 m H2O。( )
  36. The purpose of using multi-effect evaporation is to improve_________. 采用多效蒸发的目的是为了提高_________。( )
  37. Pressure calculated based on absolute zero pressure is called . 以绝对零压作为起点计算的压强,称为 。( )
  38. The relationship between the shaft power N and volumetric flow rate Q of a centrifugal pump is (    ). 离心泵的轴功率N与流量Q的关系为(  ). ( )
  39. Fanning friction factor is ratio of _____. 范宁摩擦因数是_____之比。( )
  40. In the liquid-solid separation process, the temperature of the liquid must be ______ to increase the sedimentation velocity 在液固分离过程,为了增大沉降速度,必须使液体的温度_______。( )
  41. Which of the following statements on head losses is FALSE? 下列哪种关于压头损失的说法是错误的。( )
  42. The head of a centrifugal pump is _____. 离心泵的扬程是指_____. ( )
  43. The pump efficiency η characterizes the fraction of energy being transferred to the liquid. For a centrifugal pump, dependence of η on the volumetric flow rate Q is _____. 泵效率反映了被分配给液体的能量占比,离心泵的效率η与流量Q的关系为_____. ( )
  44. For a centrifugal pump, if the fluid density is increased by 1.2 times, then at the same flow rate, the head increases by _____ times, the power increases by _____ times. _对某一离心泵,若输送的流体密度增大1.2倍,则在相同流量下,扬程增大倍数为 ____倍,功率增大倍数为__ __倍。( )
  45. In the constant pressure filtration, the filter cake is incompressible and the medium resistance can be ignored. If the operating pressure difference increases by 1 times, the filtration rate increased to______. 恒压过滤时, 如滤饼不可压缩,介质阻力可忽略,当操作压差增加1倍,则过滤速率为原来的_______。( )
  46. The particle size of a certain particle settles in the dust-settling chamber. If the height of the chamber doubles, its productivity will be_______. 某粒径的颗粒在降尘室中沉降,若降尘室的高度增加一倍,则该降尘室的生产强度将_______。( )。
  47. The unit of thermal conductivity coefficient is , the unit of convective heat transfer coefficient is , and the unit of total heat transfer coefficient is . 导热系数的单位为 ,对流传热系数的单位为 ,总传热系数的单位为 。(A) (C) ( )
  48. The main way to improve the productivity of evaporator is to increase_______. 提高蒸发器生产强度的主要途径是增大_______。( )
  49. In the evaporation operation, if the solution is boiled and evaporated under________, the boiling point of the solution can be reduced and the effective temperature difference of the evaporator can be increased. 在蒸发操作中,若使溶液在_______下沸腾蒸发,可降低溶液沸点而增大蒸发器的有效温度差。( )
  50. The vapor from a solution in an evaporation operation, often called________. 蒸发操作中,从溶液中汽化出来的蒸汽,常称为_______。( )
  51. If the heat transfer surface area of the single-effect evaporator is equal to the heat transfer surface area of the single-effect evaporator, and the same amount of water is evaporated, the productivity of the multi-effect is N times that of the single-effect. 若单效蒸发器的传热表面积与多效中单台的传热表面积相等,对蒸发同样多的水分,则多效的生产强度为单效的n倍。( )
  52. The main causes of temperature difference loss in evaporation operation are _____. 蒸发操作中,造成温度差损失的主要原因有______。( )
  53. In the evaporation operation, increased boiling point of the solution is related to________. 在蒸发操作中,溶液的沸点升高,_______。 ( )
  54. Generally speaking, the main way to reduce the evaporator heat transfer surface area is to_______. 一般来说,减少蒸发器传热表面积的主要途径是_______。( )
  55. The maximum particle diameter that can be completely separated by cyclone separator is called the critical particle diameter. 通过旋风分离器能够完全分离出来的最大颗粒直径,称临界颗粒直径。( )
  56. In dust-settling chamber, the settling velocity of dust is NOT related to_____. 在降尘室中,尘粒的沉降速度与_______无关。( )
  57. The free settling velocity of a small steel ball with a density of 7800 kg/m in a liquid with a relative density of 1.2 is 1/4000 of that in water at 20℃, then the viscosity of the solution is____ (let the settling area be laminar flow). 一密度为7800 kg/m 的小钢球在相对密度为1.2的某液体中的自由沉降速度为在20℃水中沉降速度的1/4000,则此溶液的粘度为______(设沉降区为层流)。( )
  58. Characteristics of dust-settling chamber are_____. 降尘室的特点是______。( )
  59. The productivity of dust-settling chamber depends on_____. 降尘室的生产强度取决于_______。( )
  60. Whenever there is a temperature difference, heat must be transferred from the high temperature to the low temperature. 凡是有温度差存在时,热就必然从高温处传递到低温处。( )
