1. In the move of “establishing a niche”, you identify a gap or problem or deficiency in the current literature, and it will be the gap or problem or deficiency that your study will address. ( )
A:错 B:对
答案:"AI参考:正确答案是B:对。 在“建立自己的领域”这个过程中,你会识别当前文献中的空白、问题或不足之处,而你的研究将针对这些空白、问题或不足之处。因此,这个判断题是正确的。"
2. In reading literature and writing your paper, it’s not important for you to distinguish fact from opinion. ( )
A:对 B:错
3. ________ does not introduce any new ideas in academic essay. ( )
A:conclusion B:Content C:body D:introduction
答案:AI参考:正确答案是D: introduction。\n\n在学术论文中,introduction部分主要起到引出论文主题和内容的作用,不引入新的观点或想法。因此,D选项“introduction”是正确答案。其他选项中,conclusion用于总结论文的主要观点和结论,Content是论文的具体内容,body则是论文的主体部分,包含具体的论点和论证过程。这三个选项都无法满足题目要求。'
4. ________ is a concluding phrase. ( )
A:finally B:sure that C:obviously D:that means
5. What do we call the following language error? “More faculty members go to university by car now, the campus parking problem is getting worse.” ( )
A:Sentence fragment B:Stringy sentence C:Choppy sentence D:Run-on sentence
答案:AI参考:正确答案是D:Run-on sentence(续行不当句)。\n\n原文中存在连续逗号连接导致句子被分成两个部分,这种语法错误就是所谓的“Run-on sentence”(续行不当句)。选项D是正确答案。其他选项如Sentence fragment(句子残缺)、Stringy sentence(有连续词语的句子)和Choppy sentence(杂乱无章的句子)与原文描述不符。'
6. Narratives can be classified as ________ and ________. ( )
A:story and poem B:novel and novella C:fictional and non fictional D:novel and fiction
答案:AI参考:正确答案是D:novel and fiction。\n\n根据题干中的信息,叙述可以被分类为小说和非小说。选项中只有D选项novel和fiction符合题意,novel是小说的一种,fiction是虚构的文学作品的统称,因此答案为D。其他选项不符合题意。'
7. ________ is an act of stealing others’ ideas and works and passing them as one’s own. ( )
A:Honor Code B:Review of Literature C:Plagiarism D:Blind Peer Reviewing
8. ________ is an example for fictional narrative. ( )
A:news report B:folklore C:autobiography D:biography
9. In other genres of academic writing it is advisable to adopt a ________. ( )
A:second person B:first person C:fourth person D:third person
答案:AI参考:正确答案是D:third person。\n在学术写作的其他类型中,建议采用第三人称。这是因为第三人称可以提供客观、中立的视角,避免主观臆断和偏见,同时也可以更好地呈现事实和数据,使文章更具说服力。因此,选项D是正确答案。其他选项中,第二人称通常用于对话或直接对读者的交流,不适用于学术写作;第一人称和第四人称则更适合用于自我陈述或描述个人经历和观点,也不适用于学术写作。'
10. When you are writing an essay on a novel, the text of the novel is treated as ________ source. ( )
A:tertiary B:primary C:secondary D:second
答案:AI参考:当你写一篇关于小说的论文时,小说的文本被视为次要来源。因此,正确答案是C:secondary。其他选项的含义如下:A. tertiary(第三级的)通常用于指代教育、教学或科学中的等级体系;B. primary(主要的)通常用于描述事物的起源或基础;D. second(第二的)与问题无关。'
11. The most popular mode of documentation style in subjects under humanities is ________. ( )

12. Articles published in magazines, newspapers and websites are generally categorized as ________writing. ( )
A:Academic B:Thesis C:Non Academic D:Research 13. Academic essay usually contains ________ vocabulary. ( )
A:Non-Technical B:Slang C:Technical D:Simple 14. ________ is one of the crucial elements of proposals in professional as well as academic contexts. ( )
A:Definition B:Narration C:Description D:Persuasion 15. ________ is the mandatory final projects in certain academic programmes. ( )
A:Research B:Proposal C:Dissertation D:Hypothesis 16. ________ invites the attention of the reader. ( )
A:concluding paragraph B:introductory paragraph C:body paragraph D:content 17. Narrative approach to writing presents ________. ( )
A:Information B:Subject C:Story D:Definition 18. The major steps preceding the submission of an academic assignment are pre-writing, writing and ________. ( )
A:revising B:pre-reading C:reading D:analyzing 19. ________ is a way of explaining a word or phrase. ( )
