

  1. In APA style, an identifying term like Editorial is enclosed in brackets.

  2. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:正确答案是B:对。在APA style中,像“Editorial”这样的识别术语是被放在括号内的。'
  3. As its objective is to inform rather than entertain, an academic essay is characterized by objectivity and preciseness.

  4. A:错 B:对
  5. A combination of browsing and searching helps you recognize if your research topic is too broad and needs narrowing.

  6. A:对 B:错
  7. You must relate your work to the findings of other studies --- including previous studies you may have done and those of other investigators.

  8. A:对 B:错
  9. As with other data, sources must be given for all visual information.

  10. A:对 B:错
    答案:CBCT data;Intraoral surface dataAI参考:答案是B:错。根据句子意思和语法,这里表达的是必须像对待其他数据一样,为所有视觉信息提供来源。但是,最后的结论是错误的,因为并不是所有的视觉信息都需要有来源。有些视觉信息可能是基于想象或推测得出的,这种情况下不需要提供来源。因此,这个句子是不完整的,最后的判断也是错误的。'
  11. Plagiarism that occurs during the writing phase is usually the result of carelessness.

  12. A:错 B:对
    答案:正确AI参考:B. 对。在写作阶段发生的抄袭通常是因为粗心大意导致的。抄袭是一种不道德的行为,违反了学术诚信和知识产权法。因此,如果发生抄袭,应该立即采取措施纠正并承担相应的责任。'
  13. One of the most characteristic features of critical reading is to decide to what extent you are prepared to accept the author’s arguments, opinions or conclusions.

  14. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:B:对。正确答案是B,因为critical reading的核心特征之一就是决定你准备接受作者的观点、意见或结论的程度。这是一个很重要的阅读技巧,可以帮助读者更好地理解文章,评估其可信度,并做出自己的判断。'
  15. In APA style, a typical citation consists of the author’s last name and the year of publication.

  16. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:正确答案是A。在APA(American Psychological Association)引用格式中,一个典型的引用包括作者的姓氏和出版年份。'
  17. In MLA style, when an institution, a committee, or some other group is designated as the author, it is cited in the author position.

  18. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:B:对。在MLA(Modern Language Association)引用风格中,如果一个机构、委员会或其他团体被指定为作者,那么在引用时会在作者的位置上写出其全名。'
  19. There are two types of literature review: One is a self-contained literature review, and the other is only a part of a research paper.

  20. A:对 B:错

  21. We should offer the description of the data without an opening sentence which summarizes the findings derived from the data.

  22. A:对 B:错

  23. In a literature review, the author doesn’t need to organize and present the sources of previous studies in a logical way.

  24. A:对 B:错

  25. 23.The word plagiarism is derived from a Latin word for “kidnapper”.

  26. A:对 B:错

  27. In APA in-text citation, it usually consists of the name of the author(s) and the year of publication, and the page number is added when utilizing a direct quotation.

  28. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:A. 对。在APA的文中引用中,通常包括作者的名字和出版年份,如果引用了直接引用的内容,还需要加上页码。'
  29. In APA style, if an author is cited more than once in the same paragraph, the date is necessary only in the first citation.

  30. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:B. 对。在APA style(American Psychological Association格式)中,如果同一作者在同一段落中多次引用,只需要在第一次引用时注明日期。'
  31. If you want to explain a concept or an event, research from different sources can be synthesized to offer a well-rounded explanation.

  32. A:错 B:对

  33. Closed questions are easier to process, but open questions will collect a wide range of responses.

  34. A:错 B:对

  35. In APA style, if there is no DOI, we should give the full URL or the URL of the home page of the journal.

  36. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:A. 正确。在APA style中,如果没有DOI号,应该提供完整的URL或该期刊主页的URL。'
  37. In MLA style, a list of the sources used in a paper that serves as a general acknowledgment of indebtedness to each.

  38. A:对 B:错
  39. In MLA style, if you are likely to use a dissertation, add Diss.(not italicized or enclosed in quotation marks), the university, and the year after the title.

  40. A:对 B:错

  41. In paper MLA style, we should begin the citation of an anthology or any similar collection of pieces by various authors with the name of the editor.