  61. The main purpose of setting baffle in shell of shell heat exchanger is to increase the convective heat transfer coefficient. 在管壳式换热器的壳程设置折流挡板主要目的是为了增加壳程的对流传热系数。( )
  62. The correct description of radiative heat transfer is . 关于辐射传热的描述,正确的是。( )
  63. In the one-dimensional steady-state heat conduction process of the cylinder wall, which one in the following statement is true?在圆筒壁的一维稳态热传导过程中,下列说法正确的是. ( )
  64. The cold and hot fluids are counter-current heat exchangers in the casing heat exchangers. The inlet and outlet temperatures of hot fluid are 100℃ and 60℃, and the inlet and outlet temperatures of cold fluid are 20℃ and 50℃, then the average heat transfer temperature difference is. 冷、热流体在套管换热器内进行逆流换热。热流体的进、出口温度为100℃何60℃,冷流体的进出口温度为20℃和50℃,则平均传热温差为。( )
  65. We normally prefer gas compression to be _____, so that it can be done more easily. 从简易可操作性出发,我们通常希望希望气体压缩过程是_____。( )
  66. Increasing the total power of a centrifugal pump will most likely cause the developed head to _____. 增大离心泵的总功率最有可能导致泵压头_____. ( )
  67. Which of the following devices needs priming? 下列哪种设备在使用前须灌泵 ( )
  68. Which of the following statements about flow meters is FALSE? 以下关于流量计的哪种说法是错误的? ( )
  69. Which of the following valves is an essential part of reciprocating pumps? 下列哪种阀门是容积泵的重要组成部分之一?( )
  70. Which of the following correctly lists gas-moving devices in ascending order in terms of their power (in general)? 以下哪个选项是按由小到大的顺序将气体输送设备的功率范围加以排列的?( )
  71. A liquid flow is first divided into three separate pipe flows and later they merge into a single stream again. In this process, the total head loss is _____. 某股液流先分为三股,随后又汇为一股。在此过程中,总压头损失为_____. ( )
  72. A liquid flows from a pipe of diameter into a pipe of diameter . The minor loss coefficient is _____. 某液体从直径为D的管道流入直径为2D的管道,其局部阻力系数K是 _____. ( )
  73. In a Hagen-Poiseuille flow, i.e. laminar pressure-driven flow in a circular pipe, if the pressure drop is doubled, the average and maximum velocities will _____. 在哈根-泊谡叶流中,当压降变为原来的两倍时,流体的平均和最大速度会_____。( )
  74. A fluid flow may be laminar, turbulent or transitional, depending on its _____. 流体流动究竟是层流、过渡流还是湍流,取决于_____。( )
  75. Boundary layer occurs in _____. 边界层存在于_____。( )
  76. The continuum hypothesis of fluid mechanics assumes that fluid can be _____. 流体力学的连续性假设是说,流体可以_____。( )
  77. To solve for the velocity distribution of a viscous flow, we should use _____. 对于黏性流体,欲求得其速度分布,应该采用_____。( )
  78. The reading of the vacuum gauge indicates the quantity that the absolute pressure of the measured fluid is lower than the atmospheric pressure, which is called. 真空表上的读数表示被测流体的绝对压强低于绝对压强的读数,称为.( )。
  79. When the absolute pressure of the measured fluid is greater than the external atmospheric pressure, the pressure gauges used are called. 当被测流体的绝对压强大于外界大气压强时,所用的测压仪表称为。( )
  80. 18660 Pa equals to _________mmHg? 18660Pa等于多少mmHg? ( )
  81. Gas is a compressible fluid. 气体是一种可压缩性的流体。( )
  82. Pressure can be expressed by absolute pressure, gauge pressure and vacuum gauge, if the reading of vacuum gauge in the equipment is 100 mmHg, try to calculate the absolute pressure. Given that the atmospheric pressure in this area is 740mmHg, then what is the absolute pressure?压强可以表示为绝对压强、表压和真空度,某设备真空表的读数是100 mmHg ,假设当地大气压为740 mmHg,那它的绝对压强是多少?( )
  83. As we all know, "three transfers" is a very important concept, which includes momentum, heat, and mass transfer, now  judge which following unit operation belongs to momentum transfer? 总所周知,三传是非常重要的概念,它包括动量、热量和质量传递,请判断哪个单元操作属于动量传递?( )
  84. Which unit operation belongs to heat transfer? 哪个单元操作属于热量传递?( )
  85. Some unit operations just include 1 transfer, however others maybe include 2 or 3 transfers at the same time, please indicate the  unit operation below that exists mass  and heat transfers meanwhile?一些单元操作只存在一种传递,有些则同时存在2到3种单元操作,请指出下面哪个单元操作既属于质量传递同时也属于热量传递?( )
  86. Please judge which following unit operation belongs to mass transfer? 请判断哪个单元操作属于质量传递? ( )
  87. The unit operation of separation of gas mixture based on the difference of components’solubility is . 利用气体各组分在液体中的溶解度的不同而实现气体分离的单元操作是。( )
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