A:statement B:description C:argument D:definition 20. Plagiarism is a/an ________. ( )
A:Offence B:Review C:Agreement D:Writing 21. ________ essay deals with causes, effects, both cause and effect and a phenomenon. ( )
A:argumentative B:descriptive C:compare and contrast D:cause and effect 22. Pre-writing means to ________. ( )
A:edit the essay B:draft the introductory paragraph C:understand the topic D:draft the concluding paragraph 23. To learn ________ you should possess basic skills to use writing for communication. ( )
A:Descriptive writing B:Writing C:Reading D:Academic writing 24.The APA style guidelines require us to provide the following basic information about the source in an in-text citation, including . ( )
A:the year of publication B:the last name of the author C:the page or paragraph number (for direct quotations only). D:the first name or initials 25.Using examples can make the statement more ______. ( )
A:convincing B:explicit C:concise D:logical 26.What are the principles in selecting examples? ( )
A:relevant B:sufficient C:specific D:interesting 27. An abstract of an academic paper may include the following information: ____. ( )
A:Research Background B:Conclusions C:Objectives D:Results E:Introduction F:Methods 28. Any serious enquiry can be referred to as ________. ( )
A:Essay B:Seminar C:Research D:Information 29. The purpose of a ________ is to present one idea. ( )
A:sentence B:word C:noun D:paragraph 30. Academic style involves following certain principles of ________writing. ( )
A:Argumentative B:Informal C:Formal D:Descriptive 31. ________ is typically structured in three types of paragraphs. ( )
A:novel B:academic essay C:non academic essay D:thesis 32. Argumentative writing is also called ________ writing. ( )
A:detailed B:persuasive C:descriptive D:analytical 33. When an academic paper is written for publication, it undergoes a process known as _____. ( )
A:Plagiarism B:Honor Code C:Blind Peer Reviewing D:Review of Literature 34. ________ is taken into consideration while selecting examples in an illustrative essay. ( )
A:teachers B:scholars C:source D:audience 35. ________is what you present to explain objectives, purpose, methodology and detailed plan of a project you are wishing to undertake. ( )
A:Research B:Case study C:Proposal D:Review 36.Any kind of writing that brings out a story, fictional or real, can be called ________. ( )
A:definition B:narrative C:analysis D:description 37. ________ is a rhetorical mode aimed at explaining something with examples. ( )
A:argumentative B:explanatory C:illustrative D:descriptive 38. An Abstract may include important supporting details of the paper. ( )
A:错 B:对 39. If we use parenthetical in-text citations, the author name and publication date are incorporated into the text as part of the sentence. ( )
A:错误 B:正确 40. “We moved to Beijing last year.” This sentence is a fact, and should not be used as a topic sentence. ( )
A:错误 B:正确 41. Opinions are statements of judgment, belief, or appraisal and opinions are subjective. ( )
A:错 B:对 42. In-text citation is the only way to acknowledge the source of the borrowed ideas in academic writing. ( )
A:对 B:错 43. When we write a summary, we should acknowledge the source by mentioning the author and the publication year. ( )
A:对 B:错 44. Introduction of an academic paper is usually organized to move from specific information to general information. ( )
A:对 B:错 45. CARS Model is a pattern for introduction writing in research papers. ( )
A:对 B:错

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