  42. A:对 B:错
  43. Titles of figures are written above, while titles of tables are written below the data.

  44. A:错 B:对

  45. Discussion should be more than summaries and go beyond the results.

  46. A:错 B:对
  47. In Discussion section, the reiteration of a result is an interpretation.

  48. A:错 B:对

  49. We should organize the Discussion to address each of the experiments or studies for which you presented results.

  50. A:错 B:对

  51. The results section always begins with text, reporting the key results and referring to your figures and tables as you proceed.

  52. A:错 B:对

  53. A specialized collection of articles only applies to a single academic discipline, such as literary studies, psychology, or history.

  54. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:B. 对。根据问题描述,专项文章收集只适用于单一的学术领域,如文学研究、心理学或历史学。因此,答案为B,即“对”。'
  55. Critical thinking means not just passively accepting what you hear or read, but instead actively questioning and assessing it.

  56. A:错 B:对

  57. One case study may be the main subject of an essay, or several may be included to illustrate different situations.

  58. A:对 B:错

  59. Plagiarism is seen as a kind of theft, and is considered to be an academic crime.

  60. A:对 B:错

  61. In MLA in-text citation, if you use two or more works by the same author or editor, you must include _______ in your citation. Author and title are separated by ________.

  62. A:the keyword; a comma B:the keyword; a hyphen C:the title; a hyphen D:the title; a comma

  63. __________ is used to show location.

  64. A:Map B:Table C:Diagram D:Line graph E:Bar chart F:Pie chart
    AI参考:正确选项是A: Map。Map通常用于表示位置,而其他选项如Table、Diagram、Line graph、Bar chart、Pie chart等,虽然也常用于表示数据或信息,但它们并不专用于表示位置。因此,只有Map最符合题意。'
  65. __________ is used to show proportion.

  66. A:Line graph B:Table C:Bar chart D:Map E:Pie chart F:Diagram
    AI参考:正确选项是:E:Pie chartPie chart(饼图)是用来表示比例的图形,通常用于展示各个组成部分所占的比例。其他选项中,Line graph(线图)通常用于展示时间序列数据的变化趋势,Table(表格)用于展示数据列表,Bar chart(柱状图)用于展示数据的数量或大小,而Map(地图)则用于展示地理位置信息。因此,只有Pie chart(饼图)是专门用来表示比例的图形。'
  67. Which sentence pattern is used to “describe the methods” in an abstract?

  68. A:Results revealed significant gains in... B:...are extremely active areas of research because... C:...may provide basis for... D:A(n) ... approach is applied in order to demonstrate the main characteristics..
    AI参考:正确选项是C:...may provide basis for...。在摘要中,通常使用句子模式来描述方法,即说明某种方法可能为某种目的提供基础或依据。选项C中的“may provide basis for”符合这种描述方法的方式。而其他选项A、B、D分别描述了结果、研究领域和研究方法的应用,与摘要中描述方法的语境不符。因此,选项C是正确答案。'
  69. __________ is used to show statistical display.

  70. A:Table B:Diagram C:Map D:Pie chart E:Bar chart F:Line graph
    AI参考:正确选项是E:Bar chart,它是用来显示统计数据的图形表示方法。Bar chart是一种常见的统计图,通常用于展示数据的数量和类别,用条形图的形式表示,是最常见的图形化数据展示方式之一。它具有简洁明了、易于理解和视觉效果强的特点,因此被广泛用于展示统计数据。其他选项如Table(表格)、Diagram(示意图)、Map(地图)、Pie chart(饼图)和Line graph(线图)也常常用于数据展示,但它们并不专用于显示统计数据,而Bar chart是专门用于统计数据的图形表示方法。因此,根据题目的要求,正确选项是E:Bar chart。'
  71. Overall, Results deal with ______,and Discussion deals with _____;facts are ________, while points are _________.

  72. A:facts; points; descriptive; interpretive B:points; facts; interpretive; descriptive C:points; facts; descriptive; interpretive D:facts; points; interpretive; descriptive

  73. In APA in-text citation, the names of multiple authors are joined with _________ rather than _________ in parenthetical citations—but not in the body of the paper.

