1. 水霉病属(              )。

  2. 答案:真菌病
  3. 下列寄生虫属于蠕虫的是( )。

  4. 答案:指环虫
  5. 已发生原发性感染的个体再次遭到同种病原的侵袭称为继发性感染。

  6. 答案:错
  7. 草鱼出血病的病原属于( )。

  8. 答案:呼肠孤病毒科呼肠孤病毒科
  9. 下列哪种疾病属于病毒性疾病(           )。

  10. 答案:鲤痘疮病
  11. 真菌是一类具有细胞壁的单细胞或多细胞的真核生物。(     )

  12. 答案:对
  13. 病鱼鳞片蓬松竖起,用手轻压鳞片,有液状物喷出且鳞片脱落者,为细菌性竖鳞病。(     )

  14. 答案:对
  15. 对于水产养殖动物来说,水体中的氧气越多越好。

  16. 答案:错
  17. 人工被动免疫是机体在接种疫苗等抗原后所获得的抵御相关疾病的能力。

  18. 答案:错
  19. 对虾养成期间最严重的疾病是( )。

  20. 答案:对虾白斑综合症病毒病
  21. 由原生动物、蠕虫类和甲壳类等动物性病原引起的疾病称为侵袭性疾病。

  22. 答案:对
  23. White spot syndrome virus(WSSV) is a rod-shaped, double-stranded and DNA virus. It is one of the major disease problems in shrimp culture around the world.

  24. 答案:对
  25. The skin disease caused by the Carp pox virus  is quite easy to recognize. Diseased fish have soft, pink, translucent, wart-like growths on their skin.
  26. The three main aquaculture groups including species recorded by FAO as cultured in 2012 except the mollusks .
  27. 草鱼出血病发病的最适宜温度范围(          )。
  28. 下列(            )一种疾病不属于细菌性疾病。
  29. 血清学反应是抗原与相应抗体在体外发生的特异性结合反应。
  30. 下列疾病不属于病毒性虾病的是( )。
  31. Fish species is the major abiotic vector involved in aquatic diseases transmission.
  32. 草鱼三病不包括( )。
  33. 对虾养成期间最严重的细菌性疾病是( )。
  34. Viruses are the principal pathogens that are negatively affecting aquaculture worldwide.
  35. The Top 3 Countries in Global Aquaculture Production in 2012a including the Japan.
  36. Grass carp reovirus(GCRV) belongs to Rhabdovirus (Bullet shaped).
  37. Aquatic animal virology started in the early 1960s using EM morphological data for crustacean viruses (Vago, 1966) and with the establishment of fish cell lines for the isolation of piscine viruses.
  38. Antibiotics are used to successfully rear terrestrial farm animals in intensive production systems are also used to prevent and control viral diseases in aquaculture.
  39. Spring viremia of carp (SVC) belong to the categoryⅠ(一类)in the List of animal diseases of Ministry of Agriculture(农业部一、二、三类疫病名录。
  40. The principles of the Baltimore classification are fundamental to an understanding of virus below except the    .
  41. OIE published standard protocols in the OIE Aquatic Manual (OIE, 2014) for detection and identification of pathogens on the OIE list of notifiable aquatic animal diseases in 2015 included eight fish viral diseases including bellows except the       .
  42. ()is the major abiotic vector involved in aquatic diseases transmission.
  43. OIE published standard protocols in the OIE Aquatic Manual (OIE, 2014) for detection and identification of pathogens on the OIE list of notifiable aquatic animal diseases in 2015 included six crustacean viral diseases including bellows except the        .
  44. () can induce beneficial effects in multiple ways for managing the microbiota in aquaculture systems.
  45. ( ) are the principal pathogens that are negatively affecting aquaculture worldwide.
  46. The three main aquaculture groups including species recorded by FAO as cultured in 2012 except the      .
  47. The Top 3 Countries in Global Aquaculture Production in 2012a except the      .
  48. Several strategies that are used to successfully rear terrestrial farm animals in intensive production systems are also used to prevent and control viral diseases in aquaculture, including strategies below except the     for increased resistance against diseases.
  49. Aquatic animal virology started in the early 1960s using     data for crustaceanviruses (Vago, 1966) and with the establishment of fish cell lines for the isolation of piscine viruses.
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