  74. A:an ampersand; the word “and” B:the word “and”; an ampersand C:the word “and”; a hyphen D:a hyphen; the word “and”
    AI参考:正确答案是:B:the word “and”; an ampersand。在APA的脚注中,作者的名字之间用“and”连接,而在括号中的引用中则用“&”连接,但是在正文中不用。因此,答案为B。'
  75. Which sentence pattern is used to “outline chief results or findings” in an abstract?

  76. A:Results revealed significant gains in... B:Further improvements are possible by... C:Experiments were carried out to explore... D:In this paper, it will be argued that...
    AI参考:选项A:Results revealed significant gains in...,即“在摘要中用来“概述主要结果或发现”的句型”。这个句子用一般过去时的陈述语气表达了一个实验或者研究的发现或结果,表示取得了一些重要的成果或者进步。这样的表述方式简洁明了,符合摘要中“概述主要结果或发现”的要求。而其他选项B、C、D都缺乏这种简洁明了的表达方式,不够清晰明了。所以答案是A。'
  77. Citation mainly occurs in_________________________.

  78. A:the introduction section, the methods section and the results section B:the introduction section, the discussion section and the results section C:the introduction section, the methods section and the discussion section D:the methods section, the discussion section and the results section

  79. Which sentence pattern is used to “introduce the problem” in an abstract?

  80. A:...may provide basis for... B:In this paper, it will be argued that... C:...are extremely active areas of research because... D:This paper illustrates this effect by...
    AI参考:正确选项是B:In this paper, it will be argued that...。在摘要中,通常使用句子模式“In this paper, it will be argued that...”来引入问题。这种模式表明文章将讨论某个问题,并对其进行阐述和论证。其他选项中,A选项可能为解决问题提供基础,但并未直接引入问题;C选项表明研究领域非常活跃,但没有明确引入问题;D选项通过此效应说明此论文,与引入问题无关。因此,B选项是最符合摘要中“介绍问题”的句子模式。'
  81. In MLA style, the entry of periodical publication appearing only on the web concludes with __________________________ .

  82. A:the medium of publication (Web) B:page numbers C:the title of the work D:date of access
    AI参考:正确选项是【D:date of access】。在MLA格式中,对于网络上只出现的期刊出版物,其引用格式通常包括出版物的媒介(Web)、标题(title of the work)和访问日期(date of access)。其中,媒介指的是出版物的来源,此处为网络;标题是出版物的名称或主要内容;访问日期则表明引用的具体时间。因此,选项D“date of access”是符合要求的正确选项。选项A和B在常规引用中通常不涉及,选项C虽然也是信息,但不符合MLA引用格式的要求。'
  83. A fact is a statement that can be shown to be true by_________ or_______.

  84. A:experiment B:personal feeling C:a judgement D:observation
    AI参考:正确选项为D:observation。fact是一个可以被观察到的事实,可以通过观察或实验来证明其真实性。其他选项中,personal feeling是个人的感受或感觉,不能作为事实的证明;a judgement是判断或判断力,不是用来证明事实的;而experiment则更多地用于科学实验和验证。因此,只有observation符合题意,能够证明事实的真实性。'
  85. When shaping our topic, we can begin with _________ about that subject.

  86. A:a general outline B:a provisional conjecture C:a general idea D:a broad subject area

  87. The pattern of opening sentences should include__________.

  88. A:procedures B:time phrase C:development D:topic

  89. Primary sources are documents, reports, recordings, or other sources of information that are created most probably through__________ and_________ .

  90. A:first-hand surveys B:investigations C:field studies D:experiments

  91. In a research log, you can jot down____________.

  92. A:possible topics B:reminders to yourself C:sources to consult D:questions to consider E:possible main points

  93. Discussion section should be______________.

  94. A:be more theoretical, or more abstract, or more general B:more integrated with the field C:more connected with implications or applications D:more connected to the real word
    AI参考:正确选项是 B: more integrated with the fieldDiscussion 部分应该更与领域(field)相融合,而不是更抽象、更理论、更一般、更与含义或应用相关联,或者更与现实世界相关联。讨论部分应该更注重与具体领域相结合,以便更好地解释和讨论相关问题,提供更具体、更有针对性的建议和解决方案。因此,选项 B 是最符合要求的选项。'
  95. As an Internet researcher, you should review the source of each site accessed and ______________of each document accessed.

  96. A:the relevance B:the completeness C:the timeliness D:the conciseness

  97. The most useful options of the advanced search are__________.

  98. A:author B:subject terms C:all text D:title E:abstract
    AI参考:正确选项是【BCE】。在高级搜索中,最有用的选项包括:主题词(subject terms)、全文(all text)、摘要(abstract)和标题(title)。这些选项可以帮助用户更精确地筛选和定位所需的信息。而作者(author)选项虽然也是一个重要的搜索选项,但在高级搜索中可能不是最常用的。因此,选项BCE是正确答案。'
  99. As for literature search, the steps should include:

  100. A:Mark the sources as primary, secondary and tertiary. B:Go to the library or go on the internet. C:Keep a bibliographical trail. D:Find materials relevant to the subject being explored.

  101. The types of data collection are:

  102. A:by survey B:by experiment C:by quiz D:by interview

  103. The important ideas of a literature review tries to convey is that:

  104. A:You really know and understand what others in your field have accomplished. B:It sets the stage for you to demonstrate what your research contribution is going to be. C:It provides the information as background information to your readers. D:It provides the outline of the paper to your readers.

  105. Citation is often used to __________ and ____________.

  106. A:establish the links between sources, borrow the research methods B:compare one’s own findings or interpretations with other sources. C:describe the previous studies, give examples, synthesize sources D:give definitions, introduce theories and models
    AI参考:正确选项为B:compare one’s own findings or interpretations with other sources.根据上下文语境,引用的作用通常是为了比较自己与其他来源的研究结果或解释。因此,选项B“比较自己与其他来源的研究结果或解释”最符合语境。选项A和C也涉及到引用的一些作用,但不够具体明确;选项D则与引用的内容无关。因此,选项B是正确答案。'
  107. Describe the participants in your experiment, including:

  108. A:How they were selected B:How many there were C:When they were selected D:Who they were

  109. Opinions include _______________.

  110. A:claims B:arguments C:ideas D:hypotheses

  111. Hedging language can protect you from possible criticism when ___________.

  112. A:your evidences are not clear and convincing B:perhaps there are flaws in your claims C:there may be exceptions to the conclusion that you have drawn D:you miss some information or evidence that you have not found

  113. There are three principal reasons for providing references and citations:

  114. A:To allow readers to find the source, if they wish to examine the topic in more detail. B:To avoid plagiarism. C:To show that you have read some of the authorities on the subject, which will give added weight to your writing. D:To allow readers to understand your topic.

  115. We should use quotations when:

  116. A:when the original version is well known. B:the original words express an idea in a distinctive way. C:the original is much shorter than your summary could be. D:the original is more concise than your summary could be.
    AI参考:正确选项为:B:the original words express an idea in a distinctive way.原文中的原句以独特的方式表达了一个想法,因此需要引用原文中的原句来表达原文的意思。其他选项中,原文版本是否知名、是否比总结更简洁或更短,都不需要引用原文中的原句来表达原文的意思。因此,正确选项为B,即当原文中的原句以独特的方式表达了一个想法时,应该使用引用。'
  117. As an Internet researcher, you should _______________________.

  118. A:review the source of all documents related to the research topic B:review point of view of all documents related to the research topic C:resist the temptation to be distracted by unrelated sites D:remain focused on the research topic E:review completeness of all documents related to the research topic

  119. In methods section, you need to:

  120. A:Give a completely accurate description of the techniques used for gathering the data. B:Provide an explanation of how the raw data was compiled. C:Give a completely accurate description of the equipment used for gathering the data. D:Provide an explanation of how the raw data was analyzed.
    AI参考:在方法部分,你需要:B: 提供原始数据的编制方式解释这个选择答案的主要原因是,方法部分通常需要包含数据的收集技术和设备的详细描述,同时也需要说明原始数据的收集过程和数据的分析方法。虽然给出的几个选项都有道理,但是在具体情况下,最能准确反映方法的详细过程的选项是B。选项A和C对于设备描述可能更为适合实验部分,而选项D则涉及到数据分析和解读,因此并非完全符合方法部分的要求。所以答案是B: 提供原始数据的编制方式解释。